The Positivity Thread

Tom71, Yes it's wonderful when tinnitus is less noticeable.
Distractions from Tinnitus
City noises, buses, cars, trains, and planes
Drinking tea while listening to the rain
Soft music filling the sweat air of spring
Birds with many diverse songs to sing
Petting your pet who's sitting on your lap
When someone or something can make you laugh
Taking a drive to the mountains from town
When a good book won't let you put it down
Weddings and Anniversaries to share
Your concern for others because you care
Hearing something funny that makes you smile
A chat on the phone with loved one's awhile
Walking the dog or the dog walking you
my distractions from PT , just a few
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You will laugh, but yesterday after browsing the forum I did my favorite thing, watching Transformers cartoons and other similar anime with giant robots, almost didn't notice T, felt better, slept well and in the morning T was not a louder morning roar, but on tolerable levels. It will sound ludicrous, but I became a Transformers fan as an adult and I feel that they have been there for me in bad moments. Love them!

I grew up watching Transformers and Voltron. The best cartoons ever made in the best decade ever made. I have all the original transformers cartoons and all the original Voltron cartoons. It's always an amazing feeling watching these amazing cartoons....
I grew up watching Transformers and Voltron. The best cartoons ever made in the best decade ever made. I have all the original transformers cartoons and all the original Voltron cartoons. It's always an amazing feeling watching these amazing cartoons....
I agree, there is something magical about them... colourful, funny and epic in the same time.
Alex Prime
It is nice to have memories about things we were and still are pationate about. T fades away during these times.
It's realistic to believe cochlear hair cell regeneration will be an available treatment for hearing loss and tinnitus in the next 5-15 years.

Susan Shore UoM device for reduces the volume of tinnitus temporarily could be available under 5 years. 2-3 maybe.

The Trump FDA is going to be less regulated to allow more things through and quicker.
Because tinnitus and hearing loss are so common among veterans I believe the US Government will show interest once things advance in the years to come.

Pawel Jastreboff is no longer viewed as an authority in the tinnitus community, he's a living fossil collecting dust from very dark times. He literally knows his days are numbered and no amount of propaganda can stop actual scientist from doing there job. Investors know that advances in the field of hearing regeneration are an untapped Goldmine.

There's still work that needs to be done such as Google Search and especially Youtube search results for tinnitus showing clinical trials, research pages instead of outright snake oil like Youtube does.

Researchers like Roland Schatte, Charles Liberman, Susan Shore, Josef Rauschecker and more have done amazing jobs explaining the processes involved in tinnitus, hyperacusis and hearing loss, ect

Because things are finally being understood that is how a treatment happens. @threefirefour
It's realistic to believe cochlear hair cell regeneration will be an available treatment for hearing loss and tinnitus in the next 5-15 years.

Susan Shore UoM device for reduces the volume of tinnitus temporarily could be available under 5 years. 2-3 maybe.

The Trump FDA is going to be less regulated to allow more things through and quicker.
Because tinnitus and hearing loss are so common among veterans I believe the US Government will show interest once things advance in the years to come.

Pawel Jastreboff is no longer viewed as an authority in the tinnitus community, he's a living fossil collecting dust from very dark times. He literally knows his days are numbered and no amount of propaganda can stop actual scientist from doing there job. Investors know that advances in the field of hearing regeneration are an untapped Goldmine.

There's still work that needs to be done such as Google Search and especially Youtube search results for tinnitus showing clinical trials, research pages instead of outright snake oil like Youtube does.

Researchers like Roland Schatte, Charles Liberman, Susan Shore, Josef Rauschecker and more have done amazing jobs explaining the processes involved in tinnitus, hyperacusis and hearing loss, ect

Because things are finally being understood that is how a treatment happens. @threefirefour
You know it!

