I'm so sorry you have discovered you have tinnitus after having bronchitis. However, it has only been a few days since your tinnitus began, so it's too early to say whether or not it will go away.
Are you currently taking any drugs, such as antibiotics, for the bronchitis? I'm wondering if the antibiotic may have set off your tinnitus. There are a number of drugs that are ototoxic (can cause tinnitus), and the one you are taking could be one of them.
For some people, taking a short course of prednisone can possibly cure tinnitus if the tinnitus is very new. You could consider asking your doctor about it, to see if he would prescribe this for you.
If, however, the tinnitus does not go away after you get over your illness, then there are many ways to cope with this condition. As Sandy B has said, you can learn to habituate to your tinnitus over time. The best way to do that is to be calm, not listen for it, and try to live your life as normally as possible. In time, your mind and body will adjust to the tinnitus, and it won't bother you as much as it does right now.
I'm sure others here will have additional suggestions for you. In the meantime, please don't worry, and it's best not to read the worst-case scenarios on the internet. We're glad you've joined us here, and I'm sure you'll find lots of great information on this forum.
Please be sure to read the Success Stories on this site, and they will give you many reasons to feel hopeful and positive again!
Best wishes,