Tinnitus, A Personal View

While you have good intentions, to promote anxiety and depression treatments over the promotion of actual tinnitus treatments (the only one I know of being amitriptyline), it hampers our ability.

As hard as life is people really need to stop trying to cope and move on with life. I can't move on. This goddamn hissing has ruined my life. I can't enjoy live music, am paranoid over headphone use, I can't sleep without medication (noise machines are useless because mine is so high pitched), and a recent study from the University of Illinois actually proved that habituation is literally impossible, as tinnitus suffered are constantly using their dorsal attention network and never their default mode network. Neurologically you are always paying attention. This cannot be changed until we can effectively take it away from the brain.
It seems that we finally have a serious study that denies all that garbage of habituation. I would like you to publish the article or give the link to it.

It is something so obvious that habituation is impossible, that no studies were necessary, although if you publish the link of the aforementioned study, it should be set as a fixed theme in tinnitustalk, because people like formalities such as scientific studies, and thus they avoid false hopes.
I'll provide the link in the morning, but I think it's funny that you and people like Michael try and discredit me with the whole "I'm young and act like I know everything" argument, when people like you and Michael act like you know best/better just because you have either been alive longer or has tinnitus longer. Just goes to show age is no promise of wisdom.
I believe there is no such thing as habituation. I've had this monster in my head for 6 years now. If it stayed static, however bad that may be, I'd get USED to it, but never, ever not hear or be bothered by the noise and fullness. Hate it, but I reiterate, I still live my life, and enjoy it to a lesser degree than pre-tinnitus as I refuse to let this beat me up. Life goes on.... and so does the demon tinnitus.
While you have good intentions, to promote anxiety and depression treatments over the promotion of actual tinnitus treatments (the only one I know of being amitriptyline), it hampers our ability.

As hard as life is people really need to stop trying to cope and move on with life. I can't move on. This goddamn hissing has ruined my life. I can't enjoy live music, am paranoid over headphone use, I can't sleep without medication (noise machines are useless because mine is so high pitched), and a recent study from the University of Illinois actually proved that habituation is literally impossible, as tinnitus suffered are constantly using their dorsal attention network and never their default mode network. Neurologically you are always paying attention. This cannot be changed until we can effectively take it away from the brain.

I know that you are having difficulty coping with tinnitus and for this reason I have posted to you many times to try and help you. I have advised you not to read up on tinnitus research because I know the harm that it can do to someone when this condition is loud and intrusive and they are having difficulty with it. Other people in this forum have advised you of the same, such as @fishbone who has 30 years experience with this condition.

Clearly you are intelligent, articulate and can write well, but you haven't listened to any of us and this is your problem. You may think reading up on the latest tinnitus studies and how it affects the brain is equipping you with knowledge that will be beneficial. On the contrary, this only causes more stress and anxiety on top of what you already have, due to the intrusiveness and distress the tinnitus is causing you, because deep down the hope is finding a cure although you may say this is not your purpose. I and many others have done this when we first got tinnitus so know the routine quite well.

All this reading on tinnitus research and looking at it from a scientific point of view, may make a person come across as well informed on a tinnitus forum but it doesn't help them one iota to cope with tinnitus, when it makes them feel stressed, anxious and negative which you clearly are. It is listening to others and often those with many years experience that will help you progress and eventually habituate and get back your life, that you yearn for and it is possible for most people.

Tinnitus has been around for thousands of years. Some of the best treatments available today are the ones that I've mentioned in my article. I advise you again. Leave the tinnitus research reading alone and concentrate on the treatment that your therapist and doctors have had advised. Read some of my articles on my started thread on positivity with tinnitus. This will help reinforce positive thinking. Go to the positivity thread in this forum and read, print some of the messages from members and refer to them often. This is what will help you in my opinion.

All the best
@slipware - I know exactly what you mean.
The idea that 'Habituation' means that Tinnitus will not impact on our lives, is a myth IMHO.
Realistically, habituation for me means:
Hearing it (after all, there is no choice)
Making a decision to move forward,
And finding a way to do that.
Okay - it ain't that magical,
but I can find no better way.....x
The idea that 'Habituation' means that Tinnitus will not impact on our lives, is a myth IMHO.
Realistically, habituation for me means:
Hearing it (after all, there is no choice)
Making a decision to move forward,
And finding a way to do that.
Okay - it ain't that magical,
but I can find no better way.....x

For me I think it starts this way and then gradually I am moving into the next phase, where I am beginning to find my T so meaningless that I am not noticing it for quite long periods. I never thought that would happen as I believe my T to be absolutely horrendous. It's quite a relief to be getting back to some of the bigger problems in my life!
You (@Gl0w0ut ) can post as many threads as you like, until you get rid of your negative energy, it can all fall short. We have supported you for over 6 months and you still keep that same energy. negativity breeds negativity, you need to change your thinking.

