Tinnitus Arrived During a Period of Anxiety and a Very Sore Neck and Back


Jan 31, 2022
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi there,

Been a lurker for a few months so thought I would introduce myself.

I've had tinnitus since September 2021. ENT found nothing wrong, hearing test was normal. It arrived in my right ear as a high pitched tone during a period of anxiety I was going through. I also had a very sore neck and back at the time. I originally thought I might have damaged a nerve trying to stretch out my sore neck but I think that is quite unlikely. I also have to wear a teeth guard for teeth grinding so may be something in that. Like some people on here, I can change the volume of my tinnitus in various ways. Moving jaw side to side, if I put my chin to my chest or I do a chin tuck as well as a few neck movements.

After a couple of months it started to occasionally appear in my left ear as well but I can generally only hear that in a quiet room. The left ear is much much quieter. It has also changed in noise from a steady tone to many other things. I have had lots of swooshing sounds, sounds like a seashell next to your ear, some electric static and now mainly a static / hiss that has a variable nature to it.

The good news is that since November until present day there has been a steady decline in volume month over month and it is becoming less intrusive. If it was an 7/8 out 10 at the beginning, it is probably a 3/4 most days and some days a 0.5/2. As it's only been 5 months I'm still hanging onto the thought it might completely recede back to where it came from. If it's got this low at times, no reason to not keep going is there (fingers crossed) :)

I did have a weird situation last week. I can back from a weekend away with a feeling of full / blocked ears. I've had a full ear since the onset of tinnitus as well as loads of ear cracking and eardrum pops but it was not too bad and had been getting better. I decided to take a decongestant for a few days and I was surprised by the amount of tingles, little spasms, fluid movements, muscle tightness releases that my ears (especially the bad right one) did. I also noticed that my tinnitus was barely there. I could only hear it in a quiet room.

Course of tablets has now finished and I felt my ears tighten back up that night, tinnitus became very high pitched. It was like the sound in my ear was being squeezed by the inflamed ear so it went super high. Would seem like there is some kind of inflammation going on in my ears so going to see the GP to see if there is anything I can do to provide a more long term solution.

Anyway, that's my story to this point, nice to meet you all. Have been enjoying reading all the success stories and appreciate all the positivity.

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