Tinnitus from Headphone Abuse and Concerts


Nov 22, 2019
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
acoustic trauma
Hi all,

I recently developed tinnitus in both ears due to (what I assume) years of headphone abuse, coupled with recent concerts/raves I have been going to. I woke up the morning after the rave with incredibly loud tinnitus that just wouldn't subside. It has been little over 2 months now and I still have many burning questions that GP's just don't have time for/care for.

Being 23 years old, it obviously is extremely depressing having such a loud ringing in your ears that severely impacts your sleep and studies. Most times it makes you feel like you'd rather just lie in bed all day blaming yourself for all the life decisions that led you to this point.

The tinnitus itself started the morning after a rave and was extremely loud and debilitating, 2 months since it has been getting quieter (albeit agonizingly slow). A weird thing I notice is that whilst the tinnitus is consistently there 24/7 it fluctuates up and down every day but shows very slow progress (figure attached). When I notice it getting better most is when there is a sudden tinnitus 'burst' and and I can't hear anything but buzzing for 5-7 seconds then it subsides and I notice that the overall tinnitus has become that bit quieter.

I have been reading into some of your threads and you guys talk about magnesium and NAC and prednisolone, are these still viable for me 2 months down the line?

Could this tinnitus have been caused by recreational drug misuse? I have been using a bit of MDMA this year as well as LSD once (coincidentally started the day after LSD use).

Now that the hyperacusis is somewhat more tolerable and the tinnitus isn't as terrible as it used to be, is it possible to attend concerts again but with ear protection?

Finally, is anything in this story that alludes to my tinnitus not being permanent, I don't think I can deal with this everyday if it's long-term to be honest.

Thank you all.


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is it possible to attend concerts again but with ear protection?
Just don't. Hippy dance days are over. This is a good opportunity for you to grow up and stop tripping and taking ecstasy.
don't think I can deal with this everyday if it's long-term to be honest
If it is, you will. Life goes on. Besides there may be a treatment in the form of several drugs that are being trialed right now, maybe not.
I skipped 2 great gigs because of innitus, and haven't used headphones for around 3 months... ain't no gig worth a spike/further damages. Sucks to be a music fan but eventually you find something else. Don't let the dark thoughts take over, at least not now.
Finally, is anything in this story that alludes to my tinnitus not being permanent, I don't think I can deal with this everyday if it's long-term to be honest.

Thank you all.

There is no way to tell if it is permanent or not, but either way, the concerts are a no-go from this point on. If T subsides in a few weeks/months, consider yourself lucky and find new ways to enjoy yourself. Getting an audiogram would be recommended.

If it does not subside:
Yes, you can deal with this. T is incredibly annoying, but plenty of possible treatments seem to be coming up these days. Until those are ready, work on habituating by keeping yourself busy and not focusing on T.

Also, try to get good nights of sleep. I know this sounds harsh (suffering from T, after all, which makes sleeping hard), but either masking or habituating helps getting more hours into sleep, and more sleep means more chance for the ears to heal and the brain to reconfigure where necessary.

Search some tips and success stories on the site if you need to, you will get through this :)
Just don't. Hippy dance days are over. This is a good opportunity for you to grow up and stop tripping and taking ecstasy.

Haha straight to the point, fair enough. Yeh nothing is worth this getting worse

If it is, you will. Life goes on. Besides there may be a treatment in the form of several drugs that are being trialed right now, maybe not.

Fx-322 right? hopefully it passes phase 2
I skipped 2 great gigs because of innitus, and haven't used headphones for around 3 months... ain't no gig worth a spike/further damages. Sucks to be a music fan but eventually you find something else. Don't let the dark thoughts take over, at least not now.

i know right, got tickets to see Denzel Curry next month. Sucks to be selling the ticket. To be fiar, ive since sold my headphones and have taken up reading so theres that haha
There is no way to tell if it is permanent or not, but either way, the concerts are a no-go from this point on. If T subsides in a few weeks/months, consider yourself lucky and find new ways to enjoy yourself. Getting an audiogram would be recommended.

If it does not subside:
Yes, you can deal with this. T is incredibly annoying, but plenty of possible treatments seem to be coming up these days. Until those are ready, work on habituating by keeping yourself busy and not focusing on T.

Also, try to get good nights of sleep. I know this sounds harsh (suffering from T, after all, which makes sleeping hard), but either masking or habituating helps getting more hours into sleep, and more sleep means more chance for the ears to heal and the brain to reconfigure where necessary.

Search some tips and success stories on the site if you need to, you will get through this :)

Just found some stuff on sound enrichment overnight? have been sleeping in total silence past 2 months, will be playing this from now on
It seems like your tinnitus, despite its fluctuations, has a downward slope. Protect your hearing and in 6-12 months you will likely have silence again.
This is a very common thing, these days, especially with earbuds and loudness everywhere.

There is a good chance that your tinnitus will subside. Of course it would be best if it goes away entirely but if it doesn't disappear, the good news is that the vast majority of people habituate to it, over time, and it becomes very easy to ignore.
Just found some stuff on sound enrichment overnight? have been sleeping in total silence past 2 months, will be playing this from now on

If masking works for you, then by all means, do so! Just be careful not to completely mask it, apparently that has a risk as well.

Although, if your current approach has worked for the past two months, who am I to talk...
No one can say that you should never attend a concert or rave again. I know that was one of the hardest things for me to deal with as a music lover. But let's say you should take it off the table for at least 6 months to a year, then take it from there.

Your symptoms may well subside over months or years if you give them a chance. You are young enough to have lots of time ahead for things to improve, so who knows? Keep yourself busy and learn what helps your physical and mental state. You've come to a good place for help. There are lots of helpful and well informed people here who understand what you are experiencing.
No one can say that you should never attend a concert or rave again. I know that was one of the hardest things for me to deal with as a music lover. But let's say you should take it off the table for at least 6 months to a year, then take it from there.

Your symptoms may well subside over months or years if you give them a chance. You are young enough to have lots of time ahead for things to improve, so who knows? Keep yourself busy and learn what helps your physical and mental state. You've come to a good place for help. There are lots of helpful and well informed people here who understand what you are experiencing.

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