Hi, I got tinnitus in 2013 after the birth of my second child. I had a a low hairdryer sound in one, and a mid-level electric buzz in my left ear - the weaker ear which always felt sensitive to loud sound. It was like it felt open and raw. The onset of my tinnitus 8 years ago was so distressing. But over the years I learnt to cope. It seemed that I wasn't hearing it in the daytime at all. Or at night. Only in complete silence at bed. I started to reduce my masking noise machine down.
One day I turned my sound machine off and realised it wasn't not bad and could live adjusted to the sounds as I couldn't really hear them. I lived for I'd say 5 years like this. It was bliss. Silence. I wore earplugs to loud events or fireworks. I was careful.
But one month ago, I was doing some work in making a new headboard and I hammered nails in, around 50 of them, without protection on. So silly. Then I broke up with my boyfriend about two weeks later. And then I woke one night last month and a loud scream started to pour out of my bad ear along with morse code. It has not stopped. I'm drinking and smoking to get through. I've ben taking Citalopram for a few weeks but it's not helping. I'm at breaking point.
One day I turned my sound machine off and realised it wasn't not bad and could live adjusted to the sounds as I couldn't really hear them. I lived for I'd say 5 years like this. It was bliss. Silence. I wore earplugs to loud events or fireworks. I was careful.
But one month ago, I was doing some work in making a new headboard and I hammered nails in, around 50 of them, without protection on. So silly. Then I broke up with my boyfriend about two weeks later. And then I woke one night last month and a loud scream started to pour out of my bad ear along with morse code. It has not stopped. I'm drinking and smoking to get through. I've ben taking Citalopram for a few weeks but it's not helping. I'm at breaking point.