Really? Well I hope so. Hey what you know, one good thing about tinnitus. I am now forced to watch what I eat. Haha.Sugar for me, is a definate spike inducer! I never was much of a sweets eater, so avoiding it was simple for me. Refined sugars, are empty calories. Eat Some fruit instead. It's temporary.
10-15 minutes ago I ate 3 cinnamon rolls. Now, my tinnitus is clearly louder. Sucks because I was having a low quiet hiss day. It's still a hiss, but it way louder. Is this permanent?
That's not true. I haven't eaten sugar in two weeks, but indulged yesterday a bit because it's my birthday today and my mother sent me Swiss chocolates.The thing is it's nearly impossible to cut out sugar and salt. It's in everything. Example....processed foods, cereals, sauces. Marinades, biscuits. Snacks, fizzy drinks, alcoholic spirits, beers, fruits, and that's just a few.
Lol. Well it's been a while that I've had T. 3 months actually. And these spikes that I spoke of don't happen anymore. They would always be temporary spikes that lasted a few hours. Now I don't think I get them anymore. Or at least I don't notice them.I haven't noticed a spike with sugar or salt but I am avoiding both of them as I don't want a spike! I have actually lost a few pounds in the last month (I'm also 8 months pregnant) since this started because I won't eat anything if I think it will cause a spike.. Although, I did have my glucose fasting test done and did notice I felt particularly worse that day and the day following. But it was a LOT of sugar, I mean a TON on an empty stomach.. I would LOVE to be able to indulge in some pie or ice cream and not have to worry .I mean come on, the one time in a woman's life I should be able to eat whatever I want without judgment and I can't for fear of T? LOL.. JK. I watch what I eat anyway, but still.. ice cream.. nom nom..
Lol. Well it's been a while that I've had T. 3 months actually. And these spikes that I spoke of don't happen anymore. They would always be temporary spikes that lasted a few hours. Now I don't think I get them anymore. Or at least I don't notice them.
I don't really know if they caused spikes. But I usually don't care for them cause I know they're temporary. I've eaten donuts and cookies and have no problems. I think it depends how much sugar their is. I remember I had 3-4 cinnamon rolls and my T spiked but it went down in 3 hours. I don't think you should fear what you eat. I've never heard of a permanent spike caused by food.Good to know! I've wanted some ice cream so badly since this started but have steered clear. Even just now, at work everyone went to a local hamburger joint for lunch and I am SOOOO hungry since all I've had is blan-yogurt and decaf coffee and it sounded incredible but I said no for fear of sodium and will get a salad instead later.. In a way I am letting my T control this aspect of my life but at least its beneficial for my body too right? So good to hear your spikes have stopped! Do you still eat sugary foods and have no issues ? I wonder if it affects everyone differently..
I don't really know if they caused spikes. But I usually don't care for them cause I know they're temporary. I've eaten donuts and cookies and have no problems. I think it depends how much sugar their is. I remember I had 3-4 cinnamon rolls and my T spiked but it went down in 3 hours. I don't think you should fear what you eat. I've never heard of a permanent spike caused by food.