How do you combat the T with busyness, when activity itself increases the T? Any ideas, struggling with this. I don't know how some of you can work with this. Kudos to you!
How do you combat the T with busyness, when activity itself increases the T? Any ideas, struggling with this. I don't know how some of you can work with this. Kudos to you!
@Mark McDill No unfortunately, not doing well. I'm fed up, out of energy, depressed.
@Mark McDill Thanks Mark. I seemed to get my legs under me, slow steps, now set backs, unexpected when I thought I was progressing, fed up trying to get support from providers wait, wait, wait, promises promises, promises. I guess I am on an extended spike or maybe this is permanent, who knows. I want to get active, didn't realize the price would be even more heightened T. TRT I hope is on the horizon, if I ever get to it.
@Mark McDillI don't know I have so many irons in the fire and I am pushing them all and I am wore out. Why do I have to do EVERYTHING, even think for some of them. Just draining and not good for my already depleted mental state. I don't want to react, I want to know how to minimize this noise, but then I am reacting? I want to get out of this depression pit, and when I move, then what got me there wakes up louder than ever. Maybe I have to go to a pet store and get me a cobra.