Tinnitus Changed from High-Pitched Eeeee to a Low Hissing/Fizzing Sound — Good Sign?


Apr 1, 2020
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus

My tinnitus started 4 weeks ago.

It began with very high pitched eeeee sound which was constant.

During the last 3 days it's changed to a low hissing/fizzing sound in my head, with the odd second of the high pitch trying to break through again.

I have no idea what caused my tinnitus.

I did suffer a nervous breakdown recently, medication was increased (Sertraline) and suffered a head injury after blacking out. Also was told I had an ear infection and was given a course of antibiotics. So the cause could be any of those things.

I don't know if this is a good thing or not that the sound has changed? I still feel pressure behind my nose and in ears as well as throbbing in head and ears sometimes.

I can't see a doctor due to the coronavirus pandemic, so I'm wondering if anybody on here has some words of wisdom for me?
It's a good sign.
Me and other people with tonal high pitch tinnitus have noticed it going from pitch to hiss and then disappearing.

Continue curing your ear infection, and maybe try tappering off Sertraline? To the level it was before.
SSRI are known to possibly give tinnitus.
Mine changes too. Sounds were a low hiss, then faint pitch tone Eeeeeeeeee and then low hiss but I feel like a small ringing is trying to break through again. I also had an ear infection/retracted ear drum... it's in both ears though. Started last month. I'm sorry you're going through this.
Mine changes too. Sounds were a low hiss, then faint pitch tone Eeeeeeeeee and then low hiss but I feel like a small ringing is trying to break through again. I also had an ear infection/retracted ear drum... it's in both ears though. Started last month. I'm sorry you're going through this.
I'm sorry you are also... it's hellish.
It's a good sign.
Me and other people with tonal high pitch tinnitus have noticed it going from pitch to hiss and then disappearing.

Continue curing your ear infection, and maybe try tappering off Sertraline? To the level it was before.
SSRI are known to
Thank you for this hope!

As much as I'd love to come off the Sertraline, I'm just not well enough! I had previously been on it at a dose of 50mg for 3 years with no tinnitus... but after 4 weeks of the increase to 100mg the tinnitus started so I have no clue if it's the Sertraline.
It seems the list of causes for tinnitus is endless!
Thank you for this hope!

As much as I'd love to come off the Sertraline, I'm just not well enough! I had previously been on it at a dose of 50mg for 3 years with no tinnitus... but after 4 weeks of the increase to 100mg the tinnitus started so I have no clue if it's the Sertraline.
It seems the list of causes for tinnitus is endless!
It's not false hope by the way ;)

I really did "work" for me and I find it very interesting that we are several to notice that kind of change. I think it's the brain trying to fade the sound in the background.

I mean the list is not that long! But yes there are a lot of possibilities.
But SSRIs are definitely one of it. Lots of people have got tinnitus after starting it/upping the dose.
And also people seeing it disappearing after lowering the dose.

So I would recommend you try to go back to 50mg!

Also, another advice: don't focus on tinnitus, stop thinking of it.

The brain has the faculty to make it disappear if you LET IT. So stop looking for the sound, don't check if it's there if you can't hear it ;)

Good luck everyone.
Also, another advice: don't focus on tinnitus, stop thinking of it.

The brain has the faculty to make it disappear if you LET IT. So stop looking for the sound, don't check if it's there if you can't hear it ;)
I am really trying to figure out how to do this, it's almost like it becomes an obsession!
But SSRIs are definitely one of it. Lots of people have got tinnitus after starting it/upping the dose.
And also people seeing it disappearing after lowering the dose.

So I would recommend you try to go back to 50mg!
I am going to try this, already got it down to 75mg but it's a slow process due to the nasty side effects.

Thanks so much for the support x
The brain has the faculty to make it disappear if you LET IT. So stop looking for the sound, don't check if it's there if you can't hear it

To be fair, this depends on the cause: it doesn't apply on physical origins like with pulsatile tinnitus, since those sounds are "real". I'd believe it applies to this case though :)
Mine did this. I had high-pitched straight tone "eeeeeeee" for the first five weeks or so. Then I had another five weeks or so when it was going through a lot of changes, including a hissing/buzzing sound for a while. It never went away completely but it did stop changing and lowered in frequency and volume substantially from what it was at the beginning... I habituated after a few months and rarely pay it any mind anymore.

