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Tinnitus After Playing Call of Duty — I've Got a Couple of Questions


Mar 19, 2021
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise, allergy
Hello everybody! Well the ringing started about 3 months ago, I was playing Call of Duty with my son and I noticed some of the sounds kinda hurt my ears, so I went and turned down the sound effects to the point you could hardly hear them. Well after we got done playing, something just didn't feel right, my ears started to feel like they were swelling up and full. I went to bed and woke up to eeeeeeeee. Son of a!

So I did the usual, I went to the audiologist everything and checked out good. She wanted me to try Prednisone, so I made an appointment. After the 2nd day the ringing darn near disappeared. How exciting! Short lived. The ringing returned with a vengeance. Probably my fault because the kids' snowmobile wasn't running right so tried to figure that out with ear plugs. Bad idea...

Well the next couple of days didn't seem any different until the wife put dishes in the sink, I about hit the floor in pain. What in da heck is that!

So I've been dealing with that, it's slowly changed from a burning sensation to slight pain in the inner ear that goes away. I'm hoping this is progress. I went from watching TV at volume 12 to 20.

I had ringing in both ears that switched to mostly inner ear head ringing. A hiss I'd say. At first sleep was hard, waking in the middle of night to screaming loud ringing. What seemed to help with this is diet, I cut out unhealthy foods, quit drinking soda and such. I learned, say if I ate pizza before bed, that's when I'd get crazy ringing. So I learned it was from heart burn! So I take a tums before bed and seems to be really helping.

Everyday I take an antihistamine which I never used to, but if I don't, my face feels like it's going to swell up. We have 2 cats and an old farmhouse.

I guess the questions I have are...

When I drive my car, it feels like I'm going through the mountains in my ears. I live in the flattest area there is.

I work road construction which should be firing up here in about a month. Anybody else here work in construction? I work around equipment. I don't touch jack hammers or anything like that. We usually work 14-hour days 5-6 days a week. I just don't know if a person could wear earplugs that long?

Well this was my introduction. I'm so glad for a place like this to get some help.
Hi Rockman,

From what you describe it seems to me you have noise induced tinnitus and possibly hyperacusis, which is having an oversensitivity to sound. This condition often accompanies noise induced tinnitus. In order for your symptoms not to get worse, my advice is not to use headphones, earbuds, headsets or AirPods even at low volume. In addition when listening to audio through speakers keep the volume at a comfortable level. Please click on the links below are read my posts. Go to my started threads and read my articles: Hyperacusis, As I See It and The Habituation Process.

You could use Noise reducing earplugs, these have in-built filters that will reduce outside sound but wont block it entirely like foam earplugs. More is explained in Hyperacusis, As I see it.

All the best

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Hey Rockman,

Well the good news is that unless your son was pumping Call of Duty through Marshall stacks turned up to 11, you're probably going to be okay. There always could be some nerve damage but I feel like it's more likely physical. Unless you have a history of excessive loud noise exposure, that might complicate things.

I'd get a reliable dB meter and start measuring sounds. Keep everything below 80 dB. Ideally 70 dB max if you can tolerate that.

I'd also recommend loading up on antioxidants (NAC, Curcumin, Astaxanthin) and get a message all around your ears and the sides of your head. It helped me tremendously.

Good luck and Godspeed!
Thank you guys for the response. Dang game, I had it at volume 20 out of 50. But the flashbang sound in the game is exactly what I hear now. Perfect storm.

Plus I've listened to hard rock my whole life plus, heavy equipment operator. So lots of noise in my life.
I just don't know if a person could wear earplugs that long?
I've worked construction and blame my tinnitus on using a circular saw for hours every day with no hearing protection! What can I say, I was young and thought I was invincible. Now I've found that those earmuff-type hearing protection things that look like safety-yellow headphones work much better than earplugs and are comfortable enough to wear all day. Good luck!
Thanks for the reply. Sometimes I wonder if I should get out of construction completely, but it's all I've done.
Yup, I got mine at 19 years old after using a concrete saw all day. I will probably hear this noise forever now sadly... I doubt it was from a little gaming.
4-5 month update.

Things are better, with some ups and downs.

Sensitivity to sound seems to be getting better. I went to an audiologist who put me on a prescription to reduce fluid in the inner ear. They think it will help with the pressure feeling, almost like being on an airplane.

The tinnitus is mostly centralized, and comes and goes in the ears.

I will check back in. Take care.
If you have been working construction that is definitely the culprit. Maybe the game or some other sounds you have been subjected to recently just sort of put things over their final limit.

I would recommend you go back to the audiologist you saw and ask to have molds made for custom molded earplugs. They may want to sell you Westone brand earplugs, but I'm not too fond of those. You may want to ask for Sensaphonics which are made of a softer material. You can get them with attenuated filters (musician's plugs) or you can get solid plugs which will have the max protection. The nice thing about this is you can also wear muffs over them and be comfortable and protected as much as possible on a loud construction site.

Doh... this thread is a few months old. Well, hope you have been feeling better!
Still taking it a day at a time. The tinnitus isn't the frustrating part. The hyperacusis is the problem. It was getting better. I went on a little road trip with my truck and didn't wear ear plugs. Kinda had to start over. Plus I can't stand being in a room with air conditioner going.

Like they say, three steps forward, two steps back... but always looking forward.

I did get custom molded ear plugs ordered. Looking forward to it, so I can do some of the stuff I used to do. For now, I'm just enjoying fishing on the river banks, even the dang birds chirping hurt the ears, haha. Plus watching the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs.
Still taking it a day at a time. The tinnitus isn't the frustrating part. The hyperacusis is the problem. It was getting better. I went on a little road trip with my truck and didn't wear ear plugs. Kinda had to start over. Plus I can't stand being in a room with air conditioner going.

Like they say, three steps forward, two steps back... but always looking forward.

I did get custom molded ear plugs ordered. Looking forward to it, so I can do some of the stuff I used to do. For now, I'm just enjoying fishing on the river banks, even the dang birds chirping hurt the ears, haha. Plus watching the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs.
Wishing you the best Rockman. I think the fact that it was getting better is a great sign. Hope the recovery speeds up!
Figured I'd drop by with an update.

I've gotten pretty used to the tinnitus. Still battling hyperacusis though so that's tough. Basically if I concentrate on anything like reading, something feels like it's squeezing my inner ear. Feels a lot like needles being poked into the cochlea which makes the tinnitus louder. I'm guessing it's something to do with inflammation.

Hope all is well with you all.
Hello all. I'm still battling hyperacusis. Some days are better than others but it just won't completely go away. Still can't handle the sounds of whistles on TV. Plus I developed tension headaches if I read for too long or put too much effort towards a project. But still alive and kicking.
Hello everyone, I've had tinnitus and hyperacusis for a year now and I still have ear pain even in a quiet room. I'm starting to wonder if something else is wrong, it feels like a slight ear infection but constant.

Yesterday I was having a pretty good day until I had a bowl of cereal. When I went to swallow my tinnitus almost doubled in volume and has stayed that way since.

I do have an off and on feeling of fluid in one ear.

Just not sure what to try next. Thanks for the help.
I had a nasal endoscopy three weeks ago. Found nothing, unfortunately. Cost $800, unfortunately.

I'm getting a CT scan of my sinuses next week. I got tinnitus ten years ago in my left ear when I had a bad sinus infection on the left side. The left sinuses have felt a little blocked up ever since. So, hoping to find something with this next scan. It's unlikely it will lead to some way to get rid of my tinnitus, but it's worth a shot. I found a hospital that will do it for $289.

Your case sounds to me like you have a much better chance of finding something than I do. Good luck!
Thanks, I'm currently checking around to get the CT scan. I don't have insurance so it's a little difficult. My local hospital quoted about $3,000 but if I drive 2 hours it's $600. So I think I will be going for a drive.
Yes, it's insane, the pricing. Totally meaningless. One place here will do the scan for $1,700. The other place will do it for $289. Keep calling around. You'll also need a radiologist to interpret the scan, so see if that's included in the price.
My tinnitus is not related to gaming lol, I've been one of the biggest COD addicted folks around here lol.

So it may was too loud or you have other issues e.g., muscular, Eustachian tube etc.
I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima and the slashing sounds are fantastic, no bangs and instant sounds. Well there are black powder bombs. Yea any CoD game could be brutal on tinnitus, especially reactive.

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