Hi Everyone,
Like all of you, I sure wish I didn't need this forum, but I'm glad I found it tonight. I've had tinnitus for the last few years - maybe 2? 4? - it's hard to be sure when I actually started noticing the high-pitched constant tone in my right ear. Nine times out of ten, it doesn't bother me, although when I first noticed it, I had to sleep with my earbuds in, and a "rain-noises" app for a few nights.
During the day, I'm usually so busy that, unless I intentionally try to tune in to it, it's not a problem. Until tonight. I was just wakened up out of a dream by what I thought was a very distant alarm, when I woke up, plugged both ears, and realized that it's a new constant tone in my LEFT ear! It's much lower in pitch than my right-ear tone, but about the same volume (this is a blessing).
The worst part is, in order to try to take my attention off it, I'm trying to focus on the right-ear tone, which I'm used to, and which I can normally ignore.
And the house is quiet right now (it's 2am). I was having a great sleep too, dammit. I really, really hope this is temporary, like from a cold/sinuses, anything. It's very worrisome. Because it's much lower-pitched, it seems harder to ignore, but this may be because I'm focusing on it, and because it's new.
My fear has always been that my right-ear tone would progressively get louder throughout my middle years (I'm 47), but I never feared a new sound would be added, and to my "good" ear. Sigh.
Anyway, nice to "meet" everyone. Looking forward to hearing your stories. Thanks for reading.
Like all of you, I sure wish I didn't need this forum, but I'm glad I found it tonight. I've had tinnitus for the last few years - maybe 2? 4? - it's hard to be sure when I actually started noticing the high-pitched constant tone in my right ear. Nine times out of ten, it doesn't bother me, although when I first noticed it, I had to sleep with my earbuds in, and a "rain-noises" app for a few nights.
During the day, I'm usually so busy that, unless I intentionally try to tune in to it, it's not a problem. Until tonight. I was just wakened up out of a dream by what I thought was a very distant alarm, when I woke up, plugged both ears, and realized that it's a new constant tone in my LEFT ear! It's much lower in pitch than my right-ear tone, but about the same volume (this is a blessing).
The worst part is, in order to try to take my attention off it, I'm trying to focus on the right-ear tone, which I'm used to, and which I can normally ignore.
And the house is quiet right now (it's 2am). I was having a great sleep too, dammit. I really, really hope this is temporary, like from a cold/sinuses, anything. It's very worrisome. Because it's much lower-pitched, it seems harder to ignore, but this may be because I'm focusing on it, and because it's new.
My fear has always been that my right-ear tone would progressively get louder throughout my middle years (I'm 47), but I never feared a new sound would be added, and to my "good" ear. Sigh.
Anyway, nice to "meet" everyone. Looking forward to hearing your stories. Thanks for reading.