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ti-ex Tinnitus Therapy

Looks extremely scanmy, but they have some scientific evidence to back up their claims - now the validity of those claims is well ... a little on the unreliable side.
I wouldn't go for it, the site seems very messy, clear indication that something's fishy.
I know that Mutebutton was about to shut down about a year ago, now I believe it's up and running again, don't know the intrigue that took place in-between. I think there is a dedicated thread on Treatments where you can look it up. I think it's still in the clinical trials phase, maybe so you can sign up.

The other contraption, never heard of it and can't be bothered to look it up. Just by its name I can tell it's an acoustic stimulation turd kind of thing. There are free versions of these of the Internet.
This is the opening line to explain how it works.

In order to understand how ti-ex works, it is important to realize that the hair cells in the inner ear can regenerate.

Err, not that I am aware of. Unless you are a chicken. Maybe it is incorrect use of language / bad translation - once these hairs are gone they are gone according to medical science as we know it.
Err, not that I am aware of. Unless you are a chicken. Maybe it is incorrect use of language / bad translation - once these hairs are gone they are gone according to medical science as we know it.

Right, it could be a language issue indeed... OR the fact that somehow they think science as we know it has it wrong (in their defense, there are legit labs that work on regenerating hair cells), and they have the breakthrough.
Yes, I know the odds of that... :unsure:
Right, it could be a language issue indeed... OR the fact that somehow they think science as we know it has it wrong (in their defense, there are legit labs that work on regenerating hair cells), and they have the breakthrough.
Yes, I know the odds of that... :unsure:
Absolutely. They have just negated the mission of the Hearing Health Foundation if the text is correct. It seems to have been a device since around 2000 according to the site, previously called Tinnex, so I'm not sure they have.
@Michael Larsen
Hi Michael. I have used Tiex for a number of years and have had good results with it and still use it. Results will vary between people. My tinnitus ranges from:Silent, mild, moderate and very severe. It can be bought out right or rented as it may not work for some people. In my opinion it isn't a scam as it helpes me but won't help everyone.
All the best
@Michael Larsen

6Hz is recommended Michael. I have never used the 3hz setting. As it says on the website, if Tiex is going to work for a patient, then they will see results withing 4 months. Either curing the tinnitus or reducing it or having no effect at all. For this reason Tiex can be rented and then returned. I was in a very desperate place inn 2011 by tinnitus was excuricating. I saw the Tiex website by chance and was prepared to try anything. I bought it out right. However, after 4 months I noticed no improvement but I persisted. After 6 months I began noticing improvment. Please be aware, I have very severe tinnitus for which I was medically retired from my job because of it. I tried Tiex after I had a second course of TRT that lasted 2 years. However, the treatment wasn't as effective as th first time. I've had tinnitus 20 years.
I used Tiex this evening and only when my tinnitus is particularly bothersome. For the first 2 years I used it every day.

PS: I had no problems with my order and the inventer is very helpful and cured hui tinnitus with the device. Please remember results will vary between people.
It would be nice to get a better understanding of the "science" behind the device. The website claims something about electromagnetic energy, but I see some kind of headphones in the product, so I wonder if it's sound therapy instead.
Taking a look at Tiex one can assume it uses normal headphones to deliver the treatment of electromagnectic engergy. However, they are not normal headphones. Plug them into an audio device and you'll hear no SOUND!. This is a unqiue therapy unit in my opinon and how it works didn't really interest me and still doesn't, for all I cared about was getting some relief from the cacophony of noise that I lived with daily. I've travelled a long hard road that took to me to the depths of despair at times but I came through the other side. A combination of things helped me. Having a very good ENT consultant and Hearing Therapist helped me immensely.

TRT wasn't as successful the second time around although there was some improvement after having the treatment for two years with counselling. Having a positive attitude also helped and wearing white noise generators which I still do on occasions. Using a sound machine at night for sound enrichment every night and still do. TIEX was the last jigsaw of the puzzle that put everything together. I still take clonazapam now and again when my tinnitus reaches very severe levels and this is sustained for more than a few days. I can no longer use a computer at near field, as I'm affected by EMF that it emits. I am not affected by other forums of EMF however. All I know is using a computer in the convential way my tinnitus will become unbareable withing two days. I've tried this many times and with different PCs and the results are the same. Therefore, my computer sits in another room and I use a wireless keyboard, mouse and external monitor.

I appreciate no two people will experience tinnitus the same. What affects one person will be totally differentt for another. We all have to search and take time to find our own way of dealing with this condition. Nothing is off limits. I was secptical of TIEX but this is no-longer the case as it heleped me.

