I'm a proud veteran of Polaris submarines, 72 yrs., and I still recall to this day what started my tinnitus (and continues to present) while serving aboard the SSBN 642 USS Kamehameha in the 60's.
The e-mail I received said I could pose a question to a researcher, but nowhere on your site did I find
any "pose a question" link or anything recognizable in order for me to ask a specific question.
Guess I should just "post" my story, but don't really know which researcher would be best to address it to.
As an EO (electrical operator, nuclear) my station was aft in the boat, and nearby just outside my post was the main steam generator turbine that was fully exposed with only a simple railing around it, with no hearing protection for the sailors working in this environment ordered or recommended by the USN. In fact, in those days we had no "protection" whatsoever for "noise."
I will never forget the sound of that large and powerful steam turbine, and I do hear those same high frequencies all the time, to this day, as strong tinnitus. In fact at the time I thought it sounded so cool! Also, to this day, I haven't been helped by the VA in attaining any sort of disability.
My hearing is just now starting to degrade a bit, but I do hear OK. I've gone to my Kaiser Permanente healthcare provider, and they allow absolutely no help, suggestions, or treatment whatsoever! I just feel that everything I've seen and read regarding my barely tolerated condition, is beyond hope even in our time of major medical knowledge and breakthroughs. Very disheartening

and frustrating.
I've followed your site for a few years now, but I'm hard pressed to see any possible resolutions on the horizon. Can you prove me wrong?
Sincerely and respectfully,