Tinnitus in Dreams

I've had tinnitus for a month and I have had tinnitus in my dreams once. It was just one dream about 2 weeks ago in which I was going to a music festival and meeting celebrities when I all of a sudden heard ringing and it ruined the whole experience. It's kind of funny since I developed tinnitus from going to an extremely loud music festival and standing right next to the speakers. Haven't had a dream with tinnitus since. It's funny how your subconscious works
My very interesting (at least for me) observation? When I lucid dream, means I know that I dream but I am not awake, the tinnitus is gone 100%, when I am in deep REM sleep I can't remember much but the tones are never a part of it. But if I play nature noises over my headphones sometimes they end up as part of the dream. But always when I wake up after a REM phase I have h an oscillating tinnitus which derives from somewhere I don't know yet ... is is not my normal tonal tone but more a 20-40hz modulated lower version ..and mostly on my left ear .. which always fades after 5-10 min into my normal tone on both ears .... anyway sleep and REM sleep are very important, if I do not get enough my tinnitus is just louder the whole day. Would love to know why as soon I fall into daydreaming or lucid dreaming my tinnitus fades totally, if I wake up it takes 2-6 seconds and I can hear it come back.
I didn't have T in my dreams at first, so waking up was horrible because it was so quiet in my dreams. Then one day I dreamed and I also remember that I heard my T in my dream like I do when I'm typing this. It wasn't a nightmare or something, just a regular dream. So that was weird but it can happen.
I have no idea if it was tinnitus related or not but last night I bolted awake from a deep sleep to what I thought sounded like a welder hitting metal with an anvil (sp?) and that happened twice a couple second apart and then stopped. My tinnitus sound is a constant, high pitched buzz that never really changes so if it was tinnitus that did that I would be surprised. My boyfriend didn't hear a thing and I'm suppose to be the one that sleeps like a rock. Scared the crap out of me but we just put on a metal roof so to calm my nerves my boyfriend suggested that maybe it was some sort of animal on the roof (I have my doubts though).
Yes, and worrying about loud noises has invaded my dreams.
Wow, that's so true dude. I don't have tinnitus in my dreams, but in my dreams I was fighting in a gun battle, literally stopped it and said "i need to put my plugs in" and then continued.

Few other times I mentioned my tinnitus lol. It's actually quite amusing
I have no idea if it was tinnitus related or not but last night I bolted awake from a deep sleep to what I thought sounded like a welder hitting metal with an anvil (sp?) and that happened twice a couple second apart and then stopped. My tinnitus sound is a constant, high pitched buzz that never really changes so if it was tinnitus that did that I would be surprised. My boyfriend didn't hear a thing and I'm suppose to be the one that sleeps like a rock. Scared the crap out of me but we just put on a metal roof so to calm my nerves my boyfriend suggested that maybe it was some sort of animal on the roof (I have my doubts though).
That actually might just be exploding head syndrome, it is super common. It's either a door slamming, explosions ect.
That actually might just be exploding head syndrome, it is super common. It's either a door slamming, explosions ect.

It's happened a few times where I hear some loud noise that wakes me from a deep sleep and jolt my boyfriend awake and he hears nothing. Exploding head syndrome sounds.. extreme. Can you elaborate?
It's happened a few times where I hear some loud noise that wakes me from a deep sleep and jolt my boyfriend awake and he hears nothing. Exploding head syndrome sounds.. extreme. Can you elaborate?

Exploding head syndrome
(EHS) is a benign condition in which a person hears loud imagined noises (such as a bomb exploding, a gunshot, or a cymbal crash) or experiences an explosive feeling when falling asleep or waking up.

It's like a hypnic jerk
Exploding head syndrome (EHS) is a benign condition in which a person hears loud imagined noises (such as a bomb exploding, a gunshot, or a cymbal crash) or experiences an explosive feeling when falling asleep or waking up.

It's like a hypnic jerk
Mine is always when I'm in a deep sleep and I'm jolted awake thinking that someone is breaking in to my house. Never when I'm falling asleep. The only thing I get when I'm falling asleep is where my entire body jerks just as I'm about to fall asleep. I wouldn't doubt that the two would be connected.
Mine is always when I'm in a deep sleep and I'm jolted awake thinking that someone is breaking in to my house. Never when I'm falling asleep. The only thing I get when I'm falling asleep is where my entire body jerks just as I'm about to fall asleep. I wouldn't doubt that the two would be connected.
When your whole body jerks, it's called a hypnic jerk :D lots of people get it, it's not understood fully why it happens, but its fairly normal.
My dreams have been really vivid lately, like I remember a lot of details; it's like I'm going into a different world when I sleep. Must be the medication!!
I've never had tinnitus in my dreams. I am able to see quite vivid dreams and remember them in the morning, but I've never noticed tinnitus in my dreams.
As per above, I've now had tinnitus soon for 8 years, and not once have I experienced tinnitus in my dreams.

Yesterday, for some freak reason, I did.

I was firing a .44 Magnum multiple times in a row (target shooting) without hearing protection; my ears started to bleed and I would feel deafened with unbearable tinnitus.

I don't remember what led to those circumstances (for example, I'm not a gun person!) and I woke up sweaty with my heart racing.

Anyways, I'm reviving this thread because I'm interested to hear others' experiences, if you've had tinnitus in dreams.
Nope, hasn't happened to me. This dream account from above made me laugh though: "Pac-Man dying in the hallway outside my room. "Wer wer wer wer wer blot blot."" :woot:
I had one of these last night. Dreamt that I was exposed to gun fire at close range without any protection. Woke me up in an extremely anxious state that is taking the morning to work off!
While not completely "in my dreams" a few times now since I got T I've woken up from a fleeting/spontaneous tinnitus episode. Quite a rude awakening (luckily they quickly faded)
Usually I had my head/neck in an awkward position though - or I drank to much the night before and may of been dehydrated - so that may of triggered it
This is an old thread I started over 10 years ago. However, this weekend, for the first time in more than 25 years, I experienced tinnitus in my dream. In the dream, it was spiking quite badly, possibly because it's been spiking (and perhaps worsening?) while I'm awake as well.
A few days after reading this post, I started becoming aware of my tinnitus in my dreams. I do not remember if I could actually hear it, but I knew it was there, and it caused distress just like it does in reality.

If something negative happened in my dream, I would think, "Well, that is horrible. I have unbearable tinnitus, and now this happens!"

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