Can anyone suggest a tinnitus specialist anywhere in the US?
Nate Member Author Benefactor Apr 6, 2011 13 MA Tinnitus Since 1989 Mar 17, 2016 #1 Mar 17, 2016 #1 Can anyone suggest a tinnitus specialist anywhere in the US?
Atlantis Member Mar 29, 2014 469 Tinnitus Since 02/2014 Mar 17, 2016 #2 Mar 17, 2016 #2 Nate said: Can anyone suggest a tinnitus specialist anywhere in the US? Click to expand... What are you looking for? ENT? Neurotologist? Counseling? CBT? TRT? What are you looking to gain from seeing the specialist (as you know, there are no good treatments for tinnitus)? You want your hearing tested? Some medications tried? What? Be more specific!
Nate said: Can anyone suggest a tinnitus specialist anywhere in the US? Click to expand... What are you looking for? ENT? Neurotologist? Counseling? CBT? TRT? What are you looking to gain from seeing the specialist (as you know, there are no good treatments for tinnitus)? You want your hearing tested? Some medications tried? What? Be more specific!
Nate Member Author Benefactor Apr 6, 2011 13 MA Tinnitus Since 1989 Mar 17, 2016 #3 Mar 17, 2016 #3 I guess I'm hoping to find someone to hopefully figure out why my T just amped up again. when I always protect my ears in loud situations. Makes me wonder if something else is causing it beside noise damage.
I guess I'm hoping to find someone to hopefully figure out why my T just amped up again. when I always protect my ears in loud situations. Makes me wonder if something else is causing it beside noise damage.
Alue Member Jan 4, 2016 2,163 Tinnitus Since 01/2016 Cause of Tinnitus Acoustic Trauma Mar 18, 2016 #4 Mar 18, 2016 #4 I would look for a neurotologist. 1