Tinnitus for 5 Days


May 7, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Loud music
My name is Jose.

It began after I listen to loud music a long period of time. I'm only 17 and now I'm really scared cause I just heard about people having it for life or years. I don't really hear about how the ringing stop.

I'm going to the doctor on Tues. I feel really sad and I can't sleep. I have also lost my appetite.

I want to know what are the chances of the ringing to stop?
It began after I listen to loud music a long period of time. I'm only 17 and now I'm really scared cause I just heard about people having it for life or years. I don't really hear about how the ringing stop.

Hi @Jose846
Many of us know how you feel so try not worry too much as there's a good chance the tinnitus will reduce and hopefully go away in time.
You need to keep away from loud sounds especially listening to loud music. I suspect that you have been using headphones? If this is the case, I strongly advise you not to listen to music through them again even if your tinnitus goes away. Please don't use them.

At night use a sound machine by your beside that plays nature sounds, or listen to low level relaxing music from a portable cd player etc. If you sleep in a quite room your brain will tend to focus on the tinnitus more and it will appear to be louder and more intrusive. Click on the link below and read the article: Tinnitus, A Personal View, as I feel it will help. Try not to skim through it. Take your time and read it slowly to absorb the information. If you have a printer I advise that you print it.

All the best

I'm still have the ringing in my ears. But thank you guys for helping me and giving all this info. I really appreciate. I'm still hopeful that it goes away.
It took like 2 months for mine to go away. I've read about other people who've had it go away at like 6 or 7 months.

The key thing is to not stress out and to go see the doctors. Could be something as simple as ear wax or inflammation.
It took like 2 months for mine to go away. I've read about other people who've had it go away at like 6 or 7 months.

The key thing is to not stress out and to go see the doctors. Could be something as simple as ear wax or inflammation.
May I ask you to please describe your T during those 2 months? Was the sound's pitch and volume level changing all of the time, or did they seem constant? Were good days followed by bad days that were then followed by good days (lots of volatility), or did it just very gradually become better (with not a lot of volatility)? Thank you!
Like someone said above, headphones are a red flag! And unfortunately you will have take care of your ears even after this. I can't say you can't go clubbing ever, but it is not without risk. Stay away from loud noises in general and buy earplugs/muffs and take them (at least the plugs) with you where you go. Better safe then sorry.

What helps me calm down is the four breathe technique. Breathe in - hold - breathe out - hold. Listen to and count your heartbeat. Its a yoga technique which always calms me down personally. Also don't worry if you have spikes even after you think its going better because that is normal.
I know i had tinnitus before and i still have it now. But that tinnitus is the type i have to plug my ears in a quiet room to hear. Its a consistent humming. Imperceptible 99.99% of the time.

The intrusive tinnitus was weird. Felt like my brain was a lightning storm. The frequency was always pretty high pitched. But i had three different tinnitus'. Left ear, right ear, and central. The volume was silent at first and when i was freaking out, not eating, and bedridden it was extremely loud.

It slowly trended better but i had good days and bad days, and good parts of the day and bad parts of the day. Think of a volatile stock that's slowly decreasing in value. The graph for that would probably be my tinnitus.

The difference between my tinnitus and many other people's tinnitus is that it's onset was stress (i specifically read something about tinnitus online and freaked myself out about tinnitus) and everyone's tinnitus is always described a solid consistent steady tone or pattern. My tinnitus was just crazy. No pattern. No steadiness. No consistency. It was just all over the place.

If you have Tinnitus due to loud music, don't worry. There a few steps that you can do to make it go away.
Let me draw an analogy between tinnitus due to loud music and bodily fatigue due to running a marathon.
After running a marathon, most people do feel fatigue. The body needs to recover from the strenuous activity. In order to recover from the fatigue, a marathon runner will need to take protein supplements to quickly repair the muscle tissue and consume carbohydrate to replenish the drained energy. The runner also need to take adequate rest by sleeping and not engaging in other strenuous activity until he is fully recovered. Sometimes the runner will go for sport massage to loosen up all the tight muscles due to the running activity. Likewise our ears. After the ears exposed to loud music, the nerves system in in our ears do gets fatigue (this is because the loud music has overly excited the nervous system in the inner ear). We need to provide our body the proper nutrition so that our body can start repairing/soothing the overly excited nerves system in our ears. Take a combination of 400mcg Magnesium + 1000mcg Calcium + 15mcg Zinc ( these are the standards recommended daily dosage). These minerals can help to sooth the excited nervous system. You also need to consume Vitamin B-Complex (For an example, it is well known that B12 helps regulate the nervous system and plays a role in red blood cell formation). Next, apply accupressure around the ears in order to increase blood flows to the inner ears (there are many ear massage techniques in Youtube). Lastly, give the ears some rest. No more loud noise for the next 48hrs to 72hrs. Do not even use headphones or earphones at any volume at all. The ears need to rest too. Gods willing, your Tinnitus will go away in few days.

Footnote: Most of people do not consume enough Magnesium and Vitamin B-Complex. The general population throughout the world are under nourish of these important mineral and vitamin.

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