The Positivity Thread

I thought when I first got Tinnitus that it was the end of the world. Ended up with Anxiety - Panic Disorder and many other problems but with extensive research and many visits to doctors and tests I had to just figure it out myself.
I started relaxing and not stressing so much about it, Watched for my triggers so I could avoid them, Use a white noise app to help sleep at night and moderate exercise.
This has worked for me very well and I hardly ever notice I have Tinnitus, unless of course I think about it too much.
The best solution to this problem lies within our mind and once we figure out how to live with it - it becomes much easier.
I know it is very difficult to get accustomed to it but it is possible to and live a normal life.
And who knows maybe we will still be around when they do find the cure for it.
Yesterday and today so far have been good ear days! My T was very low and less reactive yesterday. Today its only slightly louder but I'm trying to think positively that it will continue being a quiet day! :) I spoke to my dad about all this and he mentioned he has ringing in his ears and has had it for a long time but it doesn't bother him as he understands its "just a noise". He also uses hearing aids with tones in them when it gets really bad for mild hearing loss (he's in his 60's). Wondering why some people can just seemingly get over it where as some of us are very bothered by it? Well, this helps me be more positive too. I KNOW I can beat this.
I consider my tinnitus as just another 'pain' in my aging body. I don't personalize it. This seems to help me maintain a healthy attitude towards it. I have hope that there will be effective treatments in the future and hope is a valuable commodity for those of us with this condition.
2 good days where I thought my T may have actually gone away! It's back today but is still reassuring to me to get some good days mixed in so early in the game :) Staying positive and hoping for quiet days for all of you!
Hello from 15000 feet! I'm flyin' on a jet plane to a clinical trial site for AM-101 for my screening. Hopefully it will be successful!

In the meantime I've had less of a hard time with the T. It's still there (every damn bit...) but I don't notice it as often, and when I do, it's losing its power over me.
We need hope to cope with T, thank-you everyone for sharing your positive stories. Seems my sound sensitive T and I are still fighting over who is stronger, everyday is another day to beat this uninvited noise into silence. I started a facebook page because I was having a hard time explaining T to my family and friends and because I needed some more of that hope to cope. I called it 'Do you hear what I hear? Tinnitus+' I hope and pray that for our Christmas present this year we will all hear the true peace that comes this time of year! God bless and thanks again... this forum has done wonders for me. I pray for and appreciate all of you!
My T is finally starting to settle down after this recent spike lasting about 2 weeks. Never lasted that long before. I hate these ups and downs but grateful for when it does stabilize back to it's base noise which it always seems to do. Knock on Wood!
I hate these ups and downs but grateful for when it does stabilize back to it's base noise which it always seems to do. Knock on Wood!
Tinnitus usually spikes for a reason. If you are around loud noise or listening to audio through headphones (even at low volume) this can make tinnitus spike.
I hope your tinnitus contiunes to settle.
All the best
Thanks Michael, hope you stay well.

I'd like to ask a question to anyone. There is a rock concert coming to my area, yes AC/DC John. I've seen them every time there're in town as of 1980, my favorite band. If I wear ear plugs and sit away from the stage will I be alright? Has anyone gone to concerts with ear protection?
I'm really touching the wood writing this..cause very often when I praise sth, it gets worse soon after, but maybe sb will be relieved to learn that globally my life is like before - except for paying constant attention and trying to avoid loud noises, but I keep on studying and just finished an extremely heavy period of numerous exams, just like anybody else in my group. Globally also the T calmed down a bit but is still reactive and I never know if a day will be good or the whole head will be buzzing..but the panic is very rare..If it goes high I wait till it settles. If I'm worried that a noise was to loud, I take NAC. Usually also magnesium with b6 and a lot of orange / lemon juice. ( fresh and pressed.)A few months ago each change was the end of the world. Lately I've been so busy I didn't even have time to supervise it. All I wanted was to be able to sleep, and , I pray it stays this way, I pretty much mastered the process. I even get to fall asleep without any meds lately whereas I had been taking melatonine for years. I guess I'll stop. I think it's placebo. If I'm supposed to sleep, I sleep without anything. If I cannot fall asleep, drugs don't help much , except for benzo - i take a tiny bit of a benzo ( lexomil in my case ) if the next day I have to be up for 4 exams in a row for example. That having said, I'm still convinced that if I'm living normally it's only because I get breaks from hearing it - it's always there, but I don't hear it much at the college - huge buildings are loud in themselves, even empty. Let alone when I'm listening to the teachers. Then in stores, on a semi - busy street, It's barely noticeable. If I get a good day, I don't hear it outside at all. So that's why it's pretty much ok. Today I have a nasty spike, but I'm writing in a 'positivity thread' cause I assume it will calm down again and I will have series of good days again. I feel I control it a bit more. I drink some herbs for the night and I truly feel their power. Have tried lots of different ones and 1 thing is sure - their quality matters a lot. Opt for BIO, good brand..I also have a combo of melatonine and theanine and I'm 90% sure it give me a pretty silent day when I take it for the night before. Well..if that can help..I'm going to lay and suffocate this spike of today in my pillow.
We need hope to cope with T, thank-you everyone for sharing your positive stories. Seems my sound sensitive T and I are still fighting over who is stronger, everyday is another day to beat this uninvited noise into silence. I started a facebook page because I was having a hard time explaining T to my family and friends and because I needed some more of that hope to cope. I called it 'Do you hear what I hear? Tinnitus+' I hope and pray that for our Christmas present this year we will all hear the true peace that comes this time of year! God bless and thanks again... this forum has done wonders for me. I pray for and appreciate all of you!