I have had tinnitus for six months, at first I was scared, well, I discovered this last season not preventing sleep if I hear when you wake up at night, the brain obeys your thoughts if you have lost the fear of an interior noise , day by day, month by month, that sound will be part of you, I'm not talking about obvious things like good nutrition, sports, social life and goals and dreams in life, it's not going to stop What we want, I can think that the noise will go but it is a thought that does not depend on me and is not constructive because it keeps you in obsession, maybe yes or no, the loss of fear is the key to live and my tinnitus is strong , but I was surprised to see how the days go by and how I lose that fear, when doing anything, only one thing for me at this moment is necessary and it is something of masking before going to bed, so I reinforce that idea in all of read, lose the fear of listening, and right there every day they will be more insensitive, believe me they will live many years and in this way they will be stronger for many other things that they did not imagine in their life. Sorry for my English
posting positivity helps. 3 months in, and as most I have gone from the darkest places you want to go. to seeing there is an end. and things do improve but it takes time. there are bad days on the way, one step forward and two back on some days. keep a diary or log your feelings at good or bad times helps "not your responce to tinnitus how loud it is etc" but how you feel sad angry pissed off and after 3 months my notes are more "I now hear it feel fine" and it and say "Its a distraction and pisses me off" if thats 3 months hopefully in another 3 months it may be shadow of a noise that i dont even bother to aknowledge. and like many when you do start get over it the last thing you would want to do is go back to the these forums to remind you how traumatic it is when it first appears.
I found out what is causing my somatic tinnitus. None of my radiological tests showed evidence of what my problem was other than a straighten c spine. Professional links that I have posted does explain the C1 and C2 interactions to somatic tinnitus. The C5 and C6 is often a cause as nerves can get entrapped. Neck muscle therapy including the use of hot and cold made my situation worse.

I tried a series of pressure points on the bottom of my lower jaw over the last 5 days. I mention this to another by email where we both went to the same physical therapist. He tried it and his tinnitus is completely gone. My tinnitus is back down to baseline from first onset (subjective) ear syringing. It was jaw pressure that's been causing my newer somatic tinnitus since I had a front lower dental implant placed. Problems still exist such as TMJ, throat, face tightness and moving tongue. I can now move my neck.
Thank you Emmalee. Shorty after I posted above I received a call from the university vet where my sweet loving female calico cat was under care. We had hope, but her kidneys got the worse of her yesterday and I had to make a humane decision.

My tinnitus is now as loud as ever. I've never been able to cope with end of life for my loving pets, but this time with tinnitus along with all my physical problems it's more than difficult. I've witnessed end of life for many patients and saw the eyes of family members. Life is precious and I would like to ask my friends to please spend time with your love ones and tell them that you love them.
Thank you Emmalee. Shorty after I posted above I received a call from the university vet where my sweet loving female calico cat was under care. We had hope, but her kidneys got the worse of her yesterday and I had to make a humane decision.

My tinnitus is now as loud as ever. I've never been able to cope with end of life for my loving pets, but this time with tinnitus along with all my physical problems it's more than difficult. I've witnessed end of life for many patients and saw the eyes of family members. Life is precious and I would like to ask my friends to please spend time with your love ones and tell them that you love them.

I know how you feel. I'm sorry for your loss. It was a very tough decision you made, You shall be in my prayers....

I have 2 sick dogs that need meds around 2-4 times a day and it can take a toll on us. Animals are wonderful little people and it hurts so much to lose them....
Thank you Emmalee. Shorty after I posted above I received a call from the university vet where my sweet loving female calico cat was under care. We had hope, but her kidneys got the worse of her yesterday and I had to make a humane decision.

My tinnitus is now as loud as ever. I've never been able to cope with end of life for my loving pets, but this time with tinnitus along with all my physical problems it's more than difficult. I've witnessed end of life for many patients and saw the eyes of family members. Life is precious and I would like to ask my friends to please spend time with your love ones and tell them that you love them.

You are most welcome, Greg.

I am terribly sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved cat. You made the only choice you could, it is tough, I speak from personal experience. Anyone who has had to make the humane decision completely understands your pain. :huganimation:
Need to share this. I just had a few seconds of complete silence. I don't know how it happened our why but boy to hear silence again after 4.5 years was nice. My T has returned but it just made my day to get a moment of peace even though I'm not that bothered by my T anymore. Maybe more moments of silence is coming? And if they do I will appreciate them even if it's just for a few seconds like today!
Need to share this. I just had a few seconds of complete silence. I don't know how it happened our why but boy to hear silence again after 4.5 years was nice. My T has returned but it just made my day to get a moment of peace even though I'm not that bothered by my T anymore. Maybe more moments of silence is coming? And if they do I will appreciate them even if it's just for a few seconds like today!
Thanks for sharing the good news. You give me hope.
Happy Tuesday Friends!!!!

If you had a rough night last night or woke up with that "another day of T" sad feeling I'm sending you a hug!!!

I remember many a morning waking up feeling sad.....honestly it felt like waking up after a great loss like the death of a family member...because I WAS grieving...grieving the loss of my joy, my peace, my sanity!!!

When your in the fight to make it through this it can be so draining....I know, I've been there.

What worked for me was staying busy....and look, I get it....your already so tired and thoughts like I can't stay busy for the rest of my life cross through your mind. Here's some good's not's for now!!!
If you want to get better, if you want your life back you HAVE to fight.

