Tinnitus After Excessive Masturbation

It must very difficult for you, considering that you have depression as it is and masturbation worked as a stress reliever. I am very sorry! But there is still hope. Perhaps stopping masturbating altogether would help? At least for a while. Then you would see if it gets better or at least doesnt get worse.
Wow, there's no end to what we have to stay clear of to avoid getting even more T. The list of potential T instigators is enormous!


Did you struggle with severe stress before the masturbation events? Is that you stress reliever?
Yes I was stressed but not to the extent of stress causing t . It's the days of mastubating that made me feel so good, but I did it too much . It's in both ears, several tones, white noise in each morse code, squeeky gate type noise and buzzing .
You never told us that you had spinal leakage! That is most certainly why you have tinnitus... I read about spinal anesthesia and that can cause tinnitus because spinal fluid leaks. I can give you sources for that but they are in German...
You never told us that you had spinal leakage! That is most certainly why you have tinnitus... I read about spinal anesthesia and that can cause tinnitus because spinal fluid leaks. I can give you sources for that but they are in German...
I had a spinal leak but it was repaired with a blood patch. An mri scan after showed all was then ok . I didn't have tinnitus until I started mastubating. I have perfect hearing on audiology tests so it's got to be the orgasms that done it :-(,
Yes masturbation can lead to tinnitus. I suffer from that too. My T came after prolonged sexual stimulation. It went away quickly. The second time when it came, it lasted longer. But again went away. Later it came again and lasted for 30 years.

My situation improved gradually, accompanied by feeling heat in my lower spine at waist level and heat in scrotum.

I am sure it is related to sex related nerves being stimulated for too long and cannot calm down. I feel agitated and breath harder as if doing sex.

Now my T is very less. At the same time the agitated feeling also reduced a lot.

A French writer Rousseau also wrote about his experience of T in his autobiography. I think he had same problem.
Hi there, I am new to this forum, and to tinnitus.

I have had a rough time lately, some major life hurdles to overcome which has left me depressed in a major way. Rather than doing what I should have done, which was to get out and about etc....

I stayed in bed for days and days, masturbating. This is so embarrassing, but I would do it 60 plus times in a row some days. Mostly in a face down position.

Shortly after I began hearing morse code in my ear. I didn't correlate the two together, then in the same ear I began a constant eeeeeeeee noise. The more i masturbated the other ear soon followed, morse code and a white noise. Both time my hearing and ear went numb a for a while.

Then the tinnitus began.

It wasn't so bad in my ears until I did it again a month ago, this time only a few times, but it resulted in a major tinnitus spike of both ears and now it's so loud and crazy in my ears.

Does anyone have any info on orgasm causing tinnitus? It's terrible that something pleasurable could bring this on!!

I am devastated.
And I thought it only caused blindness....................
i too have been doing it a lot everyday for a while now... in having done research on and off on the subject of masturbation and more recently tinnitus, i came across an article that links tinnitus with zinc deficiency. i have known for a while that ejaculation depletes me of a little zinc, not sure for females... i guess if we do it excessively it tends to add-up, the deficiency. so excessive masturbation contributes to zinc deficiency which in turn contributes to tinnitus.
Hi Penelope! I don't know what's caused your tinnitus! but I'm certain it's nothing to do with all your MASTERBATEING, that's ridiculous. You should try having a good shag and see if that reverses it.
I believe it has to do with the release of histamine which is release with each orgasm. See if niacin does the same thing. If so, benadryl or so, should help. Sometimes tinnitus is helped by an antihistamine. I wonder if some histamine intolerance may play a role in tinnitus.
Hi there, I am new to this forum, and to tinnitus.

I have had a rough time lately, some major life hurdles to overcome which has left me depressed in a major way. Rather than doing what I should have done, which was to get out and about etc....

I stayed in bed for days and days, masturbating. This is so embarrassing, but I would do it 60 plus times in a row some days. Mostly in a face down position.

Shortly after I began hearing morse code in my ear. I didn't correlate the two together, then in the same ear I began a constant eeeeeeeee noise. The more i masturbated the other ear soon followed, morse code and a white noise. Both time my hearing and ear went numb a for a while.

Then the tinnitus began.

It wasn't so bad in my ears until I did it again a month ago, this time only a few times, but it resulted in a major tinnitus spike of both ears and now it's so loud and crazy in my ears.

