Ugh - the audiologist who runs the Hearing Loss Help website, Dr. Neil Bauman, wrote an article on reactive tinnitus - he stated reactive tinnitus and hyperacusis are essentially psychosomatic conditions and was incredibly dismissive of some in the comment section.
"You don't understand what this article is saying. I think you've read too much on the negative on-line boards so have closed your mind to the reality of what you have to do in order to gain control over your reactive tinnitus. You want somebody to do something to you (like the FX-322 or Hough) rather than somebody help you to do what you alone need to do in order to reprogram your brain so neither tinnitus nor hyperacusis are a problem anymore."
These kinds of statements honestly disgust me - the victim-blaming is on full display here. Would you tell someone with cancer that they just have to 'reprogram your brain' to overcome it? And what's wrong with wanting a treatment?
Also states this:
"When you hang out on boards like tinnitustalk and others, you will typically find a preponderance of people who are not successfully dealing with their tinnitus–so they bellyache and moan–and everyone reading these boards thinks that nothing can be done."
It's funny because this guy has hearing loss himself but clearly is lacking in empathy. According to his bio, he presents at conferences on a national and international level. It's scary that someone who holds sufferers in such contempt wields such influence.