Tinnitus After Ear Wax Removal


Aug 23, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Wax removal
I had tinnitus years ago but it went away. I went to an outpatient clinic on July 5 of this year to have my ear wax removed. It was an awful experience.

First a softening solution was put in both ears. Then a squeeze bottle was used to wash out the wax. Apparently not enough pressure was used and the wax in both ears became impacted from the procedure. Then, on the right ear, a lighted probe was used to dig out the wax...a painful experience. Then a person with a strong grip irrigated my left ear with hot water and all the wax came out with one squeeze...not a peasant experience.

Evidently, my ear canals are narrow and hairy. Now, since this procedure, I have a constant high pitched tinnitus in both ears. I saw my doctor and she ordered a hearing test with a ear doctor and a ENT. I will not be seen until mid October. I have no ear pain. Just constant tinnitus. I regret not going to an ENT. Years ago an ENT removed the wax from my ear with a wire and a loop at the end.

Anyway, I apologize for this lengthy explanation. I would be most appreciative for your input. Thank you.
I hope over time your tinnitus settles down for you.
Always use olive oil drops 2-3 times a day for a week to ten days prior to wax removal.
A few members got tinnitus due to wax removal and I don't think @Markku would mind me saying that's how he got tinnitus.

Love glynis
I'm sorry that such an experience happened to you. Hopefully your ringing can settle down and get better.
Hey how are you, i need to get my ears syringed every 2 years or so, i always hated it because i had the fear of damaging the ear, back years ago they always used a jet of warm water, recently (about 6 months) i found a place that used a new technique called suction, which i found way safer in my opinion. Just a simple tube that sucks loosened wax (with drops befroehand) but i got my T from a stupid rave which i shouldn't of agreed to.. Like you I'm hoping it'll go away soon :)
Mike, I would never go through this again. I had this done a few times in the last 4 years at the same place. Each time they had trouble removing my the wax but I did not have tinnitus afterwards. My doctor did mention to me about the suction procedure you mentioned. Next time I am going to go to an ENT doctor. They use a wire with a loop on the end to remove the ear wax. Best regards.
@Rtbob Best of luck, i found the suction method to be the best, i paid 50€ for it, but they are specialist so i didn't mind,i hated the jet of water, sure it worked but it was always painful.. and knowing my ears I'll have to do it again in 2 years :) Never heard of the method you prefer, then again i live in Ireland, and usually here they use older methods. Hope it goes easy for you next time :)

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