Regarding headphone use. Some people with tinnitus continue to use headphone with no adverse effect, while others do. Many people that work in call centres and wear headset develop tinnitus. As I said, we are a different so I advise people to try and find what works for them to manage their particular form of tinnitus.

I wish you well

PS: When using TIEX no sound is emitted from the headphone unit.
I have read a few posts in this forum from people wanting to know if anyone has tried the TIEX Therapy device. Whilst I believe there are plenty of scam artists and products out there that claim to cure tinnitus or suppress its symptoms, I don't believe this is one of them. I have been reluctant to mention this product for some time because I don't want to be badgered by people that have tried it after parting with their money and getting no relief from their tinnitus.

It is for this reason the product can be rented for a period of time and returned for a refund if a person feels there's no benefit. Please be aware, Tiex will not work for everyone and this is explained on the inventers website. Trials were carried out by people that have tinnitus and the results are also on the website. I'm not connected with the company in any way. I'm just someone that's had tinnitus for twenty years and know the depths this debilitating condition can take one to when it is severe. Tinnitus comes in many forms and no two people experience is the same.

It is just one of the reasons why this condition can be so difficult to understand even by those that have it mild or moderate and are able to live their life quite content having no idea how crippling it can be for some people. I hope the post below can be of some help to anyone that wants to try TIEX.



My tinnitus ranges from: silent, mild, moderate and very severe. No two days are the same for me. I was medically retired from my job many years ago because of it and in 2008 it got increasingly worse which resulted in returning to ENT for the second time and put on a course of TRT that last two years.

Taking a look at Tiex one can assume it uses normal headphones to deliver the treatment of electromagnectic engergy. However, they are not normal headphones. Plug them into an audio device and you'll hear no SOUND!. This is a unqiue therapy unit in my opinon and how it works didn't really interest me and still doesn't, for all I cared about was getting some relief from the cacophony of noise that I lived with daily. I've travelled a long hard road that took to me to the depths of despair at times but I came through the other side. A combination of things helped me. Having a very good ENT consultant and Hearing Therapist helped me immensely.

TRT wasn't as successful the second time around although there was some improvement after having the treatment for two years with counselling. Having a positive attitude also helped and wearing white noise generators which I still do on occasions. Using a sound machine at night for sound enrichment every night and still do. TIEX was the last jigsaw of the puzzle that put everything together. I still take clonazapam now and again when my tinnitus reaches very severe levels and this is sustained for more than a few days. I can no longer use a computer at near field, as I'm affected by EMF that it emits. I am not affected by other forums of EMF however. All I know is using a computer in the convential way my tinnitus will become unbareable withing two days. I've tried this many times and with different PCs and the results are the same. Therefore, my computer sits in another room and I use a wireless keyboard, mouse and external monitor.

I appreciate no two people will experience tinnitus the same. What affects one person will be totally different for another. We all have to search and take time to find our own way of dealing with this condition. Nothing is off limits. I was secptical of TIEX but this is no-longer the case as it heleped me.

Regarding headphone use. Some people with tinnitus continue to use headphones with no adverse effects, while others do. Some people that work in call centres and wear a headset develop tinnitus whilst others don't. My personal opinion on headphones use is this: Anyone that has intrusive tinnitus shouldn't listen to music through them even at low volume. However, we are a different, so I advise people to try and find what works for them to manage their particular form of tinnitus.

I wish you well

PS: When using TIEX no sound is emitted from the headphone unit.
Alternative treatments for tinnitus.

Many people with tinnitus have probably read about alternative medicines and treatments at some time and may have even tried a few, in the hope of finding a cure or something that will help alleviate its symptoms to help make life a little easier, in addition to what the medical profession has to offer them. Understandably there is a lot of skepticism surrounding self-help and alternative medicines, especially when there is no scientific evidence to say they are known to work. Rarely is there any data to support that a specific treatment is known to work for everyone even those used in the medical field.

I have been using a product for a number of years that has helped me cope with my tinnitus and have mentioned it once in this forum. A member contacted me recently after reading that post and wanted more information. Therefore, I have decided talk about this device again. I am not affiliated with the company in any way. It was for this reason I have been reluctant to discuss it more often, as some people might believe I'm doing this for financial gain, which is not the case. No matter what though, people will believe whatever they want to.

In 2008 my tinnitus increased to very severe levels after a second noise trauma. After two years of TRT I made some improvement but my tinnitus had large fluctuations in intensity that ranged from: silent, mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe, which became unbearable at times. I was prescribed clonazepam and advised only to take it when the tinnitus was severe. I was an avid reader and hadn't read a book in over 2 years. The quality of my life wasn't great but tried to keep focused and hoped that my situation would improve.