Does anyone have any info on orgasm causing tinnitus? It's terrible that something pleasurable could bring this on!!

I am devastated.
Penelope, I'm sorry to ask something very personal, but do you also watch Porn when you masturbate?
People, it's nice that you are trying to help this girl, but she did leave the forum on March 29, 2014.
I quote from her last post
"I'm going to take a break from this site, from the internet entirely, seek other measures of focus. I'm tired beyond tired."
I believe it has to do with the release of histamine which is release with each orgasm. See if niacin does the same thing. If so, benadryl or so, should help. Sometimes tinnitus is helped by an antihistamine. I wonder if some histamine intolerance may play a role in tinnitus.
The thing is, if Penelope watches porn while participating in self-pleasure, then that's a huge amount of dopamine being released in the brain. Dopamine's been studied to show that it affects how we hear things. Especially since dopamine is involved when we hear sounds or our favorite song. It elevates our mood. I believe dopamine plays a part in the hallucinations that people with schizophrenia have. Studies have shown that people with schizophrenia have odd brain waves coming from the auditory region of their brain.

Our auditory neurons are also supposed to be in association with the amygdala (I'm not sure which one) but the amygdala is essential for one's libido/sexual arousal. When one orgasms, the amygdala shuts down for the time and that could play a part in the change in Tinnitus sound/loudness one gets when they self-pleasure themselves or participate in sex.

I can say ever since my hearing has completely changed, my libido has been no where near what it was when my hearing was healthy and I could enjoy and hear music like I did. Definitely miss that part.
Hi there, I am new to this forum, and to tinnitus.

I have had a rough time lately, some major life hurdles to overcome which has left me depressed in a major way. Rather than doing what I should have done, which was to get out and about etc....

I stayed in bed for days and days, masturbating. This is so embarrassing, but I would do it 60 plus times in a row some days. Mostly in a face down position.

Shortly after I began hearing morse code in my ear. I didn't correlate the two together, then in the same ear I began a constant eeeeeeeee noise. The more i masturbated the other ear soon followed, morse code and a white noise. Both time my hearing and ear went numb a for a while.

Then the tinnitus began.

It wasn't so bad in my ears until I did it again a month ago, this time only a few times, but it resulted in a major tinnitus spike of both ears and now it's so loud and crazy in my ears.

Does anyone have any info on orgasm causing tinnitus? It's terrible that something pleasurable could bring this on!!

I am devastated.

Are you serious????
You mention that you were face down most of the time. Do you normally sleep in this position?

Although there were other issues involved, namely an allergic reaction to a prescription drug, I first noticed my tinnitus when boarding a loft - I'll be honest, yours sounds a better way to get tinnitus (if there is a better way). Anyway, the point is that I was wearing very high quality ear protection when using power tools and only using them for a few minutes at a time anyway, but I was face down, completely flat for long periods, a position that I would not normally be in for anywhere near as long. This seemed to be the trigger for me and initially started as a Morse code sound which then progressed to other types of sounds. I still believe it has resulted in some kind of ETD, as my ear sometimes clears and feels fine and the tinnitus disappears, whilst other times feels blocked and the tinnitus becomes very loud. Last night in fact, it was really loud and intrusive, so I was messing about moving my jaw and trying to pop my ears, when my right ear popped and instantly the volume dropped to almost non-existent.
I've had tinnitus for about a year, but before it got bad enough for me to notice all the time I have been having a static like noise in my right ear after masturbating sometimes, usually after a longer session. This was even before I noticed my tinnitus at all. It does go away after a few minutes, but it is a tad annoying, although glad I've gotten used to it.
Hi there, I am new to this forum, and to tinnitus.

I have had a rough time lately, some major life hurdles to overcome which has left me depressed in a major way. Rather than doing what I should have done, which was to get out and about etc....

I stayed in bed for days and days, masturbating. This is so embarrassing, but I would do it 60 plus times in a row some days. Mostly in a face down position.

Shortly after I began hearing morse code in my ear. I didn't correlate the two together, then in the same ear I began a constant eeeeeeeee noise. The more i masturbated the other ear soon followed, morse code and a white noise. Both time my hearing and ear went numb a for a while.

Then the tinnitus began.

It wasn't so bad in my ears until I did it again a month ago, this time only a few times, but it resulted in a major tinnitus spike of both ears and now it's so loud and crazy in my ears.

Does anyone have any info on orgasm causing tinnitus? It's terrible that something pleasurable could bring this on!!

