I agree with rtwombly that this study does not directly support the use of Ginko. However, Barry Keate is quite knowledgeable about tinnitus and its treatment. Unfortunately, both reported studies of sodium enoxaparin are quite small, and dealt with a select group of patients. BTW, this substance is a low molecular weight heparin product - a highly effective anticoagulant. The studies suggest to me that these particular tinnitus victims suffered from an impairment of their micro-circulations, perhaps as an auto-immune phenomenon (those with Lupus) or other vascular problems. It appears unlikely that those who suffer from tinnitus secondary to hair-cell damage (such as from noise exposure) or tinnitus secondary to acoustic nerve degeneration would experience similar benefits. Also, extended treatment with enoxaparin carries significant risks associated with the diminished ability for one's blood to coagulate. Such treatment must be carefully controlled and observed.