Sorry to break it to you, but there is no cure right now. I doubt I will see a cure tomorrow. You are stuck in affliction, why keep your self at such levels? Live your life, move forward, STOP being obsessed. I know I type this, and as usual you wont listen't but it's always worth a try.

This board will always support you, but you need to change your thinking. If not, you will just keep holding yourself back!

The real sad part is that you are so young and have a life ahead of you......Tinnitus should not take that away, only you can take that away.
You (@Gl0w0ut ) can post as many threads as you like, until you get rid of your negative energy, it can all fall short. We have supported you for over 6 months and you still keep that same energy. negativity breeds negativity, you need to change your thinking.

Sorry to break it to you, but there is no cure right now. I doubt I will see a cure tomorrow. You are stuck in affliction, why keep your self at such levels? Live your life, move forward, STOP being obsessed. I know I type this, and as usual you wont listen't but it's always worth a try.

This board will always support you, but you need to change your thinking. If not, you will just keep holding yourself back!

The real sad part is that you are so young and have a life ahead of you......Tinnitus should not take that away, only you can take that away.
I know there is no cure. I have said that from the very start. I criticize TRT because it only seeks to put a bandaid on the true problem. It seeks to treat the symptoms of the affliction rather than the affliction itself. I'm negative because there is no way to be positive with this condition, not for me anyways. I have only gained negative experiences with this condition and nothing positive. How can I be positive when I can't even sleep without medication? How can I be positive when wherever I go, the ringing is there to partially ruin my experience. How can I be positive in a situation where everything makes it worse and never better? You are correct to say it is my negative affect that weighs me down, but my affect is the end result of my experiences with this ringing, which are almost always negative and never positive.
I know there is no cure. I have said that from the very start. I criticize TRT because it only seeks to put a bandaid on the true problem. It seeks to treat the symptoms of the affliction rather than the affliction itself. I'm negative because there is no way to be positive with this condition, not for me anyways. I have only gained negative experiences with this condition and nothing positive. How can I be positive when I can't even sleep without medication? How can I be positive when wherever I go, the ringing is there to partially ruin my experience. How can I be positive in a situation where everything makes it worse and never better? You are correct to say it is my negative affect that weighs me down, but my affect is the end result of my experiences with this ringing, which are almost always negative and never positive.

By keeping an open mind to tinnitus treatment and not denouncing it without ever trying it is the way forward. You have convinced yourself that nothing will work unless there is a complete cure. Try to forget about tinnitus as an affliction and concentrate on acquiring more positive outlook on life. This is what fishbone, I and others have advised you but you're trapped in a vortex of negativity. I have help counsel people with this condition and one of the worst was a member of this forum that had the same thinking as you. He was convinced habituation wasn't a solution and his life from now on was one of impending doom and gloom. He now visits this forum to help others. Please read my post about him: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/from-darkness-into-light.22234/

@GLOwOut - I don't know if this will help you, but it's the most relevant thing I can think of.
When it came on full strength and permanent, I wanted to die.
I hoped I would die.
I wanted to go to bed and not wake up.

BUT - I have accepted "T" as a fact of life.
Purely by doing that I can move on, I can think of other things, I can do other things, I can be active despite it, once again.
No - obviously I don't like it - will never like it - but I am able to move past it.
I suppose it means making an accommodation.
I don't like making compromises, but I honestly believe it is the best way forward.

I actually WANT to live. x
@Glowout - I should have mentioned that reaching this stage took me quite a long time.
Hating it - went on for ages.
But over time I am truly getting past all that stuff.
I wrote an answer to you in haste - as I had been given chores by 'one's wife.'
(.....I guess you may know what that's like..??) x
I know there is no cure. I have said that from the very start. I criticize TRT because it only seeks to put a bandaid on the true problem. It seeks to treat the symptoms of the affliction rather than the affliction itself. I'm negative because there is no way to be positive with this condition, not for me anyways. I have only gained negative experiences with this condition and nothing positive. How can I be positive when I can't even sleep without medication? How can I be positive when wherever I go, the ringing is there to partially ruin my experience. How can I be positive in a situation where everything makes it worse and never better? You are correct to say it is my negative affect that weighs me down, but my affect is the end result of my experiences with this ringing, which are almost always negative and never positive.

