A bald head on men these days is popular. But some men just shave it off so the male pattern balding isn't so obvious.
Bruce Willis is one of my favorite actors. He looks cool bald and I have adjusted to that look on him.
However, if you prefer to restore that full head of hair, there may be some natural ways you can try out.
I have been noticing while researching on the internet common (and not so common) natural things people can try.
Please add your findings or ways you know of that can stop and or reverse balding along with ones I came up with.
Oh, and if you start one of these "remedies" please share your results!
My first one is Emu Oil. I started using the oil over two months ago for my dry aging skin.
EMU OIL INSTITUTE - Emu Oil for Hair Loss
What causes hair loss?
We've all grown up listening to stories about what causes hair loss: vitamin deficiencies, poor circulation to the scalp, too much hat wearing, etc. Surprisingly, these theories have been disproved. Hair loss, according to experts, is caused by a combination of aging, hormonal changes and family history of baldness. Hair loss can be permanent if destruction occurs to the hair follicle, or, it may just be temporary due to transitory damage to the follicles.
In men, testosterone is converted to DHT (dihydratestosterone) within the hair follicle. Testosterone is converted to DHT by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which is produced in the prostate, the scalp and various adrenal glands. Over time, DHT causes hair follicles to degrade and shortens their anagen, or active phase. Technically, the follicle is still alive and connected to a good blood supply. Some follicles will die, but most will simply shrink in size and produce weaker hairs. The shorter anagen growing cycle means more hairs are shed and remaining hairs become so thin that they cannot survive daily wear and tear, according to experts. Hairs in balding areas gradually change from long, thick, colored hairs into fine, unpigmented, fuzzy hairs.
What can be done about Hair Loss?
That's a good question! If the hair follicle has died, there is no hope for hair regrowth. However, if the hair follicle is just "sleeping", many consumers report an "awakening" of the hair follicle with the use of Emu oil! Emu oil is an all-natural tissue nutrient; by applying it to the skin, it helps make the skin become healthy and alive again.
There are other products on the market today that are heavily promoted for Hair Loss...let's take a look at some of them and compare:
Minoxidil - this is a class of drugs originally used to treat high blood pressure. Pharmacists call this drug "dose-dependent", meaning treatment must be continued in order to maintain or increase hair growth benefits. It is the drug found in such products as Rogaine and HealthGuard. Pregnant or nursing women should avoid this substance in both oral and topical forms. According to reports, oral minoxidil can cause a fall in blood pressure, and increase in heart rate and weight gain (fluid retention). This product is also quite pricey.
Finasteride - a prescription drug marketed in tablet form. It costs about $55.09 for a one month supply. Side effects include decreased libido and groin aches.
Having said all that, let's talk about something safe and affordable: Emu Oil !
Michael Hollick, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine, Physiology, and Dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine conducted a study involving emu oil and hair growth. His study found that there was a 20% increase in growth activity of skin that received emu oil, compared to skin that received corn oil. Looking at the hair follicles, Dr. Hollick realized they were much more robust, the skin thickness was remarkably increased, suggesting that emu oil stimulated skin growth and hair growth. Additionally, the study showed that over 80% of hair follicles that had been "asleep" were woken up, and began growing. This is what emu oil may do for you!
We recommend massaging a small amount of emu oil into the hairless or thinning area of the scalp three times per day, if possible. In the evening or on weekends, apply a greater amount of emu oil to the scalp and leave on for 20-30 minutes, then wash hair with a mild shampoo or
Longview Farms.com ADVANCE (ril) Emu Oil Shampoo. If your hair follicles were in a sleep state, you should notice signs of regrowth in 30-90 days.