This Is Heartbreaking


Feb 9, 2015
Northern Indiana
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Excessive loud noise
Hello everyone. My name is Jason. Im 32 years old and am confined to a wheelchair due to a birth defect. I really enjoyed playing video games with friends and making videos. In late 2013 I bought a gaming headset and was having a blast with my friends playing games unaware of the doom I was inducing into my ears. It was a fun ride all the way up to October of last year when the ringing began. I have never heard of T until of course after the fact. Now I dont know what to do. I wish someone warned me sooner. Mine is mainly in my left ear. It is both noise like and multi tonal.
I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and fix things. Can't believe theres no cure yet. :((

Sorry to hear this. It could however still improve as you are only 3-4 months in. I would take really careful care of your ears, eat well, take vitamins etc, and see how you are at six months and evaluate from there.

Hi Dybbyaman

Sorry to read your story, i am young with my tinnitus to (3 months). First thing is protect your ears in initial stage. Avoid noises places and buy some orange foam (be careful to put and out the foams in loud places). I love play call of duty online and when i play i forget my tinnitus :)

In the beginning i feeling very bad, with a lot of fear men, thinking all day in this daemon, now i know is annoying but most part of the day i don't remember only when i check if is there. Its wear because is laud.

The time is good friend and distract with games and other things to.
I hope a cure arrives early.

Hi @Dubbyaman

I'm so sorry to hear of what you're going through. It's a very similar story to that which has crossed the introductions of new users here. My question: Are you sure your Tinnitus was caused by damage to your hearing? Gaming headsets rarely actually produce the volumes over the course of just a single year like you described to cause this sort of damage, unless if you had them on full blast all the time, many hours every single day. What evaluations have you had done? Can you describe the onset of your Tinnitus, and how it played out?

Tinnitus changes pretty rapidly during the first six months. In addition to adjustments that your body makes, your brain also begins habituation around the 3-4 month mark, so @Matt01 is absolutely right that key right now is to take care of your hearing and try and get as much rest as you possibly can.
Hello everyone. My name is Jason. Im 32 years old and am confined to a wheelchair due to a birth defect. I really enjoyed playing video games with friends and making videos. In late 2013 I bought a gaming headset and was having a blast with my friends playing games unaware of the doom I was inducing into my ears. It was a fun ride all the way up to October of last year when the ringing began. I have never heard of T until of course after the fact. Now I dont know what to do. I wish someone warned me sooner. Mine is mainly in my left ear. It is both noise like and multi tonal.
I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and fix things. Can't believe theres no cure yet. :((

Welcome and sorry about your T suffering. It is unfortunate that we have to deal with intrusive T but life is not perfect and we need to accept things that are not so desirable. You actually have done so with your challenge of being confined to a wheelchair and yet you have been enjoying your life until this T episode. That is a great example of acceptance and moving on with life. I am not putting down the challenge of T, but many people probably will choose T over being confined to a wheelchair, especially T which can be habituated or ignored over some time by various effective means.

So acceptance of these challenges in life will help us move on with life. You mention you don't know what to do with T. Don't worry. This site is full of great suggestions to help new sufferers. There are many threads on TT with gresat suggestions on what to do when T is new. Here is an excellent thread started by a member on what to do when you are new with tinnitus and stressed out. I added some comments to the OP's thread, but you can scroll up to post #1 to read up on the excellent suggestions by the original poster.

So, relax. There are many things one can do to get better. So don't panic and despair. Take good care and God bless.
Thank you everyone for your encouraging posts. Kaleon, unfortunately yes I did somewhat have the volume high at lengthy hours. I also come from a past of listening to very loud music and before the onset of T I was going thru extreme anxiety issues over a falling out with a girl so it could be a multitude of causes. As far as the onset goes, I was watching a TV show with my headphones on and at the end I noticed ringing in my ears. I quickly took the headset off and checked around my room to see if there was anything generating noise and nothing was. I then went to bed hoping it would go away but it didnt. The first 2 months it was a high pitch ring in my left ear. After that I noticed a faint tone in my right ear but that went away. In the 3rd month it changed from a high pitch ring to a siren like sound but then it would suddenly drop into quiet cricket like sounds. Thats the way its been ever since. As far as diagnostics go its been a joke. I went to my ENT back in January and he told me I needed tubes put in and that my right ear drum wasnt working. After surgery this past week, I told him about the ringing and he just handed me some of that useless lipo flavonoid stuff and sent me on my way. When I got home I noticed I could hear better and later that night my T fell almost silent but I woke up with it screaming at me again.
The thing is, I live in northern Indiana and no one around here really specializes in the field so I have no idea on how to get a proper diagnosis. Im going to detroit next month to see a T specialist so hopefully ill know more. All I know now is im sad, regretful and I miss silence :(( As im sure all of you do as well...Again thank you for all your kind words.

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