Hey guys,
Around 8 months I got an ear infection and with it came Tinnitus. A screaming sound in my right ear that never stopped. My ear hurt, I also had eustachian tube dysfunction, and I got really depressed. I went to see a doctor and she told me it would 100% disappear within 2 weeks, when it didn't, I went back and was given antibiotics and a steroid spray.
Nothing worked. After about 1 month I'd driven myself insane, constantly listening out for it, I even downloaded an app to test background noise to see at what levels the tinnitus was audible. At around the 7 week point I was sat in a field and broke down in tears when I realised I couldn't hear the birds over the sound of ringing. I started reading horror stories of people killing themselves, going insane etc..
Anyway, after about 5 months I realised that I wasn't even aware of the tinnitus even more. It was still there, as audible as ever if I really focused on it, but it quite literally did not bother me. I wasn't even aware of it. If someone had said to me after 5 months 'we'll give you £5000, or get rid of your tinnitus' I'd have taken the £5000, because the Tinnitus was a nonevent.
At around the 6 month point, I saw an ENT (I almost cancelled as the Tinnitus wasn't concerning me, but thought after a 6 month wait I may as well go) and he told me that he sees dozens of tinnitus cases a month and that it's well known that the brain just tunes it out. I know it probably sounds strange, but you quite literally forget it is there if you don't make it the focus of your attention. He also said 90% of tinnitus cases disappear within a year.
Since getting Tinnitus I have taken up Muay Thai Kickboxing, running, meditation, got a new (much better paid) job as a software developer (a job that requires long periods of silence - I thought the tinnitus would hugely impact me here...it didn't) and made some real progress in my life. The tinnitus is nothing to me, it has no impact whatsoever on my life.
At the 8 month point, so pretty recently, I felt something in my ear change. It started popping, making weird noises and felt like some sort of pressure had been released. At the 9 month point I am Tinnitus free. It has completely gone...I know that because when I sit in a silent room, if I really focus, it's just not there. But you know what? I wasn't even happy about that, I just couldn't care less, because it didn't bother me anyway.
What I guess I'm trying to say is, the anxiety around my tinnitus was much worse than the tinnitus itself. When mine disappeared I didn't even notice until something had asked me if I still had it. So don't worry, it feels crap now - but for me, and a lot of people I know (it's amazing how many people you find have tinnitus when you talk about it - successful, happy people) it has zero negative impact on their life. It's just a sound, and it's a sound you'll learn to ignore until it's not even perceptible anymore
Around 8 months I got an ear infection and with it came Tinnitus. A screaming sound in my right ear that never stopped. My ear hurt, I also had eustachian tube dysfunction, and I got really depressed. I went to see a doctor and she told me it would 100% disappear within 2 weeks, when it didn't, I went back and was given antibiotics and a steroid spray.
Nothing worked. After about 1 month I'd driven myself insane, constantly listening out for it, I even downloaded an app to test background noise to see at what levels the tinnitus was audible. At around the 7 week point I was sat in a field and broke down in tears when I realised I couldn't hear the birds over the sound of ringing. I started reading horror stories of people killing themselves, going insane etc..
Anyway, after about 5 months I realised that I wasn't even aware of the tinnitus even more. It was still there, as audible as ever if I really focused on it, but it quite literally did not bother me. I wasn't even aware of it. If someone had said to me after 5 months 'we'll give you £5000, or get rid of your tinnitus' I'd have taken the £5000, because the Tinnitus was a nonevent.
At around the 6 month point, I saw an ENT (I almost cancelled as the Tinnitus wasn't concerning me, but thought after a 6 month wait I may as well go) and he told me that he sees dozens of tinnitus cases a month and that it's well known that the brain just tunes it out. I know it probably sounds strange, but you quite literally forget it is there if you don't make it the focus of your attention. He also said 90% of tinnitus cases disappear within a year.
Since getting Tinnitus I have taken up Muay Thai Kickboxing, running, meditation, got a new (much better paid) job as a software developer (a job that requires long periods of silence - I thought the tinnitus would hugely impact me here...it didn't) and made some real progress in my life. The tinnitus is nothing to me, it has no impact whatsoever on my life.
At the 8 month point, so pretty recently, I felt something in my ear change. It started popping, making weird noises and felt like some sort of pressure had been released. At the 9 month point I am Tinnitus free. It has completely gone...I know that because when I sit in a silent room, if I really focus, it's just not there. But you know what? I wasn't even happy about that, I just couldn't care less, because it didn't bother me anyway.
What I guess I'm trying to say is, the anxiety around my tinnitus was much worse than the tinnitus itself. When mine disappeared I didn't even notice until something had asked me if I still had it. So don't worry, it feels crap now - but for me, and a lot of people I know (it's amazing how many people you find have tinnitus when you talk about it - successful, happy people) it has zero negative impact on their life. It's just a sound, and it's a sound you'll learn to ignore until it's not even perceptible anymore