I am very honest and blunt and I tell it like it is.

1. You are way way younger than me (advantage)
2. Your hearing is way better than mine and your tinnitus is not as intrusive as mine (advantage)
3. You probably have a family that support you and love you (I slay my beast solo and my dogs support me :) )

I have had sleep issues practically all my life and after many years (over 1 and a half decade of trial and errors) I have somewhat figured out how to sleep. Sleep is a huge issue for many people. You just have to try and try and try and then something will eventually make sense.

I had BAD hyperacusis and my ears were in such horrible pains. It was beyond brutal and it was horrible. Every sound was a painful experience and I still remember it like it was yesterday. TRT solved that issue, so it got to the source and solved it. TRT is not for curing tinnitus, it's used to help people with sensitivity (hyperacusis). So TRT does not put a bandaid on the issue, it gets to the root and can help(helped me, helped numerous of other people).

You can give me any reason(s) you got, for how you feel and I have been there myself and been able to overcome it. You have such advantages over me in quite a few areas. Don't let your life slide and get pushed back because of your reasons that you have posted.

As @Michael Leigh has mentioned, STOP obsessing with research news and materials. If they find a cure for tinnitus, THEN this whole board will talk about it. I use to be in the same boat as you, in my early years. TRYING so hard and being desparate for a cure. I found non and I made a choice to live my life, whether there was a cure or not. Everyday, every second life can pass us by. If we just keep waiting and waiting, then we have wasted our life.

Be proactive in your life, accept what you face and try to do something to make your life better. Even a small step/action can reap rewards. If you don't change your views, your days can turn into months and your months can turn into years and years can turn into decades.

In life I don't make excuses anymore, I use to in my 20s and I got burned and was held back. Whatever we face, we can still have a bit of positivity.

If you don't take the advice I give you or @Michael Leigh gives you.....you could possibly remain the same for years to come and non of us here want that to happen. Only you can slay this beast, I cannot do it for you, neither can this forum.

Take care :)
Definition of Brutal: That is violent, cruel and inhuman. Extraordinarily large, strong, good or intense.

Definition de inhuman: That is not considered proper of the human being for being too hard or difficult to bear.

You have said it better than anyone, tinnitus is not something that humans can endure. You have won us the first prize in terms of negativity.

I am honest and blunt in all my posts and in life in general. Tinnitus can be very brutal, but in no way am I negative about it at all :)
Are there members from research company here ,on Tinnitus Talk . Even a politician just to understand what ppl are going through. Do they know what going on in this hell of Tinnitus.
Before getting sick with tinnitus, I was very distressed by the auditory contamination so common these days due to the proliferation of megaphones, amplification devices and mainly overpopulation, and although it was a temporary problem given that there were moments of silence, I never got used to the noises, despite the fact that several decades passed. Now with tinnitus you would imagine that the agony is every second and there are no more moments of rest

So do not try to deceive piously the poor @Gl0w0ut with the idea that this noise will not matter, my experience of decades of noise and the current torture tells me that it will never be achieved.

After 3 decades of experience, the noise will matter, IF you want it to matter. I wonder how my intrusive tinnitus doesn't fully matter to me? I can hear it, it's impossible to not hear it. Does it matter to me? No

Am I obsessed with it? No

My tinnitus is very annoying and a times I do have to use some pink noise, but that's ok. I do what needs to be done in order to live my life. Tinnitus is NOT my only issue. I juggle lots of pain, but that's ok I welcome adversity with open arms and tell it to go sit in the corner of the room. It's how we think and how we act.

I have faced all the issues I see posted on this board, so I do have empathy for all the sufferings. I sit and type to you guys as i have intrusive tinnitus, my body from fibro is in full pain, i have stomach pain, back pain, head, foot pain. I can list so much more and yet I never get down.

It comes down to mentality and how we think and act. SIMPLE AS THAT!!!! On top of that with all the pain I have, I will go to my martial arts class soon too!

I type this stuff, so you folks can see just what kind of HELL i live in and yet I come here with positivity.
So do not try to deceive piously the poor @Gl0w0ut with the idea that this noise will not matter, my experience of decades of noise and the current torture tells me that it will never be achieved.

The way you want to deal with tinnitus is your own affair but the purpose of this forum, is for members to give help and support to those that need it. Please have the decency to respect that and keep your negative bias and offensive language to yourself. We are not deceiving anyone.

