Tinnitus Increases with Exercise?


Jun 17, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Meniere disease
Hello all

Many posts suggests healthy food and exercise may alleviate tinnitus. But, for me when I climb stairs or go for a run my tinnitus seems to increase.

I have pulsatile tinnitus in my right ear (probable diagnosis MD) sounds like thumping or like drums in a closed room.

I saw an increase in tinnitus with salty and sugary foods and now also when I exercise. It's extremely severe like a fan rotor in the evenings! I take betahistine and ginkgo.. but it became severe after taking ginkgo...

Does anyone have any similar experience.. how to quiet it down a notch at least?

I think its normal that exercising leads to an increase, since it excites the whole body and the nervous system. But in the long term, I think doing some exercize regularly can only be good, for your body and mind as well as for your tinnitus
I think its normal that exercising leads to an increase,
I think doing some exercize regularly can only be good,
run my tinnitus seems to increase.

Exercise is good for the body. However, certain types of exercises can make tinnitus worse for some people and not just temporary. Running for example can make tinnitus worse due to impact under foot. This travels up through the body to the head and auditory system. Quite a few people have contacted to say their tinnitus has increased due to running and won't reduce to the previous level. This happens whether running on a treadmill or on hard ground. Some people with tinnitus are not affected running. My advice is to see what works for you . Please click on the link below as you might find the information helpful.


The above study is in reference to high impact aerobics and says in those participants, hearing damage was caused by the loud music played during class. I'm not seeing a reference to foot impact in terms of tinnitus. The study found vertigo concerns, which obviously none of us want to add to the mix. But high impact aerobics is not exactly the same as running in terms of body movement, there's a lot more jumping and head movement.
As @Michael Leigh suggested could T's behavior change based on the individual? I feel for me physical excercise makes my T on both ears increase 2 folds and today without the excercise I felt level of T remained same...also a doctor suggested it could be variations in my blood pressure (even though it is normal) could be the reason for my pulsating T. Since it disappears when I lie down and also when I get up in the morning for hours I don't feel it... I am not sure if this is even T cause I don't hear any sounds but the fluttering feeling in my ear is very high in the evenings! Any thoughts?
Thanks for the info Michael

You welcome @Julien87 I use an elliptical/crosstrainer machine at home and haven't noticed any increase in my tinnitus. I feel this is because my feet don't come into contact with the floor, so there is no impact underfoot. As I have said see what works for you. People have contacted me and said they found running made their tinnitus worse, others have said it doesn't. We are all different. What affects one person's tinnitus might not in another and vice versa.

Sometimes when my heart is pumping I hear it more, after exercise I notice a brief spike. Or when I stand up after lying down. In my case it goes away after a while.
As Michael said we are all affected by tinnitus but we all respond to it differently.
Personally l find when l'm working, l don't notice it and the same when l'm active - swimming, running or cycling. The endorphins help reduce the noise.
It's the quiet times that catch me out, waking in the early hours and unable to sleep again, it's tough.
I think habituation is when you can live with the tinnitus without it stressing you out.
I spike when tired and for me, exercise helps me focus on myself and not the noise in my head.
Good luck
I think its normal that exercising leads to an increase, since it excites the whole body and the nervous system. But in the long term, I think doing some exercize regularly can only be good, for your body and mind as well as for your tinnitus

Exactly !

Anyway I would recommend Sports like Swimming, Biking and other with not so much impact such as Running...

I also really need to do more physical activities but I have other body problems...

Take care !
Riya - my tinnitus sounds very much lime yours. Curious if you found out anything new since your last post? I have some seriously crazy sounds that change between a whining hum to a spaceship or drums in the distance, or like a whirring fan. Did you ever confirm the menieres?
I find after doing weights I get a spike, it goes back down after about an hour. I've started swimming with silicone ear plugs, and I don't spike, I also aim for 15,000 steps a day again I don't spike. I think it's a combination of what type of exercise you do and the amount of blood flow it causes. Maybe try swimming or walking and some low impact exercises and see if there is any change.
In the long run I think exercise is a must to contribute towards a healthy body and mind.
I am an avid runner. 5-10 miles a night. For me it changes the sound and lowers it for a bit.

I read a few case studies that stated people with TMJ/TMD and ran had increased T due to the bouncing of the jaw. Once they took care of the TMJ they were fine.
Exercise raises your blood pressure this in turn makes my T.far worse 15 years and counting its the witching hour at the moment 0200hrs stuck between a rock and.a hard place
Exercise either quits my tinnitus or does nothing to it. What the fuck why dont doctors know wtf is going on here?

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