Really? Not like Advil, what about Zoloft, Xanax, Valium, Oxycontin. Those are all prescribed freely, as a matter of fact from 1968 to 1982 Valium was the highest selling drug on planet earth. If a person has an acoustic emergency, better give them some Advil and tell them to sleep it off. By the way, 1 week is fine with steroids with no taper. It's that simple. Your body , your choice. Heroin is obviously safer than steroids if you're smoking it or putting opium balls up your bottom. We have Ambassadors and Hall of Famers on this forum who have no clue about hearing regeneration trials in England or for that matter hearing regeneration in general. Do some CBT, throw in some TRT and you will be as good as new. Modern medicine is one big lie, just habituate through the screaming in your ears, you'll be fine.