Tinnitus can be hard going for some people and all with our own tinnitus journey .
Some people are happy and bubbly by nature but even the strongest can fall especially where our health is concerned.
Members are allowed to rant and moan and feel low just as much as positive posts.
Support is nice for the members reaching out for help and some members struggle they will never feel the same again and don't want here they will get use to it.
A forum is a nice place to come and meet the needs of everyone both negative and positive views.
Love glynis
The way you want to deal with tinnitus is your own affair but the purpose of this forum, is for members to give help and support to those that need it. Please have the decency to respect that and keep your negative bias and offensive language to yourself. We are not deceiving anyone.


Negativity is like a disease, I avoid it at all costs.
Tinnitus and emotions come together and the early months can be hard.

What ever you come across on your life's journey looking after your mental health is so important.
Love glynis
I am very honest and blunt and I tell it like it is.

1. You are way way younger than me (advantage)
2. Your hearing is way better than mine and your tinnitus is not as intrusive as mine (advantage)
3. You probably have a family that support you and love you (I slay my beast solo and my dogs support me :) )

I have had sleep issues practically all my life and after many years (over 1 and a half decade of trial and errors) I have somewhat figured out how to sleep. Sleep is a huge issue for many people. You just have to try and try and try and then something will eventually make sense.

I had BAD hyperacusis and my ears were in such horrible pains. It was beyond brutal and it was horrible. Every sound was a painful experience and I still remember it like it was yesterday. TRT solved that issue, so it got to the source and solved it. TRT is not for curing tinnitus, it's used to help people with sensitivity (hyperacusis). So TRT does not put a bandaid on the issue, it gets to the root and can help(helped me, helped numerous of other people).

You can give me any reason(s) you got, for how you feel and I have been there myself and been able to overcome it. You have such advantages over me in quite a few areas. Don't let your life slide and get pushed back because of your reasons that you have posted.

As @Michael Leigh has mentioned, STOP obsessing with research news and materials. If they find a cure for tinnitus, THEN this whole board will talk about it. I use to be in the same boat as you, in my early years. TRYING so hard and being desparate for a cure. I found non and I made a choice to live my life, whether there was a cure or not. Everyday, every second life can pass us by. If we just keep waiting and waiting, then we have wasted our life.

Be proactive in your life, accept what you face and try to do something to make your life better. Even a small step/action can reap rewards. If you don't change your views, your days can turn into months and your months can turn into years and years can turn into decades.

In life I don't make excuses anymore, I use to in my 20s and I got burned and was held back. Whatever we face, we can still have a bit of positivity.

If you don't take the advice I give you or @Michael Leigh gives you.....you could possibly remain the same for years to come and non of us here want that to happen. Only you can slay this beast, I cannot do it for you, neither can this forum.

Take care :)
Honestly, it really irritates me when people say "I have it much worse then you, so you should be grateful!"

It's like how a few weeks ago I complained about being almost 200 pounds (which is overweight for me) someone else who was also overweight (263lbs) complained and said that I was upset over nothing. Just because you have bad hyperacusis, less hearing than me, and are older does not mean I'm not justified in my anger.

Honestly, so sick of this.
let's not rant our suffering , worst or not we are human we suffer individually we have the right to complains and be angry about it
a recent study from the University of Illinois actually proved that habituation is literally impossible, as tinnitus suffered are constantly using their dorsal attention network and never their default mode network. Neurologically you are always paying attention. This cannot be changed until we can effectively take it away from the brain.

That is true and other studies have said the same thing as I have posted links. Although that only applies to those with very severe tinnitus and on neuro boards those levels are 10/10. The top 2% and maybe the 4%. Some of can't even turn on a computer, never mind post. Many times during a 24/7 period I'm in that group.

I do think that everyone should read the University of Illinois study and the update of August 25, 2017. It may for some provide the most important information to date. The University of Illinois is now conducting a longitude study to pair emotions from brain parts, depending in which part of the brain where a person's T is based on severity.
Honestly, it really irritates me when people say "I have it much worse then you, so you should be grateful!"

It's like how a few weeks ago I complained about being almost 200 pounds (which is overweight for me) someone else who was also overweight (263lbs) complained and said that I was upset over nothing. Just because you have bad hyperacusis, less hearing than me, and are older does not mean I'm not justified in my anger.

Honestly, so sick of this.