Perhaps fate had a part in what I'm about to explain, as I don't know how it happened. I was browsing the Internet and not looking at anything relating to tinnitus but happened to come across a website that mentioned a product called TIEX. It is a tinnitus therapy device. I was intrigued by the information I read. The product can be rented for four months or bought outright. The idea of renting, if your tinnitus doesn't improve within four months, then it is not likely to and the device can be returned. I threw caution to the wind and bought it as I was in a desperate state. However, after four months had not noticed any improvement and began regretting the purchase but decided to continue using the device. After six months I began noticing improvement, which was slow but gradually things did improve and have continued using it to this day.

It hasn't cured my tinnitus but suppresses it and has helped improve the quality of my life, something that I'm immensely thankful for. I have stopped using it periodically over the years and after a while noticed my tinnitus becoming more intrusive. This product was invented by a man that cured his tinnitus with it. There is plenty of information on the website and scientific studies, with information on people with tinnitus of all different ages that have tried Tiex. It has helped around 50% of people. Either curing the tinnitus or reducing it. Some people will not notice any improvement.

Tiex is a small electronic box that comes with a pair of headphones. It is used for 30minutes in the morning and then in the evening. No sound is emitted through the headphones only magnetic waves according to the inventor. They are not ordinary headphones as when they are plugged into a audio device no sound is heard through them. The inventor clearly states on his website that Tiex will not work for everyone. Anyone interested please click on the link below.

I don't take clonazepam as often, perhaps once or twice a month for a maximum of three days. My tinnitus no longer reaches extreme severe levels that would last for many days and used to be quite unbearable.

I wish you well.

Tiex... from their website:

"In order to understand how ti-ex works, it is important to realize that the hair cells in the inner ear can regenerate."

"The effects of magnetic fields have been known for a long time. Without the earth's magnetic field, cell metabolism in our bodies would be impossible. Every molecule of the human organism is a tiny magnet."

"The seminal study of the success of ti-ex was presented by Dr. Paal Bentsen at the Norwegian Congress for Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat under the title "Electrical Suppression of Tinnitus with TI-EX" in 2001"​

Needless to say, I would be cautious about this treatment and what it claims. Supposedly it has been around for decades according to their website, and if it had any real efficacy, it would be world known by now.
I fully agree. I am also of the belief: Nothing ventured nothing gained. One has a choice and I'm glad I took it. There are press reports and scientific data on the website of tests carried out on people using Tiex and I don't think they are false.
Shouldn't this be posted under Alternative Treatments (rather than Support) with an informative subject such as "Tiex"? Since this isn't a discussion of alternative treatments in general, the title is misleading.
I fully agree. I am also of the belief: Nothing ventured nothing gained. One has a choice and I'm glad I took it. There are press reports and scientific data on the website of test carried out on people using Tiex and I don't think they are false.
Yep, it's just that there's too many "alternative treatments" for tinnitus that are nothing but attempts to rip off desperate people. So over the years I've grown to be quite critical of the promises and claims. Most people don't dig into the claims - they tend to believe what they are told... and who can blame anyone falling for one of these treatments or products, marketing professionals can write very convincing copy.

Even things that claim to be backed up by studies and to be helpful for patients - when you really look into the studies you oftentimes find they weren't RCTs at all, poorly designed trials at best.

And there's much to discuss about the effect of placebo - which can be surprisingly strong. I'm not saying you're seeing a placebo effect with the box, but it's also difficult to discount it possibly happening. The first four months you didn't get a result from the device, then you got a result (but - that result could possibly have coincided with a natural improvement - and if it did coincide - your mind could have started associating the improvement to the device and now anytime you use it you get an improvement - or so your mind believes... however, the end result is what matters which is you seeing benefit). But that said, because as you, too, know the unbearably intrusive and loud side of tinnitus, it's another discussion how much placebo could ever dampen that. There may be an element to it that varies person to person as well. Typing this on my mobile but if someone knows of studies investigating the effect of placebo in relation to experienced tinnitus distress, please link. Not strictly relating to tinnitus, but a quick search found this which is quite fascinating.

Anyhow, I certainly do not want to discredit your experience in any way. It's all so subjective and I'm not in your head.

My intention was to generally touch on what bold claims many tinnitus treatments and products boast.

What is most awesome is that you've been able to climb up from the hole after the 2008 increase.

Shouldn't this be posted under Alternative Treatments (rather than Support) with an informative subject such as "Tiex"? Since this isn't a discussion of alternative treatments in general, the title is misleading.
Thank you again. I actually seem to recall there was a previous thread about this device, so I'll look for it and merge.