I originally made this facebook page for myself, my family and friends to help them understand T better but thought what a great way to share positive thoughts with all of you- so if you want check it- friendly warning I am a Christian and for me my strength to deal with my reactive T comes from the Lord, I share faith based encouragement and information I find about T and H. Merry Christmas
Such a great thread. Thanks for putting this up. I've been the host for a visiting T for 2 years now. Although I suspect it was there quietly for, probably most of my life: I just didn't really notice it, rushing around through life as I was. But when I stopped rushing a round - then I noticed it! And I have ever since! High-frequency - about 13000hz - mainly in the left, but sometimes in the right; sometimes swirling around inside the head; and sometimes, it actually feels like it's just behind my eyes. I think the best advice I've gotten during the last 2 years of seeking the perfect antidote was from Julian Cowan-Hill who described it as a "symptom to let go". Since then, I've looked closely at my life and realized I hold a tendency to be a workaholic, hold a tendency to mentally analyze instead of emotionally and physically feel, hold a tendency to use words instead of action, and a whole host of other modes of mentally "holding on", to create a perfect neural home for T to dwell in. Realizing this, I've changed my life: am releasing my inner-hippy! All with the intention of realizing and breaking bad habits, and allowing good, loving new ones to naturally emerge. Yoga - the whole eight limbs - has really become important; eating right too: eating good food, mindfully, at regular times of the day; also managing my emotions and emotional field; and managing my words too: there is nothing like negative thoughts, negative speech, and negative writing too, to create that stronghold again, perfect place for T to hold on. If I was to give any advice here, it would be do less. Do less in life. Go for depth and real quality over quantity. And realize that, the way you treat yourself; the way you manage your emotions, thoughts, and body, is as important to how well you relate to others, as it is to how well you relate to yourself. I'd also say, accept yourself. Even the things that get you in trouble! Don't beat yourself up for this or that peculiarity, or being a host to a visiting T - or any other reason. We're all going through life, and all have tough times. And accepting yourself - for all your good and bad - is as viable a way to deal with those tough times as any other. And it's also a great way to let go.
Just signed on I'm not sure I'm in the right forum, but I saw positive and that's what I need. My tinnitus has gotten to the point where it's seriously effecting my quality of life, so I'm just looking for some hope that it gets better. As someone with bipolar depression, I seem to have dropped into the viscous cycle of depression/anxiety increasing my tinnitus, which increases my depression/anxiety, which increases my tinnitus. I've been trying acupuncture, which will helps a little for me for about a day and then it comes back. That could be a placebo effect. The main thing I'm asking is, has anyone had experience with stopping psych medications because their T has gotten unbearable, and if so did it help. From all my research the meds as well as the psych issue can both increase T so I'm just wondering if anyone has done this. Thanks, and this has been a great tool in the 10 minutes I've been a member.
Just signed on I'm not sure I'm in the right forum, but I saw positive and that's what I need. My tinnitus has gotten to the point where it's seriously effecting my quality of life, so I'm just looking for some hope that it gets better. As someone with bipolar depression, I seem to have dropped into the viscous cycle of depression/anxiety increasing my tinnitus, which increases my depression/anxiety, which increases my tinnitus. I've been trying acupuncture, which will helps a little for me for about a day and then it comes back. That could be a placebo effect. The main thing I'm asking is, has anyone had experience with stopping psych medications because their T has gotten unbearable, and if so did it help. From all my research the meds as well as the psych issue can both increase T so I'm just wondering if anyone has done this. Thanks, and this has been a great tool in the 10 minutes I've been a member.
You should not stop your medication if you are taking them for your bipolar. What drugs are you taking?
I would definitely do it with the guidance of my Psychiatrist, but he's suggested trying some other treatments to see if I have success which I really haven;t yet. I take Lamicatal, Remeron, Neurontin and low dose of Diazapam. Thanks for the help.
Haven't beaten it yet, but seeing as my congestion is clearing up (only took ya 10 weeks to get going immune system haha) and my right ear is a lot less plugged and doesn't crackle any more than normal when I yawn, I take that as a sign that my tinnitus will cease very soon! I can already hear it at a much softer volume, and sometimes not at all.

On top of that, I'm thankful in a strange way for tinnitus because it killed my addiction to marijuana. I was smoking 3 times a day and since I finally got my act together and stopped a few weeks into having T, I don't smoke anymore.
Yay! I want on the positivity train! Its so exhausting the affliction we have, I literally cannot emotionally afford to hear (no puns intended;)) or read anymore bad stuff. My experience has been so positive so far, in regards to the forum, I'm so happy we can all be here for each other.
Natural serotoin shake: 1 1/4 cups vanilla soy milk, 1 cup of mixed berries, 1 banana, 1/2 cup walnuts, 1/4 cup rolled oats. Trust me this we'll help with depression
Great tip, Ive noticed altering my diet helped drastically. The pills and sprays were endless and in my case, didn't really help. Diet and staying active seemed to heal me of my other woes, if not the T itself.
Last night I heard silence every so often, and my tinnitus is a lot lower than when I first got it. Signs of my sinus infection slowly going away, which means the tinnitus is on its way out as well! Fingers crossed.
Having T for 20 years it has become as normal as I go thru my day. 90% of the time my mind just ignores it. This will sound odd to most people especially the new ones with T. It is difficult to put into words but it has become my companion. At times I sit in silence with the ringing quite pronounced and it envelopes me in a kind of comfort if that makes sense. I can sit and meditate in a very peaceful state.
This will sound odd to most people especially the new ones with T. It is difficult to put into words but it has become my companion. At times I sit in silence with the ringing quite pronounced and it envelopes me in a kind of comfort if that makes sense.

lmao, what??!

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