Suffered from Tinnitus for so long I'm not totally sure I remember when it started....let's just say well over 20 years. This year the fluttering in my left ear along with the 24/7 365 screeching in both ears, nearly constant headaches, reached a point that I was exhausted, sleeping was getting very challenging, hearing in most any environments was iffy at best, in short, pretty horrible. Then I read this thread about B-1, as most of us will do...
I was game for just about anything. Found the pills on Amazon, low priced and I had some free shipping to use up so what the heck, give it a shot worked... to a degree, a welcome degree
The fluttering in my left ear is gone, completely, headaches are nearly gone (amazing) the screeching (to describe that sound, thousands of crazy birds all squawking at the same time very loudly) has diminished by roughly 1/2. I've been taking one pill before I go to bed and then one in the morning, for two weeks, but I'm strongly considering upping the dosage and monitor the results. Waking up from actually sleeping is such a welcome change I can't really put it into words. When I wake up, that's the most quiet the screeching is all day but having some relief (at all) is extremely welcome, to say the least.
Please understand, I'm not saying I'm cured, it's not gone, it's noticeably better....I can live with this, not happily living with it but much closer to a tolerable level.
Haven't noticed any ill side effects just the positive changes. I've since ordered a large supply of these pills from Amazon, I'm convinced I'll be taking this until something better comes along.
I was game for just about anything. Found the pills on Amazon, low priced and I had some free shipping to use up so what the heck, give it a shot worked... to a degree, a welcome degree

Please understand, I'm not saying I'm cured, it's not gone, it's noticeably better....I can live with this, not happily living with it but much closer to a tolerable level.
Haven't noticed any ill side effects just the positive changes. I've since ordered a large supply of these pills from Amazon, I'm convinced I'll be taking this until something better comes along.