Hair cells in the inner ears of humans can regenerate?
Not sure if a rhetorical question, but there are various attempts happening in the regeneration field as we speak. Look into our "Research News" section, e.g. this huge thread.
Should have a scam section on this website, too many of these people preying on vulnerable people.

I have had tinnitus for 21 years and supported many people with it and counsel people with this condition. Believe me. If I thought Tiex was a scam I wouldn't waste my time writing about it. It won't work for everyone but I'm pleased that I tried it and continue to use it.

Can you be more specific Michael in how it helps you? Say from 10 to a 2, how long it lasts after treatment, etc etc

Are there any independent publications on electromagnetic therapy with tinnitus anybody?
Can you be more specific Michael in how it helps you? Say from 10 to a 2, how long it lasts after treatment, etc etc

Are there any independent publications on electromagnetic therapy with tinnitus anybody?

In 2010 when I asked my ENT consultant to be candid about my tinnitus as I was in pretty bad shape. She said I was the 2nd worst tinnitus patient that she had ever met. Please read my post: My experience with tinnitus, in my "started threads".

It took me 4 years to habituate for the 2nd time. In 2011 I started using Tiex and my tinnitus has improved. It ranges from complete silence, mild, moderate, and severe. It no longer reaches extremely severe where it would last for days and was pure bedlam, is the only way to describe what I used to go through.I was on clonazepam for some time and life was a nightmare. Tiex has improved the quality of my life and I only take clonazepam about twice a month.

Much of the time now my tinnitus is silent, mild or moderate and I can live my life quite comfortably. I also wear white noise generators when at home just because I've got used to using sound enrichment. If Istop uing the Tiex for around 4 to 5 days my tinnitus starts to get loud again without reducing as it normally does.

Hope this helps.
Not sure if a rhetorical question, but there are various attempts happening in the regeneration field as we speak. Look into our "Research News" section, e.g. this huge thread.
Thanks, I've been following that thread. It's exciting that work is being done towards helping regenerate inner ear hair cells in humans.

That's why I am a bit surprised to see the manufacturer of this product state that cell regeneration can already happen. Of course, I guess the text does not clarify if they mean it's possible in humans!
An improved TIEX version (called Sono) is expected to be available by the end of 2018.

"How did your device work?
Simply put, the device consisted of a controller and specialized headphones that applied low-level pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) overlying the areas of the brain associated with tinnitus perception and disturbance. PEMF stimulates the electrical and chemical cell processes and can improve overall cell function by improving cellular health. It has been safely and successfully used to treat various conditions from bone fracture to depression. My device adapted and applied PEMF technology specifically for the treatment of tinnitus.

What was your experience with it?
I used my device twice daily for several weeks. After a few weeks, I experienced short periods where my tinnitus disappeared. At first, I thought it was a coincidence. Then, after ten weeks of continuous treatment, my tinnitus disappeared completely and I realised I had found my cure.

Is your device for sale now?
It will be available again soon. We are currently upgrading the technology in collaboration with leading engineers and physicians from Japan and the USA. The latest model will shortly be available for sale in Europe as Sono by Cleanhearing GmbH. We expect Sono to be available by the end of 2018.

When and where will Sono be available?
We expect Sono to be available for sale directly from our website www.cleanhearing.com by the end of 2018."

An improved TIEX version (called Sono) is expected to be available by the end of 2018.

"How did your device work?
Simply put, the device consisted of a controller and specialized headphones that applied low-level pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) overlying the areas of the brain associated with tinnitus perception and disturbance. PEMF stimulates the electrical and chemical cell processes and can improve overall cell function by improving cellular health. It has been safely and successfully used to treat various conditions from bone fracture to depression. My device adapted and applied PEMF technology specifically for the treatment of tinnitus.

What was your experience with it?
I used my device twice daily for several weeks. After a few weeks, I experienced short periods where my tinnitus disappeared. At first, I thought it was a coincidence. Then, after ten weeks of continuous treatment, my tinnitus disappeared completely and I realised I had found my cure.

Is your device for sale now?
It will be available again soon. We are currently upgrading the technology in collaboration with leading engineers and physicians from Japan and the USA. The latest model will shortly be available for sale in Europe as Sono by Cleanhearing GmbH. We expect Sono to be available by the end of 2018.

When and where will Sono be available?
We expect Sono to be available for sale directly from our website www.cleanhearing.com by the end of 2018."

Hrmm, I am just wondering if this has been tested on a group of people......that it "cured" his tinnitus proves nothing to me. It sounds like another scam product.
Does anyone know if the new version is basically the same device in new packaging plus bells and whistles (connectivity, apps etc), or if they actually made some changes to the electronagnetic pulses and/or the frequencies on which it operates?

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