One thing that really got me down was that I love to read...reading is something you do in the quiet and quiet wasn't my friend. Then I remembered that one of my most favorite places to read was on the the ocean.....the ocean isn't known for how quiet it is, lol
So I got a glass of wine, made my room super comfy with clean sheets, fluffed pillows and just the right my favorite book and put on some ocean sounds!!!!

The lesson for me was this.....I can still enjoy the things I use to but I may have to make some adjustments...I needed to let go of what I lost and start getting creative with ways to get back my joy because that's what I really wanted...happiness!!!!

Once I started to realize I could be happy and have T the shift from not ok to ok started to happen.

Start don't have to win the war today but I'm sure you could pick a battle and kick Ts ass!!!!

One thing at a time, one day at a time.

If you haven't smiled in a long time make that your goal today.....what's one thing you could do today that would put a smile on your face because if smiling with T is possible, well hell.......anything is possible!!!

One thing about having this condition is that you learn to be positive and thankful about the good things in life. We are strengthened by our suffering. Don't put all of your stock in mankind's ingenuity, BUT we may be just a few years off from a cure, maybe even sooner. I love you all, you are strong, stay strong.

Just imagine how incredibly fortified in spirit we will all be if they figure out that stem cell LGR5+ fx 322 goop or whatever, and we go to a clinic and get it and a week later we have silence. We will be among the most emotionally strong individuals on the planet, because most of us already are, but we will also be very happy and a light to our fellow brothers and sisters.
Are jokes encouraged in this thread?

Okay I've got one.

You're a contestant with tinnitus on Wheel of Fortune, you ask for a vowel, and instead of listening to the audience calling out "A!", your head is telling you to pick "eeeeeeeeeee".
It's now been a year. I was hesitant to post this to the Success Stories page, but I consider it a success for now in many ways.

The depression and anxiety, or Tinnitus Distress, related to the ringing is essentially gone; alas the tinnitus remains, perhaps lessened, but absolutely not worse. The Hyperacusis has dramatically lessened, if it remains at all. I'm still unsure as to the cause. No normal hearing loss, it's in the 14-15k range, and while not deafening, is noticeable over anything that isn't white noise or a shower. I never relied on masking, never had trouble sleeping.

As with many, the first weeks, months were terrible, with regards to the depression and anxiety. The Back to Silence method helped a lot, and one of Dr. Hubbard's CBT for Tinnitus Distress webinar videos. My appetite, drive, and general happiness returned within some weeks. Ended up going to a therapist for somewhat unrelated issues, and brought up the Back to Silence Method and other CBT and mindfullness exercises; therapist assured me that those are the ideal things to do.

I knew habituation could take months, if not up to two years to happen. It happened anywhere between 5-6 months in, in regards to it not effecting me anymore. I still check for it from time to time. Some days it's more noticeable than other days. Some days I can barely hear it at all, even if I try.

When I do hear it, it no longer upsets or depresses me. It just is. Worse things have happened in the mean time that I got through.

I don't know if I'll be back. Maybe if it completely goes away.
If it gets worse, I'll know how to handle it.

Life is good.
I love you all.
Take care.
Hi everyone, I am new to tinnitus, only several weeks in. Not the world anyone wants to enter, but I did, and what I found at the start was an understandably pretty dark, forbidding, unrelenting touch of cruelty. Then I found something that helped me tremendously. As I surfed the waves of the internet, by happenstance more then good management, I found Tinnitus Talk, and a light into the darkness. It was all those people who participate in this forum, those who run and created this forum, and those who have offered insight, thoughts, and support.

I found those people who helped me realize it was more than just me, that there are those who live with, survive it, but also leave it behind them in the rearview mirror of life. It was the good, and even the not so good, stories that gave me not only an insight, but also something more important, hope. As noted in the movie Shawshank Redemption 'Hope is a good thing.'

To all those who responded, have made comments, and just wrote a story, or asked for support, I thank you. So for me the good news is that years ago @Markku created Tinnitus Talk, operated it, and people started partaking in it. I have bec0me a benefactor already, and intend to do so regularly.

My tinnitus is in both ears, and while several days ago it rang continuously for 2 days, though at different volumes, at times now it is appears to disappear, at other times I don't notice it, at other times I do, providing me, with caution, a bit of hope. I know the road ahead is only just entered, and I am not even out of Munchkin Land on the Yellow Brick Road. But at the very least I feel there will be a number of Scarecrows, Tin Men and Lions with support, as I will try to do likewise for others.

Well I guess it is time to go back to reading Melville's Moby Dick (quite a story, and an interesting read).

John CC

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