(Interesting thing, it does flare up a bit when a cold is coming on. It's the first symptom, sort of like an early warning sign.)
Mine is doing this right now as I write this.

It also feels like that the hissing/buzzing electrical kind of sound is fighting with the "eeee" in the background.
I hope that this is what neuron rewiring sounds like and that it will sort itself out.

High aerobic physical activity usually helps the electrical sounds fight the background "eeee" and that in turn quiets everything down a bit.

I am not a fan of benzodiazepines but I once tried bromazepam (had only calming effect) and on other occasion clonazepam, which actually brought the volume down (and also made me more tired).

For now I don't want to mess with the chemical neurotransmiters in my brain and I'll give it time to try to sort itself out without "substances"

Let's hope for everyone that this really means healing :)
To be fair, this depends on the cause: it doesn't apply on physical origins like with pulsatile tinnitus, since those sounds are "real". I'd believe it applies to this case though :)
True, but for me pulsatile tinnitus is not "really" tinnitus. I mean it is but as you said it is 100% physical and can be "cured" with vasodilator or some stuff like that for some cases, and the sound heard is real.
Mine did this. I had high-pitched straight tone "eeeeeeee" for the first five weeks or so. Then I had another five weeks or so when it was going through a lot of changes, including a hissing/buzzing sound for a while. It never went away completely but it did stop changing and lowered in frequency and volume substantially from what it was at the beginning... I habituated after a few months and rarely pay it any mind anymore.

(Interesting thing, it does flare up a bit when a cold is coming on. It's the first symptom, sort of like an early warning sign.)
Hi, I just read your success story. Sounds like I could have written it myself... except for the success and habituation part. I feel exactly how you describe, like this will never get better and I'll NEVER get used to it. I too have diagnosed OCD, and that frightens me as I feel like that will not allow me to get used to the tinnitus. Your story gives me hope. But at the moment I'm sooo struggling, I don't sleep, and when I do I wake a jittering anxious wreck at the thought of having another day of this hell.
True, but for me pulsatile tinnitus is not "really" tinnitus. I mean it is but as you said it is 100% physical and can be "cured" with vasodilator or some stuff like that for some cases, and the sound heard is real.

I fully agree. Sadly though, many ENT's do not: they prefer to just shove all the cases below one big T banner. That way, no further diagnosis is needed, and we can just "live with it" :rolleyes:

On a bit more positive note: of course there are also doctors out there who take us seriously. It's a shame they're so hard to find though.
@Aaron44126 also... a long time ago I know but can you remember what sudafed you took, spray, tablet? I've got the same ear symptoms you describe.
I got regular 24-hour Sudafed, just tablets, it is available "behind the counter" at most U.S. pharmacies (you have to ask for it but you do not need a prescription). Not sure what the availability is like in the U.K.. Note, "Sudafed PE" which is available off the shelf is not the same thing.

It was very, very rough for me for the first two or three months and it was the better part of a year before I started to feel really normal. Hang in there. I believe that it will get better for you too.
In my experience- and from what others say around here - its a great sign.
My best days are when the high pitched piercing tones and tea kettles from hell are downgraded to the sounds of punctured truck tires and frying bacon.

But you are experiencing a positive trend in my opinion.

Best wishes and stay well.
My tinnitus started as high pitch and then went to low hiss for about a week that was barely noticeable. Unfortunately in the past 24 hours it has now gone to a more intense static hiss and it's the first time I haven't been able to sleep with tinnitus.

I am only 3 weeks in so hoping and praying my brain is just figuring this out.
It was very, very rough for me for the first two or three months and it was the better part of a year before I started to feel really normal. Hang in there. I believe that it will get better for you too.

I agree, @Aaron44126. The beginning was pure hell. I'm 9 months in, and each day is slightly better. Baby steps accumulate. To all the T sufferers, hang in there.
Hi everyone. I'm reading all your stories. My tinnitus is noise-induced from a neighbor setting off fireworks at close range. I had no warning. I wasn't even at a party. Just in my backyard at dusk packing boxes for our upcoming move.

