Believe me when I write that I've tried everything to rid myself of this ringing, from the simplest pill to the purchase of a $5200 Neuromonics unit. Placebos, really. What did start me on the right track, however, is having finally realized deep inside the truth. That this thing can't/won't kill me, and, after exploring tons of sounds to aid mitigation, I finally found one that closely resembles what I hear in my head. And so I carry that recording with me at all times and transmit it through an iCom from my MP3 player to my hearing aids almost daily.
Hi guys - (sorry David I don't know how to insert your quote above like others do) - I relate entirely to you and urge Mikel to try sounds (white noise, river, crickets) that will ease the T. When my T gains volume, usually late in the day when there is little distraction around, I have to plug into my earphones and mp3 player and I get instant relief - the sounds distract and ease T immensely. I also agree with you re Neuromonics David - I contributed $5G 15yrs ago and acieved nothing - my two $70 mp3 players are 100% more effective. Hang in there guys - I feel there will be a cure around the corner, there are some interesting posts here re research currently going on. Ray
Hi guys - (sorry David I don't know how to insert your quote above like others do) - I relate entirely to you and urge Mikel to try sounds (white noise, river, crickets) that will ease the T. When my T gains volume, usually late in the day when there is little distraction around, I have to plug into my earphones and mp3 player and I get instant relief - the sounds distract and ease T immensely. I also agree with you re Neuromonics David - I contributed $5G 15yrs ago and acieved nothing - my two $70 mp3 players are 100% more effective. Hang in there guys - I feel there will be a cure around the corner, there are some interesting posts here re research currently going on. Ray