The kids section is right next to the info desk where i work, its a nightmare, espcially at storytime when i actually have to leave the desk because its too much. They even want me to run storytime next year but unless they cap the kids it wont happen so i will have to get a certificate from my doctor which shouldnt be an issue. (There story time involves instruments and music its like a mini concert)
Im currently dealing with sirens right now because santa is coming up the street on a fire truck to see the kids so im sitting here with ear plugs in lol.
Wow, your library job sounds quite noisy, so the ear plugs make a lot more sense. Not the nice and quiet job many folks around here would be envious of! Storytime sounds like it needs more book, and less musical jamboree noise IMHO.
I know what you are saying with the Santa caravan of the fire trucks. We had eight different fire trucks going up my block really slowly the other day, and all with their sirens blaring. I really don't wear my ear plugs in the house, unless I am vacuuming, but as luck would have it, they were in as I was doing the weekly chore. I was thankful to be protected, as I could hear the sirens even with them in. However, I wondered if I could have gotten them in fast enough to be protected in that circumstance, as it often takes me a few tries to get them inserted deep enough for full protection. I seriously felt like I dodged a T spike that day in all likelihood!