Studies Confirm Tinnitus Improves Over Time

How does one know if they are damaged beyond repair?

Nobody will know as there are no imaging tests to see inside the cochlear.

Perhaps if you have no hearing loss including hidden hearing loss, then perhaps you could guess they are not too damaged. However even standard audiograms can't tell for sure if you're hearing is "perfect"
I have had this ringing for over 25 years, it has gotten worse, Not better. My mother had it until she died. It drove her up the wall! Now my ringing has gotten worse. There really has to be a cure somewhere! IF anyone has ACTUALLY had any REAL improvement from doing or taking something, PLEASE tell me. If you Do NOT have an HONEST solution, leave me alone!
Nobody will know as there are no imaging tests to see inside the cochlear.

Perhaps if you have no hearing loss including hidden hearing loss, then perhaps you could guess they are not too damaged. However even standard audiograms can't tell for sure if you're hearing is "perfect"
So it means that if you have some hearing loss in one ear, that's saying if you don't hear 19000 hz frequency with earplugs on, it means that your hair cells might be gone? And will an audiologist also look if you got hidden hearing loss?
I have had this ringing for over 25 years, it has gotten worse, Not better. My mother had it until she died. It drove her up the wall! Now my ringing has gotten worse. There really has to be a cure somewhere! IF anyone has ACTUALLY had any REAL improvement from doing or taking something, PLEASE tell me. If you Do NOT have an HONEST solution, leave me alone!
I'm sorry for your suffering. Do you also got hearing loss? Wish you well
So it means that if you have some hearing loss in one ear, that's saying if you don't hear 19000 hz frequency with earplugs on, it means that your hair cells might be gone? And will an audiologist also look if you got hidden hearing loss?

An audiologist will use a standard audiogram (250-8khz). That is within the normal range of hearing conversation etc. They won't test above 8khz because we don't really need those frequencies in everyday life. An audiologist is only there to sell you hearing aids and they may only benefit those who have hearing loss between 250-8khz)

My audiogram came back fine, that's not to say I don't have hearing loss for say in the 11khz region, where a hearing aid would not benefit me.
An audiologist will use a standard audiogram (250-8khz). That is within the normal range of hearing conversation etc. They won't test above 8khz because we don't really need those frequencies in everyday life. An audiologist is only there to sell you hearing aids and they may only benefit those who have hearing loss between 250-8khz)

My audiogram came back fine, that's not to say I don't have hearing loss for say in the 11khz region, where a hearing aid would not benefit me.
Not entirely true. My audiologist tested my hearing above 8k and the hearing aid that I tried was programmed for up to 12k.

That said, you're absolutely correct that normal conversations typically fall under 8k. But hearing aid technology has advanced to include higher frequencies.
I just want to give my 2cents on this study:

Yes it can improve over time


No sometimes it stays the same

I really think it depends on the person honestly and how they react to T and H. For me, it all started when I was 13 from a firework accident. I had no clue what this was and eventually like the study says it gets better over time. I didn't hear it full on until I was about 27 (34 now). When it did come full on, I didn't know what to do, I tried looking for help from doctors and people and by that time my father and mother have already had it (10+ years). I didn't see an ENT almost 3 months later until he gave me steroids on my first on set. Did they help? I don't know. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. But it was during this time I stayed busy with my life. Graduated as an Electrical Engineer with a second degree in Computer Science. Then I started my first job out of college (still working here 7 years later).

Because of my job, I was exposed to loud noises, 2+ hour helicopter flights, over seas travels, diesel Engine rooms, offshore work, etc. But the one thing I always wore were my musician ear plugs ALL the time during my work. And guess what. I did not have any effect on my T, at all no increase at all it stayed the same.

As a matter of fact, my T was very unique in a way that I pretty much drank what I wanted and ate what I wanted to the point of which I barely noticed any changed based on food or diet (of course I tried to eat healthy as much as I could but offshore food is soo damn good lol) but I drank moderately and I enjoyed my life. (had plenty of drunken nights).

Until 6 weeks ago, I sensed an increase in pitch and loudness. How can I tell, well certain areas in my house I couldn't hear it and others I could. And well now, I hear it pretty much 80% of the time. Since my increase I've had 2 days where it seemed to go back to baseline(normally what it was) but my PT in my left ear (since 2007) is a roller coaster (that is a whole new world LOL).

But in my case it did get better, and I pray that it does. In the mean time I will work on my circuit designs, build my drones, go fishing on my bass boat and enjoy life in general. But one thing I will never give up is my boooooze.

Sorry T, but booze comes first, then supplements. :p
Until 6 weeks ago, I sensed an increase in pitch and loudness. How can I tell, well certain areas in my house I couldn't hear it and others I could. And well now, I hear it pretty much 80% of the time. Since my increase I've had 2 days where it seemed to go back to baseline(normally what it was) but my PT in my left ear (since 2007) is a roller coaster (that is a whole new world LOL).
I'm sorry to hear that. Was there any event that you remember which precipitated your T beginning more constant 6 weeks ago?
I'm sorry to hear that. Was there any event that you remember which precipitated your T beginning more constant 6 weeks ago?