I am devastated.

I have no idea since I am not a girl like you but I feel bad for you. Did your T go away? I hope you have found a man to marry and spend time with and share good moments with instead of spending so much time in bed. When I am depressed I can spend a lot of time in bed and waste my life away, not by masturbating but by sleeping and it usually makes my depression worse.
I have no idea since I am not a girl like you but I feel bad for you. Did your T go away? I hope you have found a man to marry and spend time with and share good moments with instead of spending so much time in bed. When I am depressed I can spend a lot of time in bed and waste my life away, not by masturbating but by sleeping and it usually makes my depression worse.
I think masturbating in bed is much better than just lying there doing nothing.
I think masturbating in bed is much better than just lying there doing nothing.

Is that supposed to be a joke? If you can't get to sleep, sometimes just reading a book can help. The trick is this: Something you are kind of interested in so you will keep reading, but not enough to keep your mind stimulated and feel like you have to read to find out what happens next.
Hi there, I am new to this forum, and to tinnitus.

I have had a rough time lately, some major life hurdles to overcome which has left me depressed in a major way. Rather than doing what I should have done, which was to get out and about etc....

I stayed in bed for days and days, masturbating. This is so embarrassing, but I would do it 60 plus times in a row some days. Mostly in a face down position.

Shortly after I began hearing morse code in my ear. I didn't correlate the two together, then in the same ear I began a constant eeeeeeeee noise. The more i masturbated the other ear soon followed, morse code and a white noise. Both time my hearing and ear went numb a for a while.

Then the tinnitus began.

It wasn't so bad in my ears until I did it again a month ago, this time only a few times, but it resulted in a major tinnitus spike of both ears and now it's so loud and crazy in my ears.

Does anyone have any info on orgasm causing tinnitus? It's terrible that something pleasurable could bring this on!!

I am devastated.
Not much to add other than its possible...not saying its true, that your morse code maybe Martian's trying to contact you to see if they can fly in and perform some experiments on you.;) If you get freaked about by the thought, I suggest you reduce your masturbation rate....or at least try it on your back for a while and see if that helps.:)

I think its possible of course as others have said that excessive masturbation maybe contributing to the morse code type of tinnitus so you must find a way to desist for a while at least as an experiment to see if this is a root cause. Many times stopping a promoting activity can cause T to return to its former level.

I play a sex therapist on the internet so feel free to ask any further questions. I am a big fan of orgasms both for men and woman as a stress reliever, endorphin release etc...be it by sex with a partner or self pleasuring but moderation is probably advised as in all things. Sex including masturbation can be addictive behavior of course, T or no T so seek a therapist would be my suggestion. Being depressed, bed ridden etc, you need to find a better balance of brain chemistry to enjoy other aspects of your life.
Best of luck.
Well, let me add what happened to me, which was kind of like the opposite. I had been hearing very minor ringing for 2-3 days the week of January 18, 2016. I would hear it in the morning when I would wake up but it'd be gone most of the day.

Friday night, around 1am, I was alone in bed watching TV when I felt something hit/snap my ear! Not sure what it was, it wasn't just ringing, it was like something pressurized. I can't explain it. I went online and researched "ringing in the ears" - I had never heard of Tinnitus before but I started reading terrible stories that freaked me out. I took an Ambien to relax me and put to me sleep. It didn't really work, my anxiety was through the roof. Around 5am, I, well, masturbated and when I orgasmed, my ears shut up completely. The noise was gone 100%. I fell asleep soon after.

Next day, it was back.

Not sure what that could mean.
No I'm a female, in my 30's, not a guy, I dint think men are capable if 6o or so at a time. I am serious though unfortunately. I have no other cause fir the tinnitus appart from that, and as I experienced numb ears after then the t, it's got to have been the trigger. I am just annoyed that doing this, to give pleasure could do such damage. V upset. Could it be that too many o's caused major high blood pressure? I'd any one knows....
I wondered if anyone had suffered the same, I've looked in line and not much comes up so seems I've brought it in by this rare act of over self indulgence .
Hi, could you find the cure for your tinnitus? I am looking for a fast way to recover.
Hi, could you find the cure for your tinnitus? I am looking for a fast way to recover.
She posted this back in 2013. She is no longer reading this forum. You might want to send a private message to her. That way she will get an e-mail notification, and then there might be a chance that she might get back to you.

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