In September/Octorber 2020 I got an ear infection on my right side which had as immediate symptoms distorted/muffled sounds and sound sensitivity, followed by HOT ears (sometimes both for some reason), burning/acid burning in the ear and soreness.
These symptoms escalated to a solid 6-7/10 after a month and the sound sensitivity was at its peak around December/January at a good 7.5/10.
Now in August I can confidently say that everything is mostly subsided to a constant 1-2/10. It's just mildly annoying sometimes.
Here is what I did: Since I happen to also be severely hard of hearing, when it got real bad, I took my hearing aids off for about 2 weeks straight. That made the sound sensitivity decrease a little bit. But besides that? Literally nothing. Waited, waited and waited, resumed my normal life, listening to YouTube and music with headphones at about 50-60% at all times. I did not change my diet, did not avoid too much not noise, went out to skate and went to the movies (Tenet no less). Only thing that is noticeably worse is my goddamn hearing.
There is hope guys.
These symptoms escalated to a solid 6-7/10 after a month and the sound sensitivity was at its peak around December/January at a good 7.5/10.
Now in August I can confidently say that everything is mostly subsided to a constant 1-2/10. It's just mildly annoying sometimes.
Here is what I did: Since I happen to also be severely hard of hearing, when it got real bad, I took my hearing aids off for about 2 weeks straight. That made the sound sensitivity decrease a little bit. But besides that? Literally nothing. Waited, waited and waited, resumed my normal life, listening to YouTube and music with headphones at about 50-60% at all times. I did not change my diet, did not avoid too much not noise, went out to skate and went to the movies (Tenet no less). Only thing that is noticeably worse is my goddamn hearing.
There is hope guys.