Your statement: "Honestly, it really irritates me when people say "I have it much worse then you, so you should be grateful!"

I agree with you and you have every right to be sick of hearing this from people. Unfortunately it is something that human beings do, for everyone thinks their plight or distress is worse than anyone else's which is not the case. None of us can know what another person is feeling. In @fishbone case he was trying to make you feel more positive about yourself, life and tinnitus. If you can spare the time to read further I will explain.

In my opinion tinnitus is one of the most distressing conditions when it is severe and debilitating and is comparable to any acute illness baring none. The reason is because of what is cable of doing to a person's state of mind. Under these circumstances a person will seek to cause their own demise as they cannot cope with the distress they are feeling.

On more that one occasion I have said in this forum, when a person gets tinnitus the right way they will know and I know when a person reaches this point. It doesn't matter whether the tinnitus was "noise induced" or caused by "an underlying" medical problem. If the tinnitus is severe, loud and intrusive enough they will not be able to do anything for the duration this level of intensity is sustained. For a lot of people severe intrusive tinnitus is not continuous. However, even when its intensity has reduced it can affect their mind so much it leaves a person in a depressive state. I have also said there are limitations to habituation and stand by this. Even a seasoned veteran as myself has difficulty when my tinnitus reaches severe and extremely severe levels and I have to take clonazepam, as I did this weekend because the intrusiveness was just too severe. My positivity helps me to cope to some degree. It is now at a level of 7, still intrusive but manageable and not at level 11 or 12 which it was and found very difficult to endure. Thank goodness for the clonazepam.

When a person has severe intrusive tinnitus and this is sustained, or intermittent, they will be unable to work, go to college, school or participate in any functions that most people do with ease. Even turning on their computer and writing "post" in a forum they will be unable to do. I know this because of the distress state a person will be in mentally. Under these circumstances a person will be unable think clearly. So, anyone that visits this forum regularly and in particular posts messages should be thankful, at that time their tinnitus is not severe and debilitating. I am not saying the tinnitus is not heard or intrusive, but it isn't so severe where It interferes with their cognitive skills.

When people contact me by email or telephone and explain they are unable to work or do the normal things in everyday life that most people take for granted. Or they break down emotionally while talking to me on the phone. I know they are at that unfortunate place this condition can take a person to.

It's like how a few weeks ago I complained about being almost 200 pounds (which is overweight for me) someone else who was also overweight (263lbs) complained and said that I was upset over nothing. Just because you have bad hyperacusis, less hearing than me, and are older does not mean I'm not justified in my anger.

"When i am hungry, knowing there are starving kids in Africa does not make me less hungry or not need to eat."
Honestly, it really irritates me when people say "I have it much worse then you, so you should be grateful!"

It's like how a few weeks ago I complained about being almost 200 pounds (which is overweight for me) someone else who was also overweight (263lbs) complained and said that I was upset over nothing. Just because you have bad hyperacusis, less hearing than me, and are older does not mean I'm not justified in my anger.

Honestly, so sick of this.

You have a right to vent your anger and you seek help by venting here. Your issue is you do not listen to anyone's advice here....so what's the point? Your posts are always negative. I can be just like you and vent and post negativity all day, I just choose not to do it. I can list so so many dislikes and things (intrusive tinnitus, pain, depression, loneliness, bad sleeping issues and more) that can bother me, but I choose not to. If adversity hits me, I pick myself up and move forward. It's not like I live an easy life and effort free life. I just choose to have a different mindset than you do. I am not better than you at all, I just have a better attitude and that makes a HUGE difference....

When I had issues or face issues, I look for ways to either solve the problem or get as close as possible to it. Solving our problem that relates to this board = a cure for tinnitus. That will not happen today or tomorrow, but possibly in the future. So let me ask you this, if there is no cure...we are not suppose to try to live our lives? Based on your posts we cannot live our lives. That's your take on this, not mine.

Your posts don't bother me at all, it's horrible for someone that just got tinnitus to read your posts and other trolls post that unless there is a cure, we cannot live our lives. That's total nonsense and that's why I come here to help them and motivate them to live their lives.

Vent all you want and others might still try to help you, but you will never take their advice.....
I also wanted to add: It's never easy dealing with the tinnitus and it took me a long time to get a grip on it. This can happen for others or they might cope/habituate sooner. It takes effort and time and patience. It's never easy and I support all that do suffer from this. Our cases are never identical at times, but slowly we can move forward. It won't be easy but it is possible....

I hope all can move forward :)

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