The Deafening Shriek of the Bus Braking Next to Me


Jul 2, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Today I was in a hurry on business, and when I got to the bus stop, I saw a shuttle bus approaching at the stop at a high speed (this is a small bus in Russia).

I waved my hand to stop it. When the bus began to brake sharply around me, there was a terrible screech / squeal of brakes on a piercing frequency.

My ears seemed to shrink inside.

I am very worried about this incident.

Have you experienced something like this? Can this really hurt the ears?
Also happened to me. Was waiting at the spot where the bus door would open and as soon as the bus brakes made a sound like expelling gas it was followed by a very loud squeal which made me cringe hard. Gave me a spike in my right ear that lasted for weeks, but has now settled down. It shouldn't cause your ears any permanent harm.
Gave me a spike in my right ear that lasted for weeks, but has now settled down. It shouldn't cause your ears any permanent harm.
Thanks buddy.

I thought that only in Russia in the city there are such creaking buses that save money on normal brake pads.

I hope this does not hurt me.

I will try to calm down, and continue to beware of such buses.
Sometimes I do rash crazy things.

Why today I abruptly stopped the bus at a stop, having experienced the squeals of brakes a meter away from me, if it was possible to wait calmly for the next in 5-7 minutes ?!

It is inexplicable, in some things I still do not understand myself.

Now I am very worried about this event.

I conducted audiometry on the smartphone, and I found a decrease in perception of 5 dB from my usual level at 10 kHz.

You can go crazy ...
Hope you feel better today. Sudden loud noises had never done me any harm in the long run and i hope I your case it was just nerves
Sometimes I do rash crazy things.

Why today I abruptly stopped the bus at a stop, having experienced the squeals of brakes a meter away from me, if it was possible to wait calmly for the next in 5-7 minutes ?!

It is inexplicable, in some things I still do not understand myself.

Now I am very worried about this event.

I conducted audiometry on the smartphone, and I found a decrease in perception of 5 dB from my usual level at 10 kHz.

You can go crazy ...

Don't trust hearing tests for accurate results, from professionals or phones. Your hearing test results can fluctuate from ±5/10 dB sometimes up to ±20 dB. If you feel like your hearing has gotten worse then that's a different thing, but if you're just checking then there's no benefit to doing them. I know how you feel though, I've become seriously paranoid and anxious about my hearing now.

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