@Mark McDill
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your explanation.
The thing is that even if T is maskable and not audible, it is not necessarily an immediate relief. So for example I was out for lunch and for a nice walk with my family in the snow the last three hours. My T was probably the same as always. To not hear and get worried about it, I mixed a little bit of cricket sounds into it. So when I say it is not maskable, this is not 100% correct. Because cricket sounds oftentimes mask it.
But even if T is not heard, it is on my/your mind most of the time. I can distract by throwing snow balls with my kids or whatever. But this T is always on my mind. I think for example:
- How good could live be without this sound?
- How do you live with it on the long run?
- How to work or function?
- How to get old with this?
And of course I know those thought do not help. Those are the ones which addressed in CBT.
I try challenging thise thoughts, but it is so difficult.
Also what Neenie says is difficult: Find new hobbies, visit friends, mask all the time and distract with whatever etc.
This sounds like stress for me, like running away.
I would prefer sitting in the quiet and having made peace with the sound. Showing no more reaction to it, whatever it does. This is for me the ultimate goal, but still a long way to go for me.