Does anyone know maybe there is hope for me.... I had non stop tinnitus for 25 days straight then all of the sudden it stopped for two days Now it goes on and off. Could this mean maybe something is trying to repair its self ? Maybe someone knows someone that had same experience with a great outcome. Thanks. I can only hope and pray.
That is something I wonder myself too. Not that my T is gone completely but mine is havily fluctuating lately so to say (but in general less or at least different (less annoying) than 2 weeks after onset). I also wondering whether a kind of repair mechanism is active or that the brain starts to ignore/adept to the T (kind of habituation). Thus I have more or less a same kind of question/thought and experience.
If I look at myself (sorry to this in your post) after a nights sleep (and it doesn't matter whether it was 5 or 9 hours) and during wake up my T is almost non existing, the mornings are more and more quite (or that is what I think!?!), however, the T than slowly creeping in again and during day time my level of T gets to its 'normal' level.
If visiting the companies restaurant (for example) results in an increased T (static noise) and then going back to its 'normal' level.
However, it looks like I 'recover' more quickly lately than in the earlier days (though, it also can be a wrong perception).
Sometimes I feel a fullness (fluid is running through my ears), kind of earpain, after that I often have the feeling that my T became less. Looks like this earpain etc... is also part of a kind of recovering mechanism? But maybe this is something I make up or want to think that this is the case?
So I also struggling with this kind of questions, something which occupies my mind!... what to think about it... etc...
So hopefully someone can provide some personal experience on this indeed...
Anyway, that is the most important of all I hope for you that your T is getting less and less active and fades into non excistence (fingers crossed)!