It has been over a year since my ear symptoms started and here is an update:
For the last few months I have made a lot of progress with habituation to tinnitus and with my hyperacusis. Then I experienced a setback caused by in-ear-maskers that lasted for weeks and another that thankfully only lasted days. I dropped a large metal bowl to kitchen counter that triggered the symptoms again for days.
Then slowly the burning sensation was basically gone in my ears and I could do stuff that I could do before the setback. Using earplugs outside.
I tried to continue doing stuff normally despite of my hyperacusis spike. I started walking outside with headphones on top of earplugs at first. When I only experienced minor burning in my ears I started to listen to sound therapies quietly at night to mask my tinnitus that was bothering me a lot. My other ear started to ring after setback, I had this ear piercing reactive sizzling sound. Luckily it slowly got a bit less intrusive. I got my joy of music back that has been gone every now and then when my symptoms have been worse. At first after acoustic trauma I could not enjoy music for months.
What was most bizarre is how my tinnitus started to slowly bother me less and less. I was doing most progress I have been during the year. I mostly noticed my tinnitus at night. I started to live my life more. I got a puppy. Yeah, a puppy despite of my hyperacusis and it did not even make my symptoms spike. She is luckily quiet and does not bark almost at all. I started exercising, went even to quiet gym. Started eating really healthy. I tried to keep my mind distracted so I did not think about this as much. I felt myself happier when I did stuff even though I have had rough year that has left emotional scars that still have an effect on me every day.
I have continued my (slow) benzo taper for the last months too.
I started to dream that yeah maybe I can still have a life despite of my symptoms. Maybe I could do this and that...
I was invited to friend's graduation parties and I thought after my process that I could go there. For a year I haven't gone to any social events. I thought why not. I missed seeing my group of friends. Maybe I could just try to avoid loud sounds. I was fine with shopping mall decibels with earplugs so why could I not go to parties.
It was a mistake. It was more difficult to avoid sounds than I thought if I did not want to basically carry a table somewhere else and go sit far away from the people... It was a relaxed party for families but there was one loud Bluetooth speaker with bass. It was not like a concert or nightclub or anything, it was a small party after all. I tried to sit as far away from the speaker as I could, use earplugs (they should have been more protective though!), took breaks regularly. In some point I noticed I had muffled hearing and ear fatigue and left. The bass was too much for my ears. I spent way too much time at the party. I was feeling happy until I understood my symptoms were spiking that made me depressed.
My ears were ringing like crazy when I went back home. I experienced mild pain occasionally for the next day that went away. My hyperacusis did not spike and I have been able to live my life like before the setback with hyperacusis. But my ear still feels a bit clogged weeks after, my hearing feels worse. Less crisp and clear. I started to experience same symptom that has been gone for some time like my hearing is different in left and right ear and ear fullness. I can't enjoy music. Weird seashell sound and whistling sounds are back, reactiveness of my tinnitus is worse. Tinnitus has bothered me so much I feel like I am back in square one again. I need to mask my tinnitus constantly to cope, before the party I barely recognized it some days. I am afraid I did harm to my ears and I don't recover from this anymore. I feel like my mood is really low because of the symptoms. The party wasn't worth it and just made me sad. People can just have fun and I have to pay a terrible price for going to social events.
I have used Magnesium, combination of vitamin A, C, E that I read can be beneficial after sound exposure. I just hope these symptoms will pass.