I just came back from a visit to the orthopedist for a bad shoulder problem. The MRI shows that I do have a degenerative osteoarthritis problem. My right shoulder (and other joints), will have to be replaced in a not so far future. But to relieve the pain and help the mobility, he decided to inject a gel into my shoulder and this intervention is kind of painful. But guess what? I had my Tinnitus with me to help me cope with the pain. As I mentioned previously, tinnitus can be a good object of meditation and concentration. In time of pain, the breath is sometimes hard to find but my tinnitus is always there for me and today, I used it as an object of intense focus and observation. The injection went through without suffering from the pain.
Thank you my Tinnitus, you are always there for me.
Thank you my Tinnitus, you are always there for me.