Yeah. I just went out with friends, wasn't loud at all. Had a few to drinks like usual. Only difference that day was I took Allegra-D because I was super congested. Following morning I felt a threshold shift in my hearing mainly on my right side. Then came the sudden increase in my T. I took two courses of prednisone and all it did was made my ears super pressured and painful. I stopped it because it made me feel even worse. I'm still getting super sharp ear pains since taking the prednisone and I feel a bit of slight fullness.

Threshold shift seems to be gone but I'm stuck with a intrusive T now. So begins my new journey of it will improve over time now...
Yeah. I just went out with friends, wasn't loud at all. Had a few to drinks like usual. Only difference that day was I took Allegra-D because I was super congested. Following morning I felt a threshold shift in my hearing mainly on my right side. Then came the sudden increase in my T. I took two courses of prednisone and all it did was made my ears super pressured and painful. I stopped it because it made me feel even worse. I'm still getting super sharp ear pains since taking the prednisone and I feel a bit of slight fullness.

Threshold shift seems to be gone but I'm stuck with a intrusive T now. So begins my new journey of it will improve over time now...
Wow, that's very mysterious. Hopefully, it will subside soon.
It is possible that the psychological reaction and inability to ignore cause it to become chronic, which then takes root in the brain and whatever process it is that ensues. But again, this will never be a hard and fast rule for all.
Despite the term "neurotic", the paper is very interesting. Let's say tinnitus took already root in the brain due to bad mentality. From there? Does this get worse and worse? Is it like a limit that once crossed you get in a very bad place, even if you manage to reduce your stress? Who knows. I though tinnitus was always in the brain btw. Not that it establish its presence gradually in the brain.
Despite the term "neurotic", the paper is very interesting. Let's say tinnitus took already root in the brain due to bad mentality. From there? Does this get worse and worse? Is it like a limit that once crossed you get in a very bad place, even if you manage to reduce your stress? Who knows. I though tinnitus was always in the brain btw. Not that it establish its presence gradually in the brain.
I loathe the term "neurotic" because it has such a negative connotation. It's an incredibly unhelpful tag to have, because people will be dismissive of you as a neurotic and lay all the blame there.

I don't believe that it's a foregone conclusion that it gets worse if you have that particular tendency. Certainly you can look around at many members who have gone into full blown panic mode with loads of postings, who then get through it and leave the forum.

Not being a professional I can only speculate and give what I personally think happens but I see tinnitus as having an initial causation (or a number of causes), which generate the phantom signal in the brain. This becomes listened to and if you don't get it early enough becomes kind of normalised and rooted in the brain. This is the point where you could treat the initial cause but probably still have tinnitus (though likely to a lesser degree) - the chronic phase. At this phase you have two hurdles, removing or treating the cause/s then encouraging plasticity so you can un-train tinnitus from the brain.

It's harder to treat but that doesn't mean it is untreatable or inevitably going to get worse. There are no firm rules with tinnitus, it's too different for each of us to say where each path leads.
I think.. it might be possible for some people Ts to fade away...
Everyone under the 6 months have a decent chance for it to go away.
and for some others it might get better (habituation)
the problem is that theres a % of people with chronic tinnitus, and they just have to "cope" and sometimes it doesnt get "better" with time.
and this type of articles or "studies" are the reason why... they cant find or care to find a cure.
this problem needs to be taken seriously.
i dont wanna sound dramatic or negative, but no one deserve to deal with this problem.
im glad it gets better, but we need to join forces for those who have it worst than us.

Brilliantly written well done.
I've never seen any evidence that the brain hears the tinnitus and then over time decides to produce the signal without hearing it. It doesn't exactly make sense. Something creating the signal makes sense (i.e. nerve damage).
I've never seen any evidence that the brain hears the tinnitus and then over time decides to produce the signal without hearing it. It doesn't exactly make sense. Something creating the signal makes sense (i.e. nerve damage

With respect @Nick07 you have much to learn about the brain and tinnitus. Please click on my "started threads" and read some of my posts. Starting with my article: Tinnitus, A Personal View, you will begin to understand.

All the best
Fast forward 20 years and an increase in T due to ear suction and I went through the cycle again, admittedly, it was a lot quicker to habituate this time.

This is what set me back too after doing so well!!! I just do understand why this procedure is permitted on T patients when there are such risks!!!! I have so much resentment for the Audiologist who did this even as he reassured me there were NO risks! Makes me so mad! :( x
This is what set me back too after doing so well!!! I just do understand why this procedure is permitted on T patients when there are such risks!!!! I have so much resentment for the Audiologist who did this even as he reassured me there were NO risks! Makes me so mad! :( x
I totally tinnitus was CAUSED BY MICROSUCTION! I also have hyperacusis and hearing loss due to this procedure. The whole thing is killing me and the resentment I feel is overwhelming. Like @Vicki14, the ENT who did this procedure didn't mention side effects. In fact when I complained he said the treatment was completely safe and couldn't possibly have caused my hearing problems! He said my T must have been brought on by psychological issues...WTF!!!!! I am 16 months in and it's no better, only seems to get worse with any noise (everyday normal noise).

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