Now pay close attention. Stop anything else that you are doing. Focus. Forget anything else you've heard and let me tell you what tinnitus really is and what the treatment should look like. This is the post you have been hoping to stumble upon all these years.
In the middle ear there are three little bones that transfer vibration from the eardrum to the colchea. These bones are held in air by two of the smallest muscles in the human body called Stapedius and Tensor Timpani them and or the. When loud noise reaches your ear the eardrum shakes, those small bones shake, which can result in injury of Colchea.
The secondary function of these muscles is to contract and keep the bones in place. These muscles, like all other muscles can get tired, pulled, torn, inflated... And in these muscles, like in all muscles we have veins. Through which blood runs. When a liquid runs through a tube, the tube vibrates (a garden hose, pluming...). Sound is vibration.
The reason people, with healthy ears, cannot hear their circulation is because the muscles inside their ears are relaxed, healthy and soft. Their veins are wide and blood pressure is lower (normal). So no vibration is transmitted to the bones inside the ear. When either of these qualities change you can start hearing your circulation. The circulation of very small veins in the smallest muscles in the body will be heard as a very high pitched sound. You can easily compare this with the difference between a loose guitar string and a tight one.
With loud noise exposure, whether with an instant or a prolonged one, the muscles become torn. Its fibers and cells are damaged. The muscles becomes stiff and it conducts vibration better. Plus, any usage of the muscle is painful. That's why loud noise exposure now hurts. The use, the contraction of a torn muscle is painful.
This is why rest is a good treatment. Remember when you didn't have Tinnitus and your ears would buzz after a concert. But then by morning the muscles inside the ear would relax, soften and the buzzing would stop.
This is the reason why devices like The Inhibitor work. For some tense muscles a good massage is all it takes to loosen them up. The Inhibitor shakes the bones surrounding the inner ear and thus shaking the muscles attached to it as well. But it rarely provides a lasting solution (if any) because they tighten back up through the mechanism that brought them to that state in the first place.
Ipobrufen, Aspirin, stress, coffee, cigarettes... Anything that narrows your veins will speed up circulation. The same amount of liquid is running through smaller tubes. This will make it flow faster and induce stronger vibrations. Stronger vibrations means louder sound.
This is why Vasodilators are sometimes beneficial. Extract of the Ginkgo biloba tree can widen your veins, which reduces blood pressure.
Elderly people can often have high blood pressure.
Muscles in elderly people are week and can be easily injured. Just an hour of a louder conversation can put enough strain on the muscles of the inner ear and damage them. With this damage changes will occur inside the cells and fibers of muscles. These damages will make them thicker and enable them to transmit vibrations from the blood stream.
I have still to conduct research for possible treatments.
The treatment that any doctor would suggest - plenty of rest and icing. Cannot be introduced. If regulating blood pressure and shaking the muscle with The Inhibitor doesn't help, a restructuring of the cells and fibers of the muscle must be made. My best guess is that muscle rebuilding supplements and ultrasound targeted at the Stapedius and Tensor Timpani should give results. But I lack funds for a proper research.
I wanted as many people as possible to know about the progress that I have made. Although you could have known in 2008 when I released the hypothesis "Tinnitus - Beginning of the end" that nobody even tried to reed. The e-book is free on I wasn't rite about everything that I said there. But at least I was looking in the rite place.
I am not a vulture planning to make money off of people suffering and struggling with this nuisance every day. I want you all to know what I have found out so far. Hopefully this will give you some piece of mind.
This text has been copyrighted so that nobody can take credit for my work.
My name is Jovan Ralic. I live in Belgrade, Serbia. ralicjovan Happy New Year !!!!
In the middle ear there are three little bones that transfer vibration from the eardrum to the colchea. These bones are held in air by two of the smallest muscles in the human body called Stapedius and Tensor Timpani them and or the. When loud noise reaches your ear the eardrum shakes, those small bones shake, which can result in injury of Colchea.
The secondary function of these muscles is to contract and keep the bones in place. These muscles, like all other muscles can get tired, pulled, torn, inflated... And in these muscles, like in all muscles we have veins. Through which blood runs. When a liquid runs through a tube, the tube vibrates (a garden hose, pluming...). Sound is vibration.
The reason people, with healthy ears, cannot hear their circulation is because the muscles inside their ears are relaxed, healthy and soft. Their veins are wide and blood pressure is lower (normal). So no vibration is transmitted to the bones inside the ear. When either of these qualities change you can start hearing your circulation. The circulation of very small veins in the smallest muscles in the body will be heard as a very high pitched sound. You can easily compare this with the difference between a loose guitar string and a tight one.
With loud noise exposure, whether with an instant or a prolonged one, the muscles become torn. Its fibers and cells are damaged. The muscles becomes stiff and it conducts vibration better. Plus, any usage of the muscle is painful. That's why loud noise exposure now hurts. The use, the contraction of a torn muscle is painful.
This is why rest is a good treatment. Remember when you didn't have Tinnitus and your ears would buzz after a concert. But then by morning the muscles inside the ear would relax, soften and the buzzing would stop.
This is the reason why devices like The Inhibitor work. For some tense muscles a good massage is all it takes to loosen them up. The Inhibitor shakes the bones surrounding the inner ear and thus shaking the muscles attached to it as well. But it rarely provides a lasting solution (if any) because they tighten back up through the mechanism that brought them to that state in the first place.
Ipobrufen, Aspirin, stress, coffee, cigarettes... Anything that narrows your veins will speed up circulation. The same amount of liquid is running through smaller tubes. This will make it flow faster and induce stronger vibrations. Stronger vibrations means louder sound.
This is why Vasodilators are sometimes beneficial. Extract of the Ginkgo biloba tree can widen your veins, which reduces blood pressure.
Elderly people can often have high blood pressure.
Muscles in elderly people are week and can be easily injured. Just an hour of a louder conversation can put enough strain on the muscles of the inner ear and damage them. With this damage changes will occur inside the cells and fibers of muscles. These damages will make them thicker and enable them to transmit vibrations from the blood stream.
I have still to conduct research for possible treatments.
The treatment that any doctor would suggest - plenty of rest and icing. Cannot be introduced. If regulating blood pressure and shaking the muscle with The Inhibitor doesn't help, a restructuring of the cells and fibers of the muscle must be made. My best guess is that muscle rebuilding supplements and ultrasound targeted at the Stapedius and Tensor Timpani should give results. But I lack funds for a proper research.
I wanted as many people as possible to know about the progress that I have made. Although you could have known in 2008 when I released the hypothesis "Tinnitus - Beginning of the end" that nobody even tried to reed. The e-book is free on I wasn't rite about everything that I said there. But at least I was looking in the rite place.
I am not a vulture planning to make money off of people suffering and struggling with this nuisance every day. I want you all to know what I have found out so far. Hopefully this will give you some piece of mind.
This text has been copyrighted so that nobody can take credit for my work.
My name is Jovan Ralic. I live in Belgrade, Serbia. ralicjovan Happy New Year !!!!