Hey guys. My tinnitus was so much better today when i woke up. It had gone down so much and even the hyperacusis was barely there. I was so happy. Then i went to work and immediately put on my ear plugs and used them the whole workday (8 hours). I didnt get the full protection (32db) cause i cut them in half so they wouldnt be so visible, but at least 10 db was cut down in noise. We also use blender there, because of some coctails. And everytime the blendwr was used (it is loud), i had my ear plugs in and i adjusted them at this second so they would help more. Still i sometimes took my ear plugs out, because my ears started to hurt after awhile. What i noticed that after taking plugs out, my hearing is extremely sharp. I hear every little thing. Also i havent noticed any hearing loss. I hear better than most of my coworkers actually, even with my ear plugs in. Now i got home and my ears are ringing again so loud and the hyperacusis is back. I dont know what to do, i am actually changing my workplace because of that loud environment and going to a more quiet job, but that wont be until one month from now. So idk how i will survive that one month in that place, i wont ever get over that spike like this. i feel like crashing my car somewhere or doing something to myself so then i would atleast die or be in a hospital bed for some time to finally get some quiet environment.