I agree too.
I just use protein and it has never had any effect on my tinnitus. I'm naturally slender so I need a little help to gain weight, supplementing a good diet with protein works fine.
I always stayed away from anything else as I don't like to artificially supplement, although most plans try and push some sort of supplement on you. You can also get unflavoured protein if you want to keep away from additives and sweeteners.
Just follow the basics and you'll be fine - balance your diet, up your calorie intake, don't try and lift too much, use the full range of motion in an exercise, if you have to throw your body into it the weight is too heavy - the main thing to be careful with is to not strain your neck / traps, as this could make your tinnitus worse.
There are some good plans and lots of tips on bodybuilding . com, you can search them by your basic body type too so they are more personalised. You may get impatient when you don't see gains as quick as you want (speaking from experience), but if you stick with it you'll get there.