Tinkling Bells


Jul 31, 2012
West Cornwall, England, UK
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Not sure
A couple of weeks ago I walked past a van with an alarm going off. I instinctively pressed in the outer part of my ears with my fingers to prevent me hearing it so loudly. It worked beautifully - better than any ear plugs - but something strange happened and I'd like to know if it happens to any of you.


The bit I pressed in (on both ears) is apparently called the Tragus (I had to look it up!). See image above.

I carried on walking and in both ears I could hear tiny bells - just like the bell on a cat's collar but a slightly more gentle sound. The sound wasn't unpleasant but I found it weird.

They rang with each step as I put each foot down on the pavement (sidewalk?).
They stopped when I stopped walking.

I tested it once I arrived home by going outside to the garden and walking - there they were! With every step a tinkling bell. No steps - no bells.

Anyway, so many strange things happen with tinnitus that I didn't think about it again until yesterday when I walked past workmen drilling up part of the road. I once again pressed in the Tragus on both ears and walked on. Hello bells! Each step produced the sound as though something inside my ear was actually being jiggled by the movement. Something physical. Like the tiny bones inside the ear?

If any of you have experienced this please could you let me know? Or perhaps someone could try it and see if it happens to them? I'd really like to know if it's just my T that does this.

Thanks in advance.

I don't think this happens to me. I need to find some workmen digging a road up, or something, to be sure though. Are you sure they weren't whistling at you?

Perhaps you've found a physical cause for your T?
Hi Dez

Thanks for trying this. You don't need the workmen or the van alarm... I tried it in my back garden afterwards and it happened again. You just need to place each foot down with a bit of a bounce when you walk.

It's really weird.

Hi Jane,

Just found a .pdf on somatic tinnitus. According to the authors, people who can modulate their tinnitus through pressure on their face, near their ears, etc., generally have this tinnitus subtype. This tinnitus is amenable to treatment by reducing tension, etc. I believe tinnitus from TMJ would also fall into this category. Anyway, here's the link, and you might want to do more research on specific exercises that might help you:


Thanks Jazz,

I'm waiting for a wisdom tooth to be removed in hospital before I think about the TMJ side of things. I don't really suspect it as a cause of my T - but you never know!

Hi Jane,

Good luck with your wisdom tooth removal. I would say get pain meds, but I'm not sure that's good for T. Still, if you're suffering...I'd probably risk it. I had a wisdom tooth pulled years ago. It was impacted. I do remember being very careful not to get a dry socket. But I don't remember if I took pain meds. I'm generally a chicken so I probably took something for a day or two. Pain meds do not agree with me. (I get sick to my stomach!)

When is your appointment?

Thanks Jazz - I have to have mine out under general aneasthetic (don't ask - it's a long story involving teeth roots and local anaesthetic not working!) so I'm waiting for an appointment to come through - teeth extractions aren't exactly high priority in the UK. I hate pain medication too but I also hate pain :)
Jane--let us know when you're going and we can send happy thoughts!

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