The tinnitus community is not known for giving financial support. Initially, Prof Rauschecker was trying to raise $50K, but then lowered the goal after a poor showing. $10K will not cure research, but $10K can be of use to a researcher. In addition, when the tinnitus community shows its support, researchers take notice and awareness is raised.I honestly don't get what $10K is going to do... no wonder there is no cure for this.
Saying that you don't get what $10K is going to do and no wonder there is no cure and then not donating is a defeatist attitude. That, in part, is why there is no cure.
Prof Rauschecker now has support from other sources, but in general, tinnitus research remains seriously underfunded. The voice of the tinnitus community should be heard through regulatory and other government channels that fund research at a much higher level of support.
For example, Tinnitus Hub became a stakeholder in the development of guidelines by NICE in the UK and Tinnitus Hub submitted comments which included the need for research for effective treatments and cures. While NICE itself does not commission research it does influence funding needs.
Tinnitus Talk members raised £5K in memory of Danny Boy and awarded the grant to Eloise Koops. Google Eloise Koops and tinnitus and see what comes up. You will see mention of Tinnitus Hub and the memorial fund - that's raising awareness.
People with tinnitus need to become active, whether it's donating a few dollars to a researcher, participating in lobbying efforts, telling your story or raising awareness through education.
There have been many ideas put forward on this forum and there are ongoing projects that require member support. If you can do something for the cause, please contact @Markku or @Hazel.