Tinnitus Spiked Due to Inadvertently Blasting Music for a Short While?


Nov 25, 2013
Tinnitus Since
Aug 2013
So I was in my car and accidentally turned the volume up on a cd that I thought was muted...it started up blasting since it was only advancing to the next track. Well now my T has spiked in both my ears and it's been hours now. Just when I feel things can't get any worse too. Does this noise induced spike decrease over time or is this now my new T volume? I can't live in fear of these little slip ups for the rest of my life.
More than likely it'll decrease to its baseline. Try not to stress about it. Get a good nights rest and it may be back to its normal in the morning.
It's so hard not to concentrate on it right now...I'm experiencing pretty severe depression and anxiety and am being treated with antid's but it's been 8 weeks on them and I'm still struggling pretty bad. It just doesn't feel like there is a light at the end of this tunnel for me.
Hang in there Lynette. After 40 years of T, I've learned I have to put cotton in both ears after a blast. It's my healing phase and I don't dare want to prolong it or make it worse. Maybe that will help you.
I can't live in fear of these little slip ups for the rest of my life.

No, You cannot, You will adapt all You need to do is set up a Mental Check-list and routines to make Your daily activities safer for Your ears, I carry a pair of Tactical Ear Plugs when I go anywhere I anticipate loud noise, I always turn down or off My Jeep stereo when I get out, You will always run into loud noise, but to face them with Your shield up is up to You, Lynnette.

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