This question goes out especially to all the females with tinnitus 
I noticed that the days before I get my menstruation my tinnitus is way WORSE, and also I have the feeling that generally my Hearing gets worse, too. And since a couple of months, my tinnitus becomes pulsatile the days before / first days of my menstruation. I can hear my pulse very loudly in my left Ear: schhhh/sh... schhh/sh... schhh/sh (something like that). Oh, and it is generally loudest in the morning
And normally my Tinnitus is NOT pulsatile!
Do you have an explanation for this? Did any one of you experience something similar?
Thanks for reading!!

I noticed that the days before I get my menstruation my tinnitus is way WORSE, and also I have the feeling that generally my Hearing gets worse, too. And since a couple of months, my tinnitus becomes pulsatile the days before / first days of my menstruation. I can hear my pulse very loudly in my left Ear: schhhh/sh... schhh/sh... schhh/sh (something like that). Oh, and it is generally loudest in the morning

Do you have an explanation for this? Did any one of you experience something similar?
Thanks for reading!!