As a result, I'm on Day 11 of the most annoying hissing sound in my left ear. I hear it over everything, even the A/C, the TV, etc. so it's not maskable. It sounds like electrical lines/hissing/static. I've had a very maskable version of tinnitus (eeeee) in my opposite ear for 15 years that I only hear in quiet rooms. This is a completely different animal as I can hear it day and night. I've lost weight since it's happened and am barely sleeping. My anxiety is on overdrive from morning when I wake up and hear it (loud!) to night when I somehow fall asleep. I have always worn earplugs and am careful with my hearing which makes it that much more devastating.

Is there still hope this will go away or at least lower in intensity?? I feel like my life is over. :(


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Is there still hope this will go away or at least lower in intensity?? I feel like my life is over.


Yes, there is still hope. You're only 11 days in which in tinnitus time is extremely short. I'm almost four months in with the same type of electrical hiss, and while it's still unmaskable, I do believe it has gotten better. Some days/moments are worse than others, but I can finally say that I think it's slowly getting better, so there's hope for you as well. It takes a long time for ears to heal, many many months. Seems like you already take precautions with your hearing, so continue to do so and allow time to heal.

I know it's scary and it feels like life is over at times. Believe me, I still struggle with that even now some days and everyone here will understand how you feel. I think there's a good chance that over time you will begin to feel much better.

I think there's a good chance that over time you will begin to feel much better.

tbuzz89. Ok thanks for talking me off the cliff. This is so tough. And no one around me really understands how traumatic loud intrusive tinnitus is. I will try to be patient and hope for some healing. Was yours also noise-induced?
Was yours also noise-induced?

I'm pretty sure it's a combination of acoustic trauma and severe stress/anxiety. At the time of onset I was in the middle of a nervous breakdown that was ongoing for two and a half months pretty much. My life was very quiet for that time but I had been a heavy earbuds user for at least five years before, so that's the most likely cause. I've since thrown away all my headphones.

My only hope at this point is for it to fade away. For all of us.

I have had tinnitus for 5 weeks now from fluid in my ear. The first 2 weeks were bad with the constant ringing chirping moving from my right infected to ear to my left and my brain. Then it calmed down and then week 3 I had a spike and from there it's gone to a hiss and it is just mainly in my right ear and head now. Is this a positive sign?

I have read that fluid in the ear can remain up to 3 months. Doctor said to come back if the ringing isn't better in 3/4 weeks. I am reluctant to go because I don't want them to diagnose me with chronic tinnitus.

I am hoping it will fix itself and it will probably take its time too. But during the day I can often forget about it now and I have moments where it's no longer as constant as it was before.

Anyone had any similar stories?

I do feel like I still have fluid in my ears. Some moments my right ear can feel a tad full and I hear popping and cackling.

I have had tinnitus for 5 weeks now from fluid in my ear. The first 2 weeks were bad with the constant ringing chirping moving from my right infected to ear to my left and my brain. Then it calmed down and then week 3 I had a spike and from there it's gone to a hiss and it is just mainly in my right ear and head now. Is this a positive sign?

I have read that fluid in the ear can remain up to 3 months. Doctor said to come back if the ringing isn't better in 3/4 weeks. I am reluctant to go because I don't want them to diagnose me with chronic tinnitus.

I am hoping it will fix itself and it will probably take its time too. But during the day I can often forget about it now and I have moments where it's no longer as constant as it was before.

Anyone had any similar stories?

I do feel like I still have fluid in my ears. Some moments my right ear can feel a tad full and I hear popping and cackling.
I would think it will get better with time. Hope you've had some improvement!

My tinnitus started 4 weeks ago.

It began with very high pitched eeeee sound which was constant.

During the last 3 days it's changed to a low hissing/fizzing sound in my head, with the odd second of the high pitch trying to break through again.

I have no idea what caused my tinnitus.

I did suffer a nervous breakdown recently, medication was increased (Sertraline) and suffered a head injury after blacking out. Also was told I had an ear infection and was given a course of antibiotics. So the cause could be any of those things.

I don't know if this is a good thing or not that the sound has changed? I still feel pressure behind my nose and in ears as well as throbbing in head and ears sometimes.

I can't see a doctor due to the coronavirus pandemic, so I'm wondering if anybody on here has some words of wisdom for me?
I hope you are feeling better.

Did you end up taking the Amitriptyline?

Which antibiotics were you given?

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