Erlend, I don't think anybody here is that sick minded as to come on here and pretend to be Guitton.
Also a researcher would be able to answer technical questions.
Also a researcher would be able to answer technical questions.
It would be nice if we could convince Guitton (or other respected researchers) to create a thread about his research and give us direct his views on tinnitus and his research findings first hand, instead of us having to post articles and quotes all the time. Kinda of like an real expert corner.
Please ask him what prothesis means and if the new drug is meant to work for acute and chronic T !!!!I can contact him as i have already corresponded with him.
Could you guys list a few questions that i can send ?
I can contact him as i have already corresponded with him.
Could you guys list a few questions that i can send ?
Oh well, as long as we see results in the end.From a precedent experience, it went a bit far and wasn't positive in the end.
How could you build hope on something so absurd?Since, today (08.11.2013) my hope for the Mutebutton diminished a lot due to the latest posts!
How could you build hope on something so absurd?
How could you build hope on something so absurd?
Unfortunately i couldn't find any positive report from anyone who was included in the am-101 trial neither, so i don't believe this will be a breakthroughI agree with Jake. This is one (next to AM101) of the few threatments/'cures' promising some hope!
Since, today (08.11.2013) my hope for the Mutebutton diminished a lot due to the latest posts!
Unfortunately i couldn't find any positive report from anyone who was included in the am-101 trial neither, so i don't believe this will be a breakthroughsome of the patients even said that it made their Tinnitus temporarily worse..
In two German forums, I read of 3 people and none of them is cured. Can you give me the link to the reports you read please?The only one i've seen said that she got tomporarily worse, so she quit, but then it went almost completely away.
Oh, and another one who says he got pretty much cured as well. Those are the only two i've seen.
Where did you find am101 participants?
If you are fishing for testimonies of people having tried AM-101 i have and old one from 2009 in French: Forum de France Acouphènes :: Voir le sujet - AM-101 : un retour d'expérience (bon courage pour tout lire)
Shortly he said his tinnitus diminished: he said he felt it replaced an "ear" tinnitus by a more soft "headish" tinnitus if i dare say so.
Google translate works rather well with this text. Also, this drug targets the cochlear nerve if i recall well so long term tinnituses or those with a brain/other nerve than the cochlear nerve origin should not be concerned.
Quelques commentaires
J'ai rappelé ici les conditions draconiennes d'admission dans l'étude, et l'on a assez glosé sur le forum sur le fait que le médicament soit susceptible de marcher sur les acouphènes anciens. Le médecin qui m'a suivi me disait qu'il n'en savait rien, et qu'il fallait des études plus poussées pour le savoir. J'ai quand même l'impression (et les conditions plaident en ma faveur) que le médicament tire son plein effet de deux choses"
I think this is a comment on whether it will work for chronic T. Can someone translate?
The reason I ask is that the google translation of this part (which really is most relevant for this forum!) makes no sense, hehe.
His work does not involve either of the Auris Medical drugs - AM-101 or AM-111. Auris Medical is in clinical trials with those drugs on humans. Also having personally dealt with Auris Medical during my research days, I can tell you that this is an unlikely scenario.Hey folks,
Just stumbled on that article in the french Quebec website QuebecMatin, that i googletranslated :
"Un espoir pour ceux qui souffrent d'acouphènes"
I never heard anything about that University, so I contacted Dr Guitton and asked him if his compound was AM101, he answered that he couldn't tell me anything about his research today.
Have you heard about them ?