A number has nothing to do w/ my tinnitus. That is arbitrary, subjective data. Why not 1 to 5, or 1 to 1,000? My tinnitus is not numerical. Like for most of us, it goes up, it goes down, and the more I call attention to it on a conscious level, the worse it "seems".
Much of this depends on our surroundings and mental state. When I'm busy or really absorbed in something, my tinnitus may as well not even exist. If I'm in a quiet environment and focus on it, then it can seem very disturbing. But you know, that level is probably exactly the same as the times it may as well have not even been there.
Yep, now I hear mine. Before I typed this, I didn't! So measure that numerically, LOL. Now I'll hop on my bike or take a walk by the lake and it will "disappear". But I am 100% positive it will be at the same level it was when I was hearing it.