I totally agree with @linearb you need to find your own path and what works for you, I have the most utter respect for his decision to stay on a benzo....I only warn others about the dangers of this drug, as I was not aware that it could do so much harm.....that it can trap you so to speak, if you are given informed consent and you know the pros and cons than everybody can make their own decisions. @John Mahanspeaking personally, 12-18 months back in to being significantly dependent on benzodiazepines, I find the dependency and fairly minimal side effects a lot more tolerable than I found my life with tinnitus and no Clonazepam.
I would not encourage this path; in fact I spent the better part of a decade spending thousands of dollars trying everything else under the sun to avoid it. But, ultimately... we all have to find our own paths. The title of this thread is "suicidal". I've been there. Now I am "addicted to clonazepam", and I find that to be a vast improvement.
if you read my detailed post clonezepam worked in lowering my tinnitus but also made it worse and caused me other health problems....not just a spike...the correlation for me is I hit tolerance on the dosage.... I started not sleeping, I had numbness on my face, I had pins and needles in my hand, I had bladder issues, yes I thought I had MS, wrong it was all interdose withdrawal but I did not know it at the time...
I had several seizures when I was placed into cold turkey as drs told me it was not from clonazepam on such a low I know what I am talking about....finally the drs who dismissed it as a tolerance issue now know it was the benzo that caused all my issues, yes I had tinnitus before, not burning skin that you cry nightly in pain, not sleep wake frequent seizure activity, not inner vibrations do I need to list the other symptoms.....truth be known if I could of stayed on a benzo with no side effects I would have.
I would of reinstated if it did not cause me issues but it did and there's thousands of us on benzobuddies that can not take these drugs....every drug has it's pros and cons, I am not anti benzo i just think it should be prescribed with informed consent....please take the time to read christy huff a cardiologist and her short term use of the drug xanax, she is on can be a life saver but as the saying goes you could be also dancing with the devil if you are not careful on this drug. I know how horrendous tinnitus is so I do understand why people take these drugs, I was one of them..
..I don't have the answers, my intentions are good, I am not posting to argue about drug use just to inform be mindful of the dangers of this class of drug It can be an angel but quickly turn to the devil speaking from my own experience....I just hope and pray for safer long term drug treatment, or any treatment that will give us a cure or any bloody relief from this horrendous condition....I hope everybody finds the path they need to follow to deal with tinnitus even if that includes benzo use.