@JohnDoe2020 I am sorry to hear about your recent spike from starting Welbutrin. I really hope it's just temporary. For informational purposes for those who might land on this thread: I'm at ~7 weeks of notably increased tinnitus now (6 weeks since stopping the Bupropion) and it's still hanging in there...p articularly loud today

I did get a response from the manufacturer stating that 5%+ of people experience tinnitus at the 300mg+ dosage, but I have been unable to get any clarification on the temporary versus permanent nature. They also told me that the literature with this information is available only to doctors, so I'm working with my ENT / audiologist to see if I can get that and will post back with any helpful/clarifying data.
So in summary, it is a known side effect though not nearly as well advertised as it probably should be. That said, it seems illogical to assume that 1 in 20 people who take Wellbutrin end up with permanent tinnitus - or it would be far more broadly known in the circles of medical professionals who deal with either antidepressants or tinnitus. Of course the experience of several on this post (including me so far) is that the tinnitus is not transient; as things change or time passes I'll report back.
On a separate note, this week I heard a great talk by a gentleman named Shawn Achor who does happiness research. (He has lots of books online and is likely on TED). The talk was about optimism and ways to create a more positive outlook along with better social connection, both of which are big parts of resilience.
Three suggestions (to do daily) resonated with me:
1) send a 2 min note of thanks or praise each day to someone new,
2) record just one positive thing - no matter how small - that will bring some meaning to each day, and
3) find three new things each day for which to be grateful (his sweet example: 'this morning my child made me pancakes').
Sounds super easy and super hard at the same time but as I am currently in need of some resilience I think I will give it a try over the coming weeks.
To that end: I am grateful tonight for this forum and the support people seek and provide here. I hope everyone is doing OK.
Virtual hugs and positive thoughts to all.