Tinnitus Getting Worse After Moderate Noise Exposure

The office where is work is around 55 db with the aircon on, my tinnitus does spike but I don't think it is because of the noise level but rather the type of noise itself. White noise aggravates my tinnitus and the AC produces a similar sound, but when I wake up the next day the tinnitus is usually back to normal level.

55 dB is VERY low. Like a washing machine or a dishwasher. Are you sure it´s not general tiredness, caffeine or stress causing the change?
Since my tinnitus started (through excessive noise exposure) it has gotten worse twice. Each of these times it has got worse through exposure to what you would consider normal noise. Once its been made worse it does not go back down to its previous level. So I dont consider it a 'spike'. Is anyone else getting this?
Hi Louis - did your t return to "normal." Level ? Or you still have spike after last incident ?
@Louise, I'm so sorry you're experiencing a volume increase, whatever the cause.

I just wanted to point out that in a lot of cases the theatre is not normal noise. You said you saw Phantom, I'm guessing you mean "The Phantom of the Opera"? (Just a guess). Those musical shows can actually get pretty loud at some points, as bad as a movie theatre anyway, sometimes a bit louder - so if it did give your T a spike, I wouldn't then say normal noise levels can spike your T. If it's a play then it's different, but I would definitely bring and wear ear protection to a major musical show.

That said, I completely believe your spike level can go down. If t itself can go away after months and years, there's no reason your spike can't as well - have hope! : )
I think that we have to be very careful of the 'statements' we make. We all know that tinnitus goes from a tiny gentle hiss to a roar as loud as an engine. Different people have different levels of noise with tinnitus. Some of us have the type that varies from day to day and some have a constant level of noise.

It's not right to say that 'office noise wouldn't cause increased tinnitus' because you have no way of knowing it to be true. Perhaps for some it doesn't and perhaps for some it does.

Even though we seem to know far more about tinnitus than many in the medical profession, we still have to be careful about conclusions that we may reach for our own tinnitus being declared true for everyone.

Thinking of you @Louise x
I got tinnitus 15 years ago, it got better over time, I was somewhat careful around noise, then I picked up a hammer and wood chisel, and everything changed, 20 30 hits with chisel and after a week or so I knew it was different this time, I started using hearing protection most day, then hyperacusis set in, now 4 months later, I had to sell a car because it was to loud, and when I am around even moderatly loud invironments, like an office, with doors closing, people moving things on there desk, etc, It irritates my tinnitus and makes it worse, bike riding without hearing protection will rise levels of my T and also make it so that if I close a door the sound of closing door will instanly make tinnitus go up and ears are sensitive for few days, I am not sure how much longer this will last, I doubt I will ever get back to baseline. I was not even sleeping with masking noise, now I have plenty of it, fans, crickets noise,, water noise, etc, anyone else have this? I read other post that it got better about 10% a year, and since its been 4 months I think there is a slight improvement, so I guess in 5 years things will be better. I miss being around noise I love 4x4, 2-stroke dirt bikes, loud music, all that is history, but its all about acceptance.
I got tinnitus 15 years ago, it got better over time, I was somewhat careful around noise, then I picked up a hammer and wood chisel, and everything changed, 20 30 hits with chisel and after a week or so I knew it was different this time, I started using hearing protection most day, then hyperacusis set in, now 4 months later, I had to sell a car because it was to loud, and when I am around even moderatly loud invironments, like an office, with doors closing, people moving things on there desk, etc, It irritates my tinnitus and makes it worse, bike riding without hearing protection will rise levels of my T and also make it so that if I close a door the sound of closing door will instanly make tinnitus go up and ears are sensitive for few days, I am not sure how much longer this will last, I doubt I will ever get back to baseline. I was not even sleeping with masking noise, now I have plenty of it, fans, crickets noise,, water noise, etc, anyone else have this? I read other post that it got better about 10% a year, and since its been 4 months I think there is a slight improvement, so I guess in 5 years things will be better. I miss being around noise I love 4x4, 2-stroke dirt bikes, loud music, all that is history, but its all about acceptance.
Did your T went back to base line ?
We went out to a restaurant about a month ago, a place we go to regularly. We were seated in a second dining room because they were working on the air conditioning in the main room, where we always have sat before. In the second room, they had a beer cooler against one wall that was humming, as such appliances do. It wasn't particularly loud. But whatever frequency it was putting out drove my ears crazy. We left within a few minutes... and my T spike subsided.

So it isn't always the volume.

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