Tinnitus and Headaches. Tinnitus and CPAP. Tinnitus and Spikes.


Jul 5, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
It's now 3 months that I have had tinnitus with very few "good days" in between.

I'm starting to getting used on having it but on days when it's 8+ on the scale I get headaches too, does anyone else experience headaches with their tinnitus, Tylenol will help a bit (the headache) but I don't want to be popping more pills beside all the others that I take for other ailments.

Another question would be if anyone uses a CPAP machine as I do, does it cause tinnitus to spike or if it spikes with sleeping regardless of the CPAP.

I would love if anyone had a list of what NOT do do so that it would not spike, I'm going nuts trying to figure out what makes my T to spike, one moment it's bearable the next moment it's high, so I start to ask myself, is it what I ate? I drank? I slept?

Does anyone have any answers, could any of these things cause it to spike, or maybe there are no answers except T has a mind of its own and does whatever it wants.
It's now 3 months that I have had tinnitus with very few "good days" in between.

I'm starting to getting used on having it but on days when it's 8+ on the scale I get headaches too, does anyone else experience headaches with their tinnitus, Tylenol will help a bit (the headache) but I don't want to be popping more pills beside all the others that I take for other ailments.

Another question would be if anyone uses a CPAP machine as I do, does it cause tinnitus to spike or if it spikes with sleeping regardless of the CPAP.

I would love if anyone had a list of what NOT do do so that it would not spike, I'm going nuts trying to figure out what makes my T to spike, one moment it's bearable the next moment it's high, so I start to ask myself, is it what I ate? I drank? I slept?

Does anyone have any answers, could any of these things cause it to spike, or maybe there are no answers except T has a mind of its own and does whatever it wants.

Hi @TinnitoToto. I do, on occasion, have headaches associated with spikes in my tinnitus. I believe that, while there are many common factors, different things will cause spikes for different people. While my general volume is fairly constant (I do not know what number I would assign, but I know I cannot make my iPhone loud enough to cover it), I get the occasional additional tone, which brings with it increased total volume for the duration of the additional tone.

I have not connected sleep apnea (I am guessing based not eh CPAP machine) with tinnitus. While I do not require a CPAP machine, I have mild sleep apnea, which has lessened recently due to weight loss. I am interested in your thoughts on any connection you feel between your apnea and your tinnitus.

I'm sorry I cannot answer any of your other questions, but I am sure someone will.
It's now 3 months that I have had tinnitus with very few "good days" in between.

I'm starting to getting used on having it but on days when it's 8+ on the scale I get headaches too, does anyone else experience headaches with their tinnitus, Tylenol will help a bit (the headache) but I don't want to be popping more pills beside all the others that I take for other ailments.

Another question would be if anyone uses a CPAP machine as I do, does it cause tinnitus to spike or if it spikes with sleeping regardless of the CPAP.

I would love if anyone had a list of what NOT do do so that it would not spike, I'm going nuts trying to figure out what makes my T to spike, one moment it's bearable the next moment it's high, so I start to ask myself, is it what I ate? I drank? I slept?

Does anyone have any answers, could any of these things cause it to spike, or maybe there are no answers except T has a mind of its own and does whatever it wants.

My tinnitus is beyond horrible and i have head pressures/headaches on a daily basis. The headache/pressures fade and come and go. I don't take anything for it, just try to handle it and move forward. I will say this much, I use to take lots of supplements and my headaches were worst. Now, that I am 100% natural, I don't get them as bad...

Take care...
Thank you Kolisar, Fushbone, sometimes it's more the worry that it's not from tinnitus, that its something worse that's why I ask so at least I know that it's normal to have these pressure headaches
Another question would be if anyone uses a CPAP machine as I do, does it cause tinnitus to spike or if it spikes with sleeping regardless of the CPAP.

Welcome to the forum. I do use CPAP for my sleep apnea and I have been using for 25plus years. I don't think CPAP can aggravate T. If CPAP can give you great REM sleep and you wake up fresh, then T will likely be less a problem. Without CPAP then the brain can wake up oxygen deprived plus sleep deprived, and that is when my T would spike badly.

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