Tinnitus & Interstitial Cystitis

Diet did nothing for me. Just so you know, it's a very complex disease and very situational.
Have you tried any medicines directly to the bladder? I don't remember what it was because it was a couple of meds (3?) mixed together. I can check my past prescriptions later.
IC just got me out of Jury Duty! :) :) ;) I now have audiology coverage under my wife's plan. I found someone who does TRT properly. May as well give it a shot since I don't have to fork out $$ out of pocket.
A post of mine focusing on natural solutions on another interstitial cystitis thread...
N-Acetyl Glucosamine Help for leaky gut and interstitial cystitis -- Help for leaky gut and interstitial cystitis
By Sue Cummings

We love it when we learn from our customers. Not long ago, Linda asked if we carried N-Acetyl Glucosamine (NAG). She'd read that it helped heal a leaky, inflamed gut. We did not; it had never come to our attention. We're well informed about using glucosamine sulfate for joint problems, but NAG is not at all the same. We had to learn more.

As luck would have it, soon after Linda's visit I was watching a podcast with Dr. Eric Yarnell, a well-known naturopath and professor at Bastyr University who specializes in men's health. He was talking on chronic prostatitis and how he treats it by lowering inflammation in the gut as well as in the urinary tract. His go-to remedies are l-glutamine (an excellent gut healer) and n-acetyl glucosamine!

That meant a lot to me as I studied with Dr. Yarnell when I got my degree in botanical medicine. I know him to be one very smart man. So I contacted him and asked for more information. He said NAG (like l-glutamine) is an essential building block of the gut and urinary tract linings, and mucus membranes in general. He admitted that studies on n-acetyl glucosamine were still small and few, but that he was getting good results.

With more research I found NAG is also used for interstitial cystitis, a condition that causes chronic pain and inflammation in the bladder and urinary tract. It is especially difficult to treat. But I found several naturopaths recommending NAG for this condition.

Still more doctors recommend NAG for intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and inflammatory bowel disease.

Given how difficult it is to treat both leaky gut and interstitial cystitis, NAG seems like a smart choice for us to offer our customers with these conditions. We now carry Wellesley Therapeutics Ultimate Glucosamine powder. And to think we weren't even aware of it until one of our smart customers brought it to our attention. Thank you, Linda, and to all our customers who keep us on our toes. Keep those suggestions coming!​
Also I've had Cystostomy for over a half a year to administer drugs directly to the bladder to avoid any possible complications with tinnitus and to get high doses of meds safely
Was it difficult to convince the doctor to have you undergo this procedure?

Wouldn't it have cured your IC if the bladder were to be completely removed and the urine would just drain into a bag outside of your body?
If you live in Europe I can give you a contact to my Polish Professor under whose care I am, he's also a researcher of this disease if I'm not mistaken and his points of interests are well, bladders.
May I ask you to let me know the name of that professor, please? Thank you!
In short, biofilm infections can adhere to your urothelium and cause UTI symptoms. They can also embed into the wall of the bladder; essentially, hiding from your immune system, diagnostics, and antimicrobials.
What antibiotic has cured you of your IC? How long did you take it for? Was it ototoxic?
Thank you @Snake!

I just got up after sleeping for a total of less than two hours. This flare is brutal (I think I just learned the hard way to avoid eating apples ever again). So it was good to see your post and get some hope (that if everything else fails, I still have the option of seeing that specialist). I am grateful.
I just got up after sleeping for a total of less than two hours. This flare is brutal (I think I just learned the hard way to avoid eating apples ever again). So it was good to see your post and get some hope (that if everything else fails, I still have the option of seeing that specialist). I am grateful.
Here's his private clinic in Bydgoszcz, Poland:


You should see him if it's that bad, the best professor and doctor in my life. You can even find that he has some publications on IC on PubMed if you search for him (and a lot of PubMed publications in general). As a bonus he knows what tinnitus is, especially after the experience with me lol, tell him about it and he'll be cautious with meds.

I think he knows English very well because well, he's a researcher and writes to European urology magazines. As for the staff at the clinic, in Poland a lot of people knows English as it's basically our second language right now.
I read just this morning the following from the below linked book (copyright 2017). In the book, he talks about how a person can set up their own system of ozone treatment at home, but there are also options to purchase things like ozonated olive oil capsules that a person can take internally to get started. I plan to order some today.

The Ozone Miracle, by Frank Shallenberger, M.D.

Here's what he had to say about bladder infections, with a focus on interstitial cystitis:

Bladder Infections
Bladder infections are usually best treated with antibiotics. If they are resistant, the bladder insufflation technique can be used in addition. But the most incredible use of the ozone bladder insufflation technique is for a very severe bladder disorder known as interstitial cystitis (IC). In 2015 I presented a study to the Cuban Ozone Therapy Society of 18 patents with severe and long standing IC that had not responded to any form of therapy.

Of this very difficult group 55% were completely cured and 30% were substantially improved after only three weeks of ozone therapy. However, because it is such a sifficult and painful problem, patients with IC should only treat themselves while under the supervision of a practitioner trained